
时间:2023-01-03 16:09:49 英语演讲稿 我要投稿
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  英语感恩演讲稿 篇1

Dear teachers and classmates,

  Good morning everyone

  The topic of my speech today is "Grateful parents".

  Gratitude is a virtue and a spiritual legacy with a long history. Its source is love flowing like a brook. Recalling the history, we are always moved by such a story: in ancient times, the mother of Mencius, in order to achieve the great cause of her son, even at the cost of three times to move, leaving a good story of "the mother of Mencius moved three times". In modern times, the mother of Ma Jingzhai, a general in the Anti-Japanese War, after she was arrested, in the face of the Japanese threat, fearless, resolutely let her son continue to resist the Japanese, and then die of hunger strike. Ma Jingzhai wrote the oath "Great mother, dead but alive, son to carry on the mother's ambition, continue the struggle". This case by case, song by song of love, does not reflect the greatness of a mother?

  Now I have understood: Thanksgiving, is the heart and heart of the impact, it can burst out the spark of love, I sincerely hope that all children have a grateful heart.

  My speech is finished, thank you!

  英语感恩演讲稿 篇2

Dear teachers,

  Hello! Our motherland is really great. Is one of the world's four ancient literary names, as early as a thousand years ago invented the compass, papermaking, printing, medicine...... And laid the foundation for today's knowledge of humanity, science, medicine and so on. Growing up in the embrace of the great motherland, I feel extremely happy and proud. Especially since the founding of New China, the Chinese People's Government has established friendly and peaceful diplomatic relations with all countries in the world. Since then, China has become a leader in the world. Our country has a prosperous economy, developed industry, increasing agricultural income, science and aviation with each passing day. I feel so happy, look! Our young people under the care of the motherland, in the broad bright classroom reading class, accompanied by teachers, the motherland has given us the implementation of nine years of compulsory education. Under such good conditions, we must study hard and learn the ability to build the motherland, which is the best gift to return the motherland.

  When I grow up, I want to remember is the cultivation of the motherland. To learn the knowledge to serve the people, the construction of the motherland more prosperous and powerful, more beautiful. When the motherland and the people need me, I will stand up like revolutionary martyrs, shed blood with life to protect the motherland and the people.

  Thank you very much.

  英语感恩演讲稿 篇3

Dear leaders and friends,

  I have only one sentence: your help like a timely help to solve our economic difficulties; Your concern is more like the spring breeze and rain to rid our hearts of gray; Your comfort is like a beacon in the sea, guiding us to sail far in the ocean of life!

  Finally, on behalf of the poor students, to the school, to the superior leadership, to the community concerned about our uncles and aunts sincerely authentic voice: "Thank you"!

  In the future study and life, we will summon up the courage of life, raise the sails of life, unremitting self-improvement, devoted to study, with excellent results to complete the study, repay the leaders, uncles and aunts, serve the society, serve the motherland.

  Finally, on behalf of all the poor students, I would like to thank the community from all walks of life for their meticulous care. Please believe us, tomorrow, we will be useful to the society. At that time, we will not only be grateful to you forever, but also learn from you, with their own meager strength to care for everyone around the need for warmth.


  英语感恩演讲稿 篇4

Dear teachers and students,

  Hello, everyone!

  British writer Thackeray said: life is a mirror, you smile at it, it also smiles at you; You cry to it and it cries back to you.

  Think carefully, isn't it so, life in the world, can not be smooth sailing, all kinds of failures, but we need to deal with bravely, open-minded. To deal with setbacks and failures, we should blindly complain about life and become depressed and depressed from now on, or we should be grateful for life and get up again after falling down to deal with all kinds of gifts and tests given by God, compassion and injustice. We may not be able to change the fact of life, but we can deal with it with a grateful attitude.

  Gratitude is a heartfelt, optimistic attitude to life, is a philosophy of life, is the great wisdom of life. It is not purely a psychological comfort, nor is it an escape from reality, nor is it Ah q's method of spiritual victory. Gratitude, is a way of singing life, it comes from the love and expectation of life. Gratitude for life, in fact, is to treat yourself, learn to live.

  英语感恩演讲稿 篇5

Dear teachers and students, hello!

  The topic of my speech today is a Mother's Love.

  The thread in the hands of a caring mother, making clothes for the body of her wayward son, she carefully sewed and mended thoroughly. Fear the delay will make him late home, but how many love have an inch of grass, report three inches of light.

  In our ordinary lives, there is a priceless moment that lives with us. Like spring, it nourishes our hearts; It is like the gentle sunshine, give us the strength to move forward; It is like a colorful umbrella, shelter us from wind and rain. Is a mother's love! Great mother love!

  Mother, my life comes from you, you in the wind, frost, snow, rain interwoven tireless; Mom, my happiness comes from you. As always, the symphony of POTS and pans has your kind reminder.

  Mother's smile is the warm spring breeze in the world, mother's wrinkles are hard years left by the score, mother's love is full of this world.

  Mother's selfless love deserves our respect, mother's tolerance needs our respect, mother's hard work for us deserves our respect! Please open your arms and embrace our mother! Mom, I love you!

  This is the end of my speech, thank you!

  英语感恩演讲稿 篇6

Dear teachers, parents and children,

  The pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. The big family dinner is planned months ahead. On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash. The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey . They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years.

  英语感恩演讲稿 篇7

Dear teachers, parents and children,

  Thanksgiving is learning to be the fulcrum, the heart ofThanksgiving is a good feeling, the world is all things to allpeople expressed their gratitude, remember, Thanksgiving is a finetradition of our nation, is a person of integrity at least moralcharacter.

  Thanksgiving is the key to return. Return is the feeding,training, instruction, guidance, help, support and ambulancethemselves. Grateful, and through its own 10 times, 100 times thepay, and repay them with practical action.

  英语感恩演讲稿 篇8

My dear friends,

  Every child is surrounded by the deep mother love. However, we often turn a blind eye to the love. One day I deeply felt the love.One day I hurried home for lunch after school, because there would be an exam in the afternoon and I had expected to go back to school early to prepare for the exam. But when I got home, the lunch was not ready yet. I felt unhappy. When the dishes were served, I forund none I like. I ran out of my house angrily and wanderde on the street for a while,hungry. Then I walked to school.When I got into the classroom, I saw a lunch box on my desk. One classmate told me that it was my mother ther that had brought it here.After opening the box, I found my favorite food inside. My eyes was moist with tears.Mother gave me her love without asking for return, How deep mother love is!

  英语感恩演讲稿 篇9

  The fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day. On this day, families and friends gather together, share a meal, and give thanks for the blessings of good health,food,jobs,and families.

  In 1620,a group of Pilgrims left from England to search for religious freedom,part of whom were Protestants.And they sailed to America on a small sailboat named the Mayflower finally. And they landed at what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts,in icy November. The price in human lives and tragedy had been great.

  On the other hand,they saw new hope for the future.The first official Thanksgiving in America took place in Plymouth colony, Massachusetts in October 1621.Thanksgiving did not become a national holiday until 1863 during the American Civil War.

  In the United States,thanksgiving dinner is practically the same all over the country. The table is always loaded with delicious food of many different kinds.Naturally,the main course is turkey(a bird native to the Americans),with an array of vegetables and desserts.Pumpkin pie is often served in remembrance of the first settlers.

  英语感恩演讲稿 篇10

  The world we lived in decided that we have to learn to help each other and get help from others.We as human beings have interacted each other no matter in which stage of history.And,also,we have to learn how to express our gratitude to our loved ones who have been caring us all the way.

  I want to thank my parents,who made me who I am,who shored my entire life up,who loved me with their life,who sacrificed for me through thick and thin.From the very beginning of my life to now,from the very simple words to the fundamental truth about life,they are forging their love for me.

  I want to thank my classmates,who are always friendly to me,who take me for their own brother,who share their delight with me and stay with me to brave the trouble that I shoule have done myself,who will always be honest with me.

  I want to thank my teachers,who reclaim me from the wrong way that led to inevitable failure,who treat me with care and respect,who give me the most extraordinary love that more than I can imagine,who define what it means to sacrifice.The sacrifices that without hezitation of repaying.

  I want to thank all the wonderful people,who are loving and being loved.

  英语感恩演讲稿 篇11

  Thanksgiving is a very important American festivity and it is celebrated on the last Thursday of November.

  However, schools and many shops and offices are closed for four days: Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

  Why is Thanksgiving such an important day?

  The tradition started with the Pilgrims, the founders of America.

  The Pilgrims left Great Britain in 1620. They wanted to start a new life in America .他们想在美国开始新的生活。 One hundred men, women and children left Britain on a small ship called

  the Mayflower.

  They arrived on the north-east coast of North America in December 1620 and founded Plymouth.

  It was winter and they had no homes and little food.

  They built small homes, But it was too late to cultivate crops.

  The winter was very cold and harsh. Their living conditions were very bad.

  The friendly Wampanoag Indians helped them during the long winter.

  In the spring the Pilgrims met an Indian called Squanto. He explained how to grow corn, hunt and live in the wilderness.

  Soon the Pilgrims and the Indians became good friends.

  The Pilgrims worked hard . By November 1621 everyone had food and a home.

  There was hope for the future. The Pilgrim leader, decided to celebrate with a dinner for the Pilgrims and the Indians.He wanted to give thanks to Gd.

  This was the first Thanksgiving dinner and it lasted for three days.

  Today the traditional Thanksgiving meal is similar to the first.

  People eatroast turkey, sweet potatoes, corn, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.

  Let's pregnant with a grateful heart。Thank all who helped us。

  英语感恩演讲稿 篇12

  First of all, I would like to thank today that I can stand here to participate in the activities of all the people, including me. The topic of my speech today is "thankful heart".

  Some say, forget gratitude is human nature. When we accidentally came to this world, haven't had time to do anything, we have already started to enjoy the former brings us all material and spiritual achievements. It's remind every one of us, to have a grateful heart.

  Have a heart of gratitude, more respect. Respect for life, respect for labor, respect creation. Hearts with gratitude, a generation of great men - small - deng ping said in three score and ten "I am the son of the Chinese people, I deeply love my country and my people!" With a grateful heart, the poet ai qing wrote in his poem: "why my eyes full of tears, because I have deep love to this land." Heard of the story of a man apologized to the tree? Heard of all the running car to make way for the dog's story? The true story, touched by a love of life, moved by people respect for life. When we enjoy a clean environment every day, we would like to thank those cleaning workers; When we move to a new house, we would like to thank those construction workers; When we travel, would like to thank the driver... Understand thank you, you will be looked upon with equal every life, to treat everyone around us, an ordinary ordinary labor, respect each also respect yourself more.

  Have a heart of gratitude, more can realize his duty. In modern society, everyone has their own duties, their value. When one of China's top ten XX touched xu benyu screen, goodness of human nature was lit again, this was originally the college students into graduate school, but they threw into the mountains from the bustling city. This extraordinary feat hurt everyone's eyes, each person heart is also lit up a smoldering fire. And let him to make a choice of the reason is simple: with a grateful heart. Xu benyu with his gratitude for the mountains children paved the road to a love, lit the poverty and hope, completed his duty, realize the value of his life.

  With a grateful heart, is not a simple endurance and tolerance, more not q, but with a generous mind brave face life positively. I believe, the most warm day from the cold, I believe, the most warm is an understanding of the cold, moved in a kind of gratitude. One must learn to Thanksgiving, to life with a grateful heart, heart to real happiness. A person without gratitude, heart is all empty. "YangYouGuiRuZhiEn", "crow has feedback of grace", "send person rose, the hand have lingering fragrance", "give me your hand, and son xielao," these are due to have a grateful heart, sweet, freely available.

  So I want to thank you, my life of passers-by, let me know how light fades to don't tie to the mind, thank you, come and go, I will cherish; Thank you, all the teachers in my life, let me know how precious knowledge, thank you, following years, I will remember; Thank you, my life close to close friend, share happy with you, sad have to listen to you, thank you, busy, I won't forget; Thank you, I to really beloved relatives, in the course of time, quietly watch over me, shelter from the rain, let me in happiness to be loved also learned how to love others, thank you, day and night, I have in my heart.

  Thank day litres of sunset, thank happy pain, thanks to the earth, the sky thank heaven all the stars, thanks to life, thanks to get and lose everything, and nothing had lost everything, let me in the season of the grass sprout out of the earth came up the beauty of life!

  My friends, let us with a grateful heart facing the world! Let's hearts with gratitude to our life! As long as our life is full of gratitude, full of hope and passion, our society will be less criticism and shuffle, more tolerant and understanding, would be less quarrel with indifference, and - more harmony and warm, would be less tricking and dysfunctional, more sincere and unity, our spiritual home will forever young...

  Finally, let's get together again to listen to this song "grateful heart" : Thanksgiving heart, thank you, with my life, let me have the courage to do myself, Thanksgiving heart, thank fate, flowers bloom, I cherish.

  Today my speech to this end, thank you

  英语感恩演讲稿 篇13

  The poet said: spring flowers to the door pushed open 。 i said: thanksgiving to the door pushed open the living. if you carefully listen to the voices of flowers, are everywhere harmonious life movement.

  Then, as a middle school student, how thanksgiving?

  First thanksgiving their parents, because everyone’s life is a continuation of the parents of one blood, all of the parents gave us love, let us enjoy the human world of affection and happiness, therefore, we would like to thank the parents.

  Teachers are our growth, are our friends, teachers care for us , their words and deeds, let us benefit for life, we pay for teachers efforts and sweat, we should thanksgiving teachers.

  Students study the lives of our fellow students to encourage each other, help each other, to jointly overcome difficulties and setbacks, the common taste of success and happiness learning, we should be grateful for every day and we accompanied the students.

  Thanksgiving-fighting, thanksgiving unlimited! students, and society thanksgiving! let us always to the life caring and full of love and love!

  英语感恩演讲稿 篇14

  Everyone knows that gratitude is a virtue, but not everyone appreciates it. There are many reasons for this: people who want to be grateful but not grateful for the environmental impact; Some people don't know who or what to be grateful for. Other people don't want to be grateful.

  While I was shopping with my mother, my mother looked at the old lady's thin clothes and asked her why she was so old. The old woman told us about her fate: she was 80 years old, she had six sons and six daughters-in-law, but no one could support her. She sells vegetables at home to support herself...

  My mother's nose and I were both sour. It is not easy for parents to pull us up, but now you are not filial, how can you not break the heart of old people?

  Thanksgiving is a heart of a stamp, everyone will pass it! I sincerely hope that the happiness blossom everywhere!










