上海中考英语作文范文:明年此时(this time next year)

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上海中考英语作文范文:明年此时(this time next year)(精选11篇)

  在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。那么你有了解过作文吗?以下是小编为大家整理的上海中考英语作文范文:明年此时(this time next year),仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。

上海中考英语作文范文:明年此时(this time next year)(精选11篇)

  上海中考英语作文范文:明年此时(this time next year) 1

  On July 28th, I came to the seaside city of Lianyungang with the summer camp of the Little Dragon Daily, and saw the sea that I had long longed for.

  Walking by the beach, the seawater gently patted my feet. I ran barefoot on the beach, facing the slightly fishy sea breeze. The world was so vast, and my heart was so free that I wanted to fly.

  At noon, the sea shimmered and the waves gently patted the rocks, like a mother caressing her child in her arms. The sea breeze blows, and the waves make a "gurgling" sound, like a lullaby, coaxing the child to sweet sleep

  In the evening, the tide began to recede, and shrimp and crabs emerged from the water, crawling on the shore. We chase them, they play hide and seek with us, mixing in sand and hiding under rocks. The campers, barefoot and carrying small buckets, competed to pick up the gift from the mother of the sea, leaving footprints and laughter on the beach.

  The deep blue sky, the deep blue sea, the sea and sky meet, blending into the boundless dusk.

  Fang lingers in the place, Lan Zhou urges. Ocean, I have an agreement with you: "Lets meet again at this time next year!"

  上海中考英语作文范文:明年此时(this time next year) 2

  The future is always filled with countless possibilities, which create infinite hope.

  The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and time flows like water. By chance, we were already in ninth grade. Spring has passed and autumn has arrived, and flowers are blooming and falling. It is another autumn. In this autumn, everyone stands on this campus with a heart of fear and tension, striving to fight against fate with all their might and writing their own better future. Faced with all of this, some students have started to feel lost because they have some inferiority complex! In fact, everyone has a dream in their heart, and everyone wants to sit in their ideal classroom in the future at this moment... Everyone has thought of such a dream, but there is no luck to say, "I will do it.". In this year, everyone has been under a lot of pressure, especially those average level students, and all of this is really too difficult. Today, we can all sit here, playing, studying with our classmates, facing these familiar and friendly smiles every day, occasionally being criticized by the teacher, and sometimes impulsively contradicting the teacher. However, how much more can we gather together with all the joys and sorrows, these familiar faces, and these steadfast vows of friendship? How much reunion will all this nostalgia have? What will be the outcome next year? Im a bit confused... What will I be doing today in a year?

  Today, I am writing an essay here, expressing all my feelings and thoughts of separation. But what about next year? Standing at the tail of junior high school life, watching the second hand circling on the dial, the people on the podium say and say day after day. Sitting below, we tirelessly select the so-called truth from A, B, C, and D. We grow and harvest every day, just for the so-called last move next year. Will next year be as I wish? The key lies in ones current mindset!

  The teacher once said this: People with dreams are the cutest; The person who realizes their dreams is admirable; People who have dreams but havent realized them have no complaints or regrets, provided that they have indeed worked hard and put in effort. I have always remembered these few words because they are indeed comfort and encouragement for all those who have dreams.

  When I stand in the high school classroom next year, reminiscing about the bits and pieces of middle school life, looking at the traces of yesterdays struggle, I think it will definitely be a feeling of happiness and sweetness!

  上海中考英语作文范文:明年此时(this time next year) 3

  Autumn has arrived, taking away the hot summer and bringing us a hint of coolness; Autumn has arrived, and the green leaves that once brought us shade have embellished nature into a golden world.

  Yesterday, the teacher asked us to search for autumn leaves. Today, the students brought many leaves, which are different and colorful. I have a maple leaf and a ginkgo leaf in my hand. I love maple and ginkgo leaves the most. The maple and ginkgo leaves in the wind are like a girl in a red and yellow dress dancing gracefully.

  The maple leaf in my hand is like a babys little palm. The base of the maple leaf is heart-shaped, with a medium green to dark yellow color on the top and hair on the veins below. I think using it to scratch people will definitely be very itchy! The gingko leaf in my hand is also very interesting! It is golden all over, fan-shaped, like the emperors "precious fan". The path covered with ginkgo leaves is like a golden carpet, and the falling ginkgo leaves dance in the air like butterflies. Looking at these diverse leaves, I believe it is your dedication that has led to a bountiful autumn harvest for people. The leaves have withered this year, and I believe they will be green again next year. You can decorate the green world!

  上海中考英语作文范文:明年此时(this time next year) 4

  Losing is normal, as a Warriors fan, it is said that winning 73 has greatly boosted the confidence of the entire Warriors team.

  But precisely because of being too confident, certain passes, coordination, and shooting on the stage of the NBA Finals appeared particularly casual. In the case of Boguts injury, there was no defensive barrier in the inner line, allowing James and Owen to take whatever they wanted. This is also a fact. The strength of both sides in the facelift PK is actually between the two, depending on their ability and luck at critical moments, James clearly has an advantage.

  But the warrior is still young, so this time he will just pay the tuition. Who hasnt paid the tuition? In addition to Jordans 100% championship rate in the NBA Finals, Kobe, Duncan, Durant, and James were also brutally defeated by the Spurs in the 2008 Finals! This is an inevitable process, but it has to be said that in the past 5-6 years, the dominance of the James family in the Eastern Conference has also been a major problem. There is no team in the Eastern Conference that can compete with Jamess team, and it is rare for the Heat or Cavaliers to lie down and make it to the finals every year.

  Overall, the Warriors are still young and have a long way to go. They hope to learn from their failures and regroup next year.

  上海中考英语作文范文:明年此时(this time next year) 5

  "May 5th is the Dragon Boat Festival..." On the Loong Boat Festival, our young reporters from Yangzhou Daily held a Dragon Boat Festival get-together in Heyuan. I arrived at He Yuan early at 3 pm, but fortunately, I managed to catch the competition.

  We sat down with confidence, closed our eyes and rested to prepare for the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival knowledge competition.

  After the host announced the start, we all entered a state of readiness. At the beginning, it was a must answer question, and both sides answered correctly. Next came the quiz, and we all squeezed a handful for ourselves. The host gave a question: "Which five poisons do the five poisons refer to? Lets start answering!" I knew, so I immediately raised my hand and said, "Scorpions, spiders, centipedes, snakes, and toads." I nervously referred to the venomous snake as a snake, but still added 10 points! We know most of the following, but our reactions are a bit slow. Many of them were answered by the young reporters from Hanjiang Experimental Primary School first, but with our efforts, we still managed to score a few dozen points.

  Although we lost this game, we didnt lose our fighting spirit. Next year, we will have to decide between high and low.

  上海中考英语作文范文:明年此时(this time next year) 6

  A orchid bloomed, and at the highest point of the branch, a faint fragrance instantly spread throughout the world. In the season when Nalan passed away, I, along with countless pursuers, fell deeply in remembrance of you. You, the noble son of the flag bearer, were born in the magnificent Mingzhu Mansion. I believe that the dazzling jewels and treasures must have shattered the dazzling capital. Only you are not moved by the smell of copper, and this world is only you. You have the wildness of the Jurchen tribes horseback in your bones, and your wildness does not linger in the shadows of the officialdom. Like orchids, they are mixed in the thick Han family classics, becoming the most dazzling stars in the ink world of the early Qing Dynasty. We were talking about you, and then we smelled a refreshing fragrance. The orchid was pure and lovely, elegant and small, and loved by everyone. No one would pick one because it had the scent of Nalan, always fragrant.

  You, in the year of the coronal ceremony, gently held the hand of Lu Shi, and this one was to grow old together with your son for a lifetime. Fate is always joking with you. That spring, your Lu family and newborn son left you. You stand under the wutong tree, with warm smoke and rain and autumn harvest, falling into the secluded courtyard with flowers, picking up a red bean, laughing and carrying tears.

  Orchids will still bloom next year, but Nalan is no longer here.

  上海中考英语作文范文:明年此时(this time next year) 7

  I am an ordinary girl. My biggest advantage is that I write my homework very quickly and finish it very early every time. However, the habit of carelessness cannot be corrected.

  Every time you finish your homework, dont worry if you dont check, there will be a lot of errors when you check. As soon as I look at the questions, I can do them all. Either I lost the decimal point or forgot to add a few zeros. Once in an exam, due to my carelessness, I only scored around eighty points, and I was so sad that I cried. Sigh! Who made me careless!

  Next year, I must get rid of this bad habit. I have set a study plan for myself -1. Every time, I must carefully review the questions and think carefully before doing anything. 2. After completing the homework, carefully check it two or three times before showing it to the parents. 3. Listen attentively in class so that you can flexibly apply what you have learned in class.

  One night, I had a strange dream: I was taking an exam and I finished it very early. Just as I was checking, I found that I had made a mistake on a question that was worth more than ten points, so I quickly corrected it. Just made the changes, the class bell rang, and the teacher collected the paper. A few days later, the results came out. Wow! 98 points. I was extremely happy and laughed in my dream.

  Although this is just a dream, one day I will turn it into reality!

  上海中考英语作文范文:明年此时(this time next year) 8

  We will graduate next year, and at that time we always said graduation was far away from us, but it was only during graduation season that we suddenly realized, oh, graduation is coming.

  I cannot ignore the existence of graduation, nor can I deny the departure after graduation. We once talked and laughed recklessly, cried and wiped the ground helplessly, quarreled and quarreled with each other, laughed and laughed recklessly. Although it was such an ordinary thing, in our eyes, it became the purest memory.

  Six years have passed, and in the blink of an eye, six years have passed. We have grown from ignorant children to happy teenagers. Perhaps, we have changed a lot to some extent, but the only thing that has not changed is our friendship.

  The graduation season is actually not that scary. Think about the summer homework we dont have to do, think about the graduation trip we look forward to. Although we are about to part ways, we still have beautiful memories, and we can meet each other again.

  Time flies, and next year we will graduate. We are about to step out of the gate of elementary school and enter the campus of middle school. Farewell is for the next reunion, tears are for the smile when we meet.

  When we graduate, I will definitely bid you farewell with a smile. If I cry, it must be because I drank too much water, because I said I would bid you farewell with a smile.

  上海中考英语作文范文:明年此时(this time next year) 9

  I stand in autumn, reminiscing about summer.

  Turning into the main road, there is a wide road with potholes on the asphalt surface, and people occasionally ride their bikes over the road. The hustle and bustle of students coming and going to report, crowded at the school gate, made me dizzy. A few more steps forward, a series of teaching buildings appeared in front of me.

  I looked up and felt the fresh breeze in this unfamiliar environment, which brushed away my anxiety and unease.

  In September, I came to the long-awaited place with sincerity and enthusiasm. The sun is like a unrestrained youth, generously wielding its endless passion, while I allow it to run freely on my face, sweat mixed with tears, still salty.

  Three years of advice and three years of hard work have given us a pair of wings to spread and fly. People often say that the long road is long, only through struggle. And I want to say, practice your ideals without complaint or regret.

  In the past September, those days became distant and nostalgic. What will happen in September next year, neither you nor I know. Perhaps full of ambition, or perhaps containing bitterness and melancholy.

  Imagine next September, you stand there, smiling faintly at me, silently surpassing sound.

  See you in high school next September.

  上海中考英语作文范文:明年此时(this time next year) 10

  This year, I had a joyful "June 1st". I couldnt help but think of next years June 1st.

  I seem to have boarded Doraemons time machine and arrived at next years "June 1st". Images come to my mind: I proudly stand on the dance platform hosting the "June 1st" event, and all the audience is staring at me, as if they admire me very much. Thinking of this, I am even more confident. I also thought of the teacher selecting me during the selection process, and I was pleasantly surprised. During the performance, I remembered everything the teacher taught me. On stage, I displayed everything as if I were the protagonist.

  I thought of it again: next years "June 1st", our school will hold a picnic activity. I am the class monitor and have led our class very well. The other class looks up to us, and I am very happy. The teacher praised me, and my partner is happy for me.

  Not only will I celebrate June 1st under the guidance of school, but I will also have an extraordinary "June 1st" at home. I invite my neighbors children over and have a small party to showcase their talents one by one, so that my partners parents can better understand their children and know their shining points. I will also give them a small gift, play games with them, and let them have a happy "June 1st" together.

  I really want to hurry up to "June 1st" and have another unforgettable "June 1st".

  上海中考英语作文范文:明年此时(this time next year) 11

  Watching the senior students bid farewell with tears and take photos as a souvenir. I feel quite uncomfortable in my heart, because on this day next year, we will also bid farewell with tears like them. I dont know who will be the saddest, who will cry the most, who will sing farewell hymns to me that day. But I know, I will definitely cry a lot, after all, we fought together in the most beautiful years of life for three years.

  I once saw a friends message on QQ: "When we graduate, lets have a hug for both men and women, okay?"?

  I didnt graduate, but I cried inexplicably. Perhaps its because it touched the chord of my heart!

  Next year, our group of children will go their separate ways. Yes, it will be next year, just next year

  At this moment, I remembered my past memories again: in seventh grade, we had a group fight and were praised by our teachers and principals as the "worst class in history". Even the homeroom teacher had no way to deal with us. In eighth grade, we sang in physical education class and played basketball in art class, and the homeroom teacher cried countless times for it. Although we were mischievous, we were still in high spirits. The top student in school was always in our class. No matter which time, the average score was always much higher than other classes. Are we strange? No, like ordinary people, we just secretly worked hard in places that others couldnt see

  At present, I think I am a sentimental person. Next year is our graduation season, what are we afraid of? There is still one year left, haha, school is starting, continue to enjoy the next 365 days of happy time!

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