
时间:2022-05-08 09:31:12 新年 我要投稿




英语新年作文 篇1

  New year 's day! Families are posted on the spring festival couplet, put on the flowers, a beaming spectacle. My family is no exception, big year 31 early in the morning parents in the room, change the new sheet, the sitting room on the tea table in succession with fresh fruit, delicious dried fruit and snacks, because there will be a dear grandma, grandpa grandmother, aunt, uncle to our home to visit!

  This year is no exception, we have a big family in the hotel to eat rice, a table of rich dishes, everyone to chat while eating ... unlike previous years, this year 's most happy topic - aunt belly baby will come out! Everyone 's face is permeated with a happy smile, for the new year, also for the upcoming " small steamed stuffed bun".

  After dinner, we looked at the spring festival party with relish, but the most interesting is magic show. Downstairs began to someone put fireworks, my father and I came to the balcony to see fireworks, the sky, fireworks colorful, various, is really beautiful! Fireworks are very beautiful, I hope you can consciously stop fireworks, in order to our living environment can be better! Unconsciously, the countdown to the new year began on TV, I fell asleep in a daze in happiness, wake up the next day, I heard the crackling firecrackers, mother said I grew up again one year old. Secretly tell you, the most happy is under the pillow and red envelopes! Ha ha...

  New year 's day is really good, there are delicious, fun, and my dear red envelopes, I wish every day in the new year 's day!

英语新年作文 篇2

  "100 Li different wind, thousand li different vulgar." This sentence is really bad! The Spring Festival in Beijing is quite different from the Spring Festival in my hometown.

  In my hometown, the twelfth lunar month after sixteen days, the working people must get home, make preparations for the new year. There are colorful firecrackers on the street.

  The twelfth lunar month twenty be busy, all the thing in the home to wash out, home tidy up, but the Spring Festival with a Everything looks fresh and gay. scene.

  We are like ants to the twelfth lunar month Ershijiuyi, like running. The people of the whole village got up early and went to the gathering to buy things that were used in the past year. Every family to buy fifty or sixty pounds of pork, two big tofu, do a lot of delicious.

  The new year's Eve, every family in the chickens to kill ducks. Ten miles away can smell the smell of blood. Early in the morning, the men and the children took the chickens and ducks to the small temple near the river, and killed the chickens and ducks on the stone lions. When he came back to his door, all the women cooked hot water. After the chicken and duck are cooked, the couplets begin. Each couplet is pasted with a homemade rice paste. Next is the "fried date", the children go to the kitchen, both hands to grab a lot of running, the children like the Spring Festival is one of the reasons is this. In the evening, people put on new clothes. After sleeping, the man has to get up at three or four a.m. and open the door cannon. There must be a red light in the night, and it must be 35 days.

  At the beginning of the first month of the month, the family was so quiet that only a few old people sat watching TV. The young lads are climbing to pray for the coming year, or be promoted step by step.

  At the beginning of the month of the month two, she went to grandma's home for a new year. A lot of grandmother's family, walk to one, eat one. The stomach seems to be broken. At the beginning of the month is eight, nine, ten of the three days is a culmination of the new year. Every household prepares tribute to greet the Bodhisattva. I take a flag with some good friends, and my father and the old man carry the Bodhisattva. It is said that the child can read very well, and the adult will make a fortune. Where the Bodhisattva is, there is the sound of firecrackers. We are the children always afraid of fireworks hit, let them later on, each to a place to stop, we will be burning tears. People have hung red envelopes on the necks of the Bodhisattva.

  After the three days, everyone was busy. The children are also waiting for school.

英语新年作文 篇3

  hoping to excite student interest in our reading center, i asked each teacher to write a new year's resolution on a special form and send it to me。

  after i posted the resolutions on the bulletin board in the reading center, one young teacher stopped by, looked at them for a few minutes, and then left abruptly。 passing two teachers on their way in, she stormed, "my resolution isn't posted - and mine was one of the first ones in!" i couldn't help but overhear, and the tone of her voice sent me flying to my desk in search of a misplaced resolution。

  looking rapidly through stacks of papers, i uncovered hers。 it read, "i resolve not to let little things upset me。 "

英语新年作文 篇4

  The new year is coming.And in the new year, I have three dreams to achieve.

  Firstly, I want to pass the English exam.In order to achieve it,I will spend half an hour to practice the English.Secondly,I want to practice flute and Guzheng.I have learned them for many years, but I still haven't grabbed them well.Thirdly,I want to earn three hundred yuan a month by doing the part time job online.Wish all my hopes will achieve in this new year.Best wishes to me.

英语新年作文 篇5

  It is a year, can't sleep well last night, woke up at three a.m., a bit sleepy, friend looked at QQ in the message, there is more happiness, at least someone will care about my feeling, ask a talk.

  It is a little tired to live, hard to make money, and the heart is tired by the people who have been deceived.

  Come to work, the young men Qi Qi called my sister, all are so simple and lovely, like younger brother more like a son.

  I really dare not to do it again, and try not to let the tears flow down. It's too hard to live. Why? The past is going to let it go away. I can't forget, at least not to let them harass yourself again, and try to get entangled in yourself. At least there's a lot of fun, with me.

  Don't expect there was no disappointment, I am willing to live in such a day, until his death.

英语新年作文 篇6

  As the most important festival in China since ancient times, the Spring Festival is always being excepted by we kids. Because we don't need to do any homework during this time very year.

  It's really a precious holiday for us. And our parents are free from their work too. We go to our grandparents' to get together with them to enjoy the moment when the new year comes.

  I will priciate if the holiday to be longer.



英语新年作文 篇7

  Winter vacation is coming.We're happy to welcome the

  holidays.Usually,winter vacation is funny because Spring Festival is during the vacation.

  Spring Festival is a excellent day for every Chinese,especially for children.During the festival,relatives go to visit each other and give presents to each other.Then it's the happy moment for

  children,children are given some lucky money.

  But i'm not a child any longer.I want to make the festival a little bit different. I plan to have a different day.I'm going to sell some toys in the flower market.I will ask my friends to join me.If i earn some money,i'll buy some presents to my

  parents.Well,it's my turn to give back to my parents for their love.

英语新年作文 篇8

  Time flies like an arrow. Once in a while, the year ended. Everyone is celebrating the arrival of 20* *. Everyone has different wishes. Some are trying to make money to buy a house, and some are happy, not bothered to get through this year... Let's listen to my New Year's resolutions!

  My wish is that the family is happy and safe, everything goes well and everything goes smoothly. My brother and I have been studying like "sesame flower - growing." I have a plan to spend the New Year.

  My plan is: one, do not spend pocket money, save the pocket money, send to the earthquake, the affected people. Don't sleep late in the morning, get up early, get up and read early. 3. Learn a unit and review it carefully. Don't be careless. If you're careless, you'll have to punish yourself. 5. Learn not to be lazy, advance the topic.

  Do you know why I do this? Not long ago, I read an extracurricular article. It's about the famous scientist, Einstein. There was a story behind him: Einstein was slow to respond when he was a child, and he didn't speak until he was four, and he was able to read when he was seven. However, he did not want to let others laugh, and worked hard to study the subject. In the end, isn't it a famous scientist? So I made a plan.

  May I be able to work hard and improve in the New Year. May our family be happy and prosperous.

英语新年作文 篇9

  The new year is coming again, and I have a happy and happy scene in my mind.

  New year, I intend to return home, because I have not been back for three years, the family of my hometown very miss me, I also miss them very much. They'll be happy to meet me when they see me.

  We will have a reunion dinner together in the new year. At that time, my mother was sure to prepare a table of good dishes: I would also be my favorite dumpling: my brother and sister would round us around. Our family eats in the romantic light, but it is happy. Brother to eat, say one or two joke, the whole family uproarious.

  New year, in my home, there are many customs, the most happy is that we children. We will follow the lantern lion dance team chuanjiezouxiang, a group of partners chasing, indescribably happy. We will use gift money to buy all kinds of toys, and play. Of course, the most attractive is the fireworks, of course, the children do not forget to pay attention to safety.

  Ah! It's nice to have a new year. If you are so happy and happy every day, how good it is!

英语新年作文 篇10

  In the early morning of this year, I saw grandma busy buying dates, osmanthus flowers, glutinous rice flour, preparing steamed rice cakes. I grow so big that every year I can eat the delicious rice cakes that grandma sends from the countryside, but I have never seen how grandma steamed rice cakes. I'm going back to my hometown this year. I'm going to practice it myself.

  Finally, after lunch, grandma took the steamer out of the cupboard. So I say to grandma: let me be your assistant, I eat my own steamed cakes, my heart will be sweeter! Grandma smiled and agreed. I pulled up my sleeve, and the excitement was not to be said. I seem to have smelled the smell of rice cakes.

  The grandmother first poured glutinous rice flour into a bamboo plaque, and added sugar, jujube, osmanthus flowers. Mix well with a spoon. Grandma told me: this steamed cake has the sweetness of the jujube, and the fragrance of osmanthus, which has a long aftertaste. I think: no wonder grandma sends a lot of rice cakes every year, but I always feel that I don't have enough. Thinking, I learn grandma's appearance with chopsticks constantly stirring.

  Next, grandma put a pot of water and chopsticks in the cauldron to cover the lid and let grandpa fire. After a while, the room filled with water and the water boiled away. At this time, my grandma in the walls of a bamboo steamer with gauze to gently wipe on oil, cut into mix rice noodles, clapped his hands around the perimeter of the steamer, such as rice noodles take strong, quickly put the steamer to steam pan. A few moments later, some of the mischievous vesicles were popping up in the rice noodles, and the steam came out of the rice flour. Grandma lowered her head, observed the source of the steam, and continued to sprinkle rice flour on the outlet. Grandma was busy adding rice noodles, while giving me the chance to give me the opportunity to give me a taste of the rice noodles. The rice noodles are very exquisite, otherwise, the steamed cakes, some places are born, some places are ripe, the taste is very bad. Grandma kept looking after grandpa to burn the stove a little. After a short time, a cake of fragrant incense came to the nose, a cage of glutinous rice cake steamed.










