
时间:2022-08-09 10:25:17 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




描写秋天的英语作文 篇1

  Autumn is clearly my favorite time of the year.


  The days have cooled down, the leaves have turned yellow and the world is busy preparing for winter.


  There’s something magical about the clear days, the first smell of the woodstove or the fireplace, the first frost, duanwenw.com the canning of the late fruit and vegetables; the pumpkin stands on the roadways.


  There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster1 in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen. Fallen leaves lying on the grass in the November sun bring more happiness than the daffodils.


  School has started and there’s newness in the air. Even though the season is to tell the coming of winter, duanwenw.com somehow, the world knows that winter is necessary and the long preparation for the cold of winter —the preparation that is autumn —is a beautiful, necessary part of the world.


描写秋天的英语作文 篇2

  As the saying goes: a autumn rain, ten autumn rain wear cotton. You see, this morning, all the people outside the name of the colorful umbrella, wearing thick clothes, in the rain in a hurry to shuttle.

  It 's time to fall and it' s cold when it 's raining. To wear some thick clothes. Unlike the summer, when the rain is cool and cool outside.

  The first rain in autumn is elegant. It does not play flash, do not thunder, just quietly sprinkle to the earth, really "Run things fine silent" ah!

  I heard the smell of the earth, and heard the sound of the trees, and heard their words: ah! More sweet rain ah! I have not drunk for a long time, so thirsty! This time, I want more Drink some!

  I saw one by one on the road is moving the "mushrooms", is color. This is the people holding a large umbrella, to do their own dry things.

  This rain has been from the morning, in the middle, never stopped, it has been down to the evening, or did not stop, when it stopped?

  The air was sober, the plants were tender and beautiful, and the road was covered with silver, and silver was shining and beautiful!

  Feel the beauty of nature, enjoy the softness of nature!

描写秋天的英语作文 篇3

  Hot summer quietly away, cool autumn is coming to us.

  That day, I was reading the extracurricular book at home, and when I had to breathe fresh air, a little drop of water fell on my little nose. I opened my eyes and looked, "Yeah, there was a drizzle.

  Rain and thin and long, stroking in my face, gently kissed me. The flowers on the balcony looked up and sat down against the rain, and it touched the flowers, and it touched the grass, the trees, and the things of nature.

  The rain is getting bigger and bigger, like all the things on the earth, calling more friends to be friends with them. Because the rain is big, we have put on a raincoat and hold up the umbrella I looked from the balcony, like a colorful little rain is moving, very interesting.

  I put my hand out of the window, the raindrops "snapped" fell in my hand, and I heard the raindrops hit the window, the roof, the green leaves ... ... played a wonderful music.

  Afternoon, the rain stopped. On the ground, houses, flowers and trees are washed a comfortable bath, flowers and trees are playing the twelfth spirit. The air has become more fresh, so refreshing.

  After the autumn, our surroundings have become better. I like this fresh environment, prefer to make it fresh autumn.





描写秋天的英语作文:The Fall07-10



描写秋天的英语作文 The autumn08-16


