
时间:2024-04-12 19:35:55 登绮 春节 我要投稿
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  过年西班牙语作文 1

  Finalmente, aquí en la escuela durante las vacaciones de invierno, durante las vacaciones de invierno por fin hacia el ao nuevo.Esta vez, definitivamente es un extraordinario de ao nuevo.

  La víspera de ao nuevo significa el final de un ao que comienza es de un ao.La víspera de ao nuevo tiene un defecto muy claras - un número de petardos aumenta drásticamente, lo que hace que muchas ciudades han alcanzado la grave contaminación del aire, por lo que mi familia no petardos.

  El padre de mi ao nuevo y muy diferente.El ao nuevo de papá a papá es muy significativo, porque normalmente sin ropa nueva, no hay cosas buenas para comer.Y el día de ao nuevo es lo que quieras.Mi ao nuevo como de costumbre, el ao nuevo chino puede usar ropa nueva, pero también puede usar ropa nueva, esto es todo por ahora, a diferencia de la materia antes de la vida tan monótona, creo que conozco lo suficiente en el ao nuevo chino, sólo saben jugar el juego.Papá cuando era pequeo, sólo importa tener ropa nueva tiene algo bueno, que es diferente y de la diferencia de dos generaciones de papá y yo en el ao nuevo chino.

  El significado es de la variedad de materiales de vida nueva, ahora todos debemos apreciar.

  过年西班牙语作文 2

  "Bang, bang, bang, bang", el sonido de los fuegos artificiales desde la tierra de los sueos de mi saco.

  El ao nuevo chino, hoy es la fiesta de la primavera, me levanto muy temprano a la cama.La habitación estaba corriendo por mamá, papá, mamá y papá, feliz ao nuevo! "Un dulce bendición llegó a oídos de mamá y papá, tal vez están de buen humor, muy temprano para preparar el rojo, de repente sacó de debajo de la almohada para mi!Yo corrí a mi habitación, no el número de número de color rojo, se puso debajo de la almohada debajo de mi almohada, escuché un par de días más billetes de $100.También fui a la habitación de abuelos "rojo, el abuelo y la abuela feliz ao nuevo" abuelos también sacó ya preparada, yo también poner debajo de la almohada.Esto me voy a lavar los dientes.

  Por la noche, tío, tía, hermana, hermana, abuelo, abuela!Empezamos a comer la cena de ao nuevo.Vaya, la cena de ao nuevo es realmente buena!Hay peces, tortugas, pollos, verduras y gambas...Wow, mira mi saliva también fluya.A la gente de mi casa se vierte jugo de fruta, vino, empezó a comer.Posteriormente por el abuelo comenzó la bendición: Feliz ao nuevo a todos, toda la familia alrededor de la Ronda.Después de que el padre, madre, abuela, abuelo, abuela...Han enviado buenos deseos!

  Después de la cena de ao nuevo, con mi hermana y mi papá, mi hermana salió fuegos artificiales, podemos hacer zoom.El Papa con el mechero encendido y las ramas, las ramas para encender los fuegos artificiales,."Pa, voz pa" realmente buena, imágenes de los fuegos artificiales en el cielo también es muy hermosa.Es más grande que un pequeo, este pequeo fuegos artificiales muy raro, es como un diamante, papá o con el viejo método para encender, escucha "esta explosión de fuegos artificiales como los" como explotó, ja, ja, ja, qué divertido!

  El ao nuevo llegó, me crecer de un ao de edad.

  过年西班牙语作文 3

  El ao nuevo!El ao nuevo!En la feliz, esperando con impaciencia la llegada de la primavera en el ao del caballo, en silencio, al final, ha dado la bienvenida a su compaero la cabra, oveja, démosle la bienvenida al ao que acaba de comenzar!

  La noche nos reunimos alrededor de comer la cena juntos.Una mesa grande y dulce, que la población no DC de 3000 pies y cena de ao nuevo, sólo una vez al ao.Vamos a comer y charlar, charlando, riendo, algunos en 365 días el hablar de nuevo ocupado; algunos aos en hablar de nuevo el cómo hacer dinero; algunos chistes y risas nos dice.

  Después de la cena el vientre abultado, yo estaba sentado afuera de descanso.De repente, bang, pensé que el terremoto!Oh, son los adultos los fuegos artificiales afuera!Sólo fue a la escuela los nios jugar "Spray Gun" bailando alegremente, donde el deslizamiento, algunos fuegos artificiales poco después apareció en el cielo "en 2015".Las ovejas de las palabras, se convirtió en un hermoso paisaje.Los nios más grandes pone bombas, el olor de la reciente epidemia de una luz, gas y olor desagradable es cabeza de una dependencia para la estimulación sexual nos cumplen.Mientras que algunos nios no miedo, jugar tres "pisos", "petardos", "doble caón"."El edificio de tres pisos" brillante, como una perla caída de salpicaduras de tierra, petardos, a la fiesta de primavera y aadir un floreciente, la "doble caón" ensordecedor, el conductor salió todo mal, y el comienzo de un ao nuevo!

  Este es el día más largo del ao para mi, ojalá esto es felicidad eterna, se recuerda mejor que yo en el ao nuevo, la última palabra: deseo de la gente de todo el país, tres ovejas Kaitai, ovejas de ao nuevo.

  过年西班牙语作文 4

  My parents want me to learn more skills, so they find a Spanish teacher for me. She is Spanish. She is very beautiful and nice. Her looking is different from ours. She always smiles. Every time she meets me she will say hola to me.

  She is patient, but sometimes she will be crazy by my poor pronunciation. When she meets this situation, she will try her best to smile and then teach me patiently again. She will think of various interesting ways to make me understand when I am confused. She is a good teacher.

  过年西班牙语作文 5

  At this moment, it was already evening and we arrived at the Spanish Square again.

  There is a governors mansion, garden, chocolate house, and Spanish arch inside the square. It is also the location of the Spanish consulate, no wonder it is called Spanish Square! There is a long staircase in the square that leads to the church. The 137 level stone staircase is called the Trinity Mountain Stone Staircase.

  The fountain in front of the steps has a very strange name, called Po Chuan Hot Spring. Touch the water, its hot. There is always someone playing guitar or taking photos in front, creating a lively scene. This fountain is the work of Berninis father, inspired by a breach of the Tevere River where a small boat was pushed by the water.

  The annual Italian fashion exhibition is held here, so the entire street is a famous street, such as DIOR, PRADA, LV, and so on. We also went in for a stroll, experiencing the feeling of being a customer and appreciating foreign art styles.

  Coming to the Spanish square, one can taste how the Romans lived, free and easy, and adept at exaggeration. In the center of the square, there is also a sculpture of the Virgin holding her child.

  过年西班牙语作文 6

  Childhood anecdotes are like the stars in the sky, countless in number. But what still lingers in my memory is "Spanish bullfighting."

  I believe everyone is familiar with Spanish bullfighting! Spanish bullfighting is a unique feature of Spain, and its visuals can be seen on television. I watched it on TV, thats why I had such strange thoughts.

  When I was a child, my family called me "tomboy" because I was very playful. Spanish bullfighting is one of them.

  One day, while watching TV in bed, I stumbled upon a Spanish bullfight and had a strange idea. I thought to myself, "This game looks quite fun, but where are there cows?"? Oh, by the way, isnt there an old white cow at neighbor Zhangs house? Its great, well play tomorrow.

  The next morning, I was fully armed and set off towards Mr. Zhangs cowshed with a piece of red cloth.

  I came to Grandpa Zhangs house and placed the red cloth in front of the cow like this. The cow seemed to be crazy, its eyes turning red, and I jumped on one side and on the other. Oh, no, the cow is about to break free from the chain. I quickly ran with the red cloth, and the speed was slightly slower than Liu Xiangs. From then on, I swore that I would never play such a dangerous game even if I died.

  Do you think Im very "crazy"!

  过年西班牙语作文 7

  I went to France, Spain, and Portugal during the summer vacation. I played there for over twenty days. Its an authentic slow life there! It was already very bright at 5:00 in the morning there, and it wasnt until 10:00 in the evening that it got dark.

  In France, I saw the most spectacular sea in history - the Lavender Sea, it was so spectacular! A vast expanse of lavender, neatly arranged one by one. A large group of hardworking little bees are gathering honey in this flower sea. Its really beautiful!

  Spanish ham and tapas are the long-awaited delicacies for me. I went to a famous local restaurant and had a dish called Jamon Tapas. Its actually ham tapas. Its really delicious!

  Barcelona, a major city in Spain, is not as good as many people imagine. There are still some bad guys there. We have encountered such a person. They were originally going to puncture the tires of our car with a knife, and then snatch our belongings while we were getting off the car for inspection. Although we were not deceived, we still spent 150 euros to change a tire, which is 1237 yuan RMB.

  This journey has left a deep impression on me, and I will never forget it.

  过年西班牙语作文 8

  Since the school held the Spanish Foreign Language Festival, I have known that Spain is a magical country that fascinates me, and I really want to see it with my own eyes. This summer, my dream has finally come true.

  In July, my parents and I embarked on a trip to Spain together. In Spain, I have traveled to many cities, among which Barcelona is my favorite. Because there is the masterpiece of genius architect Gaudi, the Holy Family Cathedral, which is the only building in the world that has not yet been completed and is known as a World Heritage Site. I walked into the church as if I had entered nature, because the interior of the church was filled with carvings resembling trees and flowers. Its really amazing! There is also the world-renowned Barcelona football team in Barcelona. I, like many young fans, put on Barcelonas jersey and looked absolutely handsome! Someone is still looking for my signature.

  I also passed through Valencia and tasted delicious meatballs and rice there. Roucai rice is the most authentic stewed rice in Valencia, mainly made of rabbit meat, chicken, and vegetables. A golden pot looks very tempting and tastes even more delicious. I also watched exciting bullfighting matches in Valencia. The Spanish bullfighters were both witty and brave, and the audience cheered enthusiastically for them. The scene was exciting and unforgettable.

  This is a wonderful trip, through which I have deeply experienced the infinite charm of Spain! I hope you fall in love with this beautiful country like me.

  过年西班牙语作文 9

  This summer, our whole family went on a trip to Spain together. During this trip, some observations left a deep impression on me.

  When I went to eat Spanish deep-fried dough sticks, I found that it was a little different from our Chinese deep-fried dough sticks. Spanish deep-fried dough sticks had two kinds of thick and thin ones. The thick ones were about the same as our Chinese deep-fried dough sticks, and the thin ones were only as thick as our pen. When Spanish people eat deep-fried dough sticks, they dip a little chocolate sauce in it. Its really delicious.

  My parents and I went to the aquarium, and we saw a group of flamingos inside. One of them was shaking its legs. At that time, my dad said, "Look, theres a flamingo shaking its legs over there!" Then my dad learned to imitate it and said, "I dont have enough WeChat steps today, I have to walk again!" My mom and I were both amused by my dad.

  In the Chocolate Museum, we saw many statues made of chocolate, among which the longest one was about one meter long, and the tallest one was about the same height as our teachers podium. In chocolate statues, most of them are made with patterns from movies, cartoons, and picture books, such as Flyhouse, Tintin, Smurfs, and so on. In the Chocolate Museum, the most interesting thing is still their tickets. The ticket to the Chocolate Museum is actually a piece of chocolate. At that time, the ticket seller aunt specifically asked us which country we were from, and we said it was from China. So, the ticket seller aunt changed the packaging paper of the chocolate to the pattern of the Chinese national flag, with the Chinese word "welcome" next to it. This summer, this happy trip to Spain made me very happy!

  过年西班牙语作文 10

  Among my good friends, there is a person who has naturally curly hair and a small apple like face, but her teeth are very sparse and she also has two large teeth, which earned her the nickname "Spain".

  When it comes to this "Spain", she is both cute and fierce. Look, shes uploading her selfie on the dynamic again, with a note next to it saying "I didnt take any medicine today, I feel cute!" "Spain" is really a selfie maniac, and its because of selfies that her fierce posture is undoubtedly revealed. ".

  It was an afternoon with clear skies and thousands of miles, and "Spain" and I were playing in the community. "Liu Xiaoyue, wait for me a moment. Look at these beautiful flowers, I need to take a selfie as a souvenir." Hey! I cant help but watch her take selfies. Spain pouted her cherry lips, one eye open and the other closed. At this moment, the troublemaker Zhang Xiantang tiptoed around "Spain" and slapped her with lightning speed, causing "Spain" to lose her face and feel like her soul was about to be scared away. I saw "Spain" scream with a heart wrenching scream: "Youre so good, Zhang Xiantang. You dare to disturb me taking photos, are you itching?" She lifted her pants and rushed towards Zhang Xiantang. He saw the situation was not good and immediately ran away. So, the plot of "Cat and Mouse" began to unfold again.

  Do you want to know who this cute and fierce "Spain" is? Let me tell you, she is Xiaoni.










