Chirp... "The two swallows cried in sadness," the environment is so bad, the white clouds in the sky are replaced by black smoke. The crystal-clear river is covered with garbage; The green and lush trees were cut down and the forest grew smaller and smaller... ""
The two swallows flew about, trying to find a fresh air. Suddenly, the swallow saw a small fish floating on the surface of the water. A swallow flew over and asked, "what is wrong with you, little sister?" "I am ill," said the little fish weakly. "it is too difficult to find the secret recipe for my illness!" "Why are you ill?" asked the little swallow curiously. Fish with a sigh, helpless, said: "people don't care for the environment, causing water pollution, air pollution, such as environmental pollution, bring the harm to our plants and animals, also threatens the survival of mankind." The swallow nodded. "What is the" secret sauce "? The swallow is at the bottom of the plane. "The secret recipe is to protect the environment," said the little fish. "I'll be fine. But it's too hard to do it." "Let me try! "Said the little swallow. Say that finish, then fly to the city, to shout loudly: "protect the environment, is good for your human! Don't you imagine dinosaur extinction?..."
People listened to the little swallow and finally understood the importance of protecting the environment. People began to plant trees and pick up litter...
Before long, white clouds were flying over the earth, tall and tall trees...