
时间:2024-03-03 07:20:17 平安夜 我要投稿
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  Bell waving,miss,elk dragged a greeting,sung carols and the fire lit up a joy,apple is filled with peace,SMS convey blessings。 On Christmas Eve,wish you happy every day,safe life!

  2 、满天的烟火为你妖娆,圣诞树的灯光为你闪耀,节日的钟声为你在敲,送上我虔诚的祈祷,祝你平安快乐越来越好。平安夜快乐!

  All the fireworks to your enchanting,the Christmas tree lights shine for you,holiday bells in tapping for you,send you my devout pray,I wish you a happy peace is getting better and better。 Happy Christmas Eve!


  Missing a day no update,warm greetings to you,Christmas Eve comes blessing kiss all the more,I have a piece of the most sincerely,wish you:happy always,happiness always accompany,happy Christmas Eve!

  4 、平安夜,莫忘情,想念你,写短信,送平安,表心意,送玫瑰,表爱意,送真心,表关心,送糖果,表甜蜜,送祈祷,表平安,求耶稣,保佑你!On Christmas Eve,she wavered,miss you,write messages,send peace,table intention,send roses,the table of love,sincerity,care,send candy,sweet,send prayers,table peace,Jesus,bless you!

  5 、明月照积雪,平安夜到来。思念远方人,他乡莫更哀。祝福千万句,短信传递来。岁岁平安年,事事皆安康。祝福远方的你,心随歌飞扬。

  The moon as snow, Christmas Eve。 Miss distance, the country's more sorrow。 Pass to blessing thousands of words, text messages。 But each peace, everything is healthy。 Wish distant with you, the heart with songs。

  6 、平安夜,愿你:平复一下失意的恼火,平息一下磨难的怒火;安抚一下平安的焰火,安享一下平安的烟火;祝你平安夜快乐上火,挑燃顺利雄火!

  On Christmas Eve, wish you:remove the frustrated, calm suffering anger;Pamper peace of fireworks, and enjoys the peace of fireworks;I wish you a happy Christmas Eve were mentioned, pick male fire smoothly!

  7 、平安夜送你一个苹果,祈福你一生平安幸福;圣诞节送你一个香橙,保佑你一世心想事成;狂欢夜送你一个火龙果,祝愿你一辈子红红火火。节日快乐!

  Christmas Eve gave you an apple, bless you safe and happy life;Send you a Christmas orange, bless you forever horse;Carnival night send you a dragon fruit, I wish you all your life thriving。 A happy holiday!

  8 、一颗丹心坦荡荡,两袖清风无阻挡,三生有幸结真缘,四海福星照吉祥,平安夜,送你平安符,愿你一生平安、好运吉祥、幸福快乐,久久长长。

  An educational naked, remain uncorrupted without stop, to have true affinity, universal fusion as auspicious, Christmas Eve, send you "peace sign", peace to your life, good luck, good fortune, happiness, long long。


  With sincere blessing and sincerest greetings to you。 No matter years how change Benz, whether or not the hustle and bustle of you in the side, you are happiness forever, is my biggest wish。 On Christmas Eve, wish you peace!

  1 0 、在美丽的平安夜,如果能与你静静地相守,那就是圣诞老人送我的最珍贵的礼物;如果能听到你美妙的声音,那么将是一年中我最幸福的时刻,平安夜快乐!

  In the beautiful Christmas Eve, if can quietly together with you, that is Santa Claus gave me the most precious gift;If can hear your beautiful voice, will is I the most happy moment in a year, Christmas Eve is happy!

  1 1、平安夜里想起你,满心祝福送给你,安康财运伴着你,福禄寿喜保佑你,忘记了我没关系,短信祝福要铭记,快乐微笑过每天,圣诞记得要开心,圣诞快乐。

  Peace at night thinking of you, full of blessing you, ankang money with you, blessing ShouXi bless you, forgot me it doesn't matter, SMS blessing to remember, happy smile every day, remember to happy Christmas, a merry Christmas。

  1 2、千家万户灯火亮,欢声笑语歌声扬。平安之夜烛光耀,欢聚一堂齐欢唱。钟声响起送祝福,朋友短信祁平安。祝你一生都平安,吉祥如意皆美满。愿平安风顺!

  Thousands of bright lights and laughter song Yang。 Christmas night candles shone, gather together singing。 Qi peace bells to send blessings, a friend text messages。 Wishing you peace and all his life, happy happy good lucky for you all。 Peace be wind!

  1 3、在上海,平安夜怎么过?听我给你来说一说:外滩边上溜达溜达,东方明珠爬一爬,新天地里来泡吧,徐家汇商圈里面逛街购物把钱花,祝你开心快乐笑哈哈!

  In Shanghai, how do on Christmas Eve?Listen to me say:I gave you run on the edge of the bund, the Oriental pearl tower, climbing a to bubble in the new world, xujiahui business circle inside shopping shopping spend money, I wish you a happy happy laugh!

  1 4、浦西外滩逛一逛,衡山酒吧话情调,东方明珠瞧夜景,城隍庙中留个影,阳澄湖旁尝闸蟹,七宝老街品美味,人民广场走几步。上海平安夜,愿你过得好惬意。

  Puxi bund walk, hengshan bar with appeal, the Oriental pearl TV tower at night, leave a shadow in the chenghuang temple, taste ZhaXie yangcheng lake, qibao old street tasted delicious, the people's square a few steps。 Shanghai on Christmas Eve, wish you have a good comfortable。









