
时间:2024-08-16 10:07:29 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1


  Talking about Having Sports

  David: Susan, you like sports, dont you?

  Susan: Yes. I have sports every afternoon.

  David: Do you often go swimming?

  Susan: Yes, I go swimming once a week.

  David: I used to swim at middle school, but I dont have time any more.

  Susan: Thats too bad! Exercise is very important.

  David: I know. I am getting fat, you see. Anyway, I dont want to be heavy.

  Susan: Well, Im going to swim this afternoon. Do you want to go with me?

  David: OK! I really need more exercises. When and where shall we meet?

  Susan: How about three oclock, at the swimming-pool?

  David: All right. Good-bye!

  Susan: Good-bye!

学英语作文 篇2


  You should write a short essay entitled Say No to Pirated Products.Suppose you are going to prepare a gift for your mother's birthday. What gift would you like to choose and why7





  Say No to Pirated Products

  Today, piracy problem is increasing strikingly in China. Besides books, any products, like tapes, CDs and software can be copied.

  It has been well known that due to piracy legitimate producers, inventors and authors have suffered losses in many ways. At first, pirated copies often cost much less than the original ones. As a result, they can enjoy a considerable price advantage despite the poor quality. Compared with pirated products, the original ones sell poorly.

  Secondly, because of poor quality, the authors' reputation as well as the publishers' is greatly hurt. Moreover, pirated products may also have negative impacts on customers provided that those legitimate producers' enthusiasm is greatly hurt. The problem will evolve into a vicious cycle.

  In my opinion, the government should launch more anti-piracy campaigns and strengthen supervision to further clean up the book, video and software markets. Besides, as customers, we should raise our awareness on how to use legal products as well. Only in this way, I think, can we bring an end to piracy.

学英语作文 篇3


  Time: 3:00 p.m. on December 10, 20xx

  Place: multifunctional meeting room of the company


  1. Wang Ming, general manager

  2. Li Fei, sales manager

  3. Liu Li, production manager

  4. Zhang Hua, purchase manager

  5. Sun Yu, minutes keeper


  1. The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed.

  2. The general manager heard the working report from the department managers.

  3. The general manager announced the dates of the company's holidays: 5th to 16th July.

  4. No further business. The meeting ended at 4:00 p.m.


  本文要求填制一份会议记录。会议记录一般包括会议时间、地点、出席人、缺席人、会议议程等等。就本题目而言,中文表达均已给出,考生只要将其合理地表达成英文即可。注意时间和地点的表达方式,另外还有个别单词或词组的翻译.如“听取汇报”为hear the report from…。

学英语作文 篇4

  The Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in the 21st century(生活在21世纪的优缺点)

  Living in the 21st century offers certain advantages,such as a higher standard of living, but it also has some disadvantages, such as a polluted environment.

  To begin with, most people now have more money for less hard work. They earn higher salaries than before and enjoy better social security, such as social welfare for laid-off workers and disability insurance.

  Secondly, because of the advance in medical technology which leads to better medical care and treatment, people’s life expectancy is longer. Moreover, most people now can afford to buy foods of high nutrition and enjoy their leisure time.

学英语作文 篇5

  如果我们分析海水的盐度,会发现地区间只有轻微的变化,然而有些小的变化是重要的。 导致海洋的盐度变化的基本过程有三个。


  当然,如果这种方式走向极端,将会余下白色的盐晶体。 与蒸发相反的是降水,如降雨,由此水被加入海中,海水被稀释,从而盐度降低。 这种情形会发生在大量降雨的地区,或江河入海岸处。 因此,盐度通过蒸发减少水分而上升或通过降水或径流增加淡水成分而下降。

  一般来说,在阳光很强烈的热带地区,海水的盐度略高于世界上其它没有热带那样多的蒸发的地区。 同理,在江河稀释海水的海岸地带,海水盐度略低于其它海区。

  第三个可以变更盐度的过程与海洋中冰的`形成和融化有关。 海水冻结时,溶于其中的物质被留了下来。 这样,在新形成的海水冰面的正下方的海水比在冰形成之前有更高的盐度。 当然,当冰融化的时候,会降低周围水中的盐度。 在南极洲边缘的威德尔海中,结冰过程增加低温海水的盐度,从而形成了浓度最大的海水。 这些大密度的海水下沉,可以在世界海洋的深水域发现。

学英语作文 篇6

  I am very happy that i find the webside of the English study room this noon .

  I am a self-taught student and i dream i can make a lot of friends that love english study .I have no chance to be a school student but i believe hard work can equal to the smart. There were only two creature that can get the top of the high point the eagle and the snail .The eagle may get the target very easily but the snail is much more difficult but if there a friend who can do him a favor maybe he can get the point more easy .

  The name of my essay is the big day ,for i am on the way to make friend on this day .A friend in need is a friend indeed .

学英语作文 篇7

  These days I have beenleisure but bored after finishing the final exam. In fact, I really don’t likethe way I have lived in these days, because I feel like a foolish that can'tfind my values and have to be supported by others. That made me crazy.Therefore, I consider that people should find and achieve their values in lives,especially female. Obviously, work is an important way to achieve our values.However, why is work important in our life?

  期末考试过后的这几天我很闲但是也很无聊。事实上,我真的不喜欢这几天的这种生活方式,因为我感觉像个傻子一样找不到我的价值而要靠别人养活。这使我疯掉了。所以,我认为人应该找到并实现自己的生活价值,特别是女性。很明显,工作是 实现我们价值的重要方式。但是,为什么工作在我们的生活中如此重要呢?

  Firstly, work isthe only way for us to satisfy our basic needs. In order to get food, clothesand other living conditions to live happily, we have to work hard. In thisaspect, work is a natural responsibility for us, for our families. But usually,those who just consider work as a kind of responsibility regard work as a heavyburden in their life and they will feel really tired after a period of time,even some of which will choose to renounce the responsibility they have.Therefore, workmust have other positive meanings in deeper respect.


  In addition, I strongly feel inthese days that work is an important way to achieve ourselves. Just as Maslowsays that human has five needs: physiological needs, safety needs, love andbelonging, esteem, self-actualization and self-transcendence. In my opinion,work is relative to the higher hierarchy of needs. We always need to achieveour value and worth to gain esteem or recognition from others by some ways,especially by work. I think it is easyto appear in the younger those who have some mature thoughts, so that mostteenagers will try their best to get rid of their parents’ care to make a livingby themselves. In this aspect, working is not only a way to make a living, butalso a way for us to achieve ourselves. In other words, working can bring satisfactionto us in spiritual.


  In a word, work isimportant in our life. No matter what kind of occupation we pursue, we shouldtry our best. As an adult, without work, you would be bored, and even decadent.


学英语作文 篇8







学英语作文 篇9

  The Discomfort of Silence 沉默的不适之处

  Many Americans find silence uncomfortable. They will murmur on to fill any quietness if it extends for more than a moment. Students often study with their radios singing;housewives leave televisions on for the companionship of sound even though they may be working in some other room. If you are silent for long periods,they will do their best to draw you out or will ask if you feel all right or if there is anything that they can do to help you. Sometimes silence can be puzzling, however; if Americans disagree with what you are saying, many of them will remain quiet. This may not suggest agreement; often it only means that they consider it impolite to argue further.


  To establish a good interpersonal relationship 建立良好人际关系

  导语:高考英语作文对“人际关系”这一话题的考查,不外乎父母与子女的关系、师生关系、同学或朋友关系以及邻里关系,通常针对如何建立人际关系或影响人际关系的某一方面来命题,涉及信任、尊重、交流、倾听、友谊、感恩等子话题。如20xx年高考英语江苏卷要求以“Being a Good Listener”为题,根据要点写一篇演讲稿;20xx年高考英语安徽卷要求针对父母翻看孩子日记或书包这一现象写一篇演讲稿,分析原因,提出沟通方法。







  1. 建立良好人际关系的意义

  与朋友:Friends are our treasures. A good friend is someone that lets us be ourselves and hopefully encourages us to be the best part of ourselves. How many times have they shared the joys and sorrows together with us? How many times have they offered help to us when we’re in need? In fact, without a friend, nothing much seems enjoyable.

  与父母:Our parents should also be our closest friends. The relationship between parents and children has great influence on the life of both sides.

  与老师:It is the teachers who give us knowledge, develop our ability, and put wings on us, with which we can fly towards our ideals.

  与邻里:Just as a proverb says, “A close neighbor is better than a distant relative.”

  2. 建立良好人际关系的条件

  诚信:We have to be honest with others and should always say what we mean. Lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run.

  礼貌:We have to be polite and modest enough. If we are proud or rude in public, we can hardly win others’ respect, not to mention “friendship”.

  无私:We must not be selfish. We should learn how to show concern for others.

  有价值:We need to be valuable to the person we want to be friends with. We have to have something to offer other people, something of value which they are prepared to exchange for what they can offer.

  3. 如何建立良好的人际关系

  主动介绍:Introduce yourself and talk to others so that they will know more about you. As your communication goes further, you’re sure to find much in common.

  积极参与:Attend parties, sports events and special gatherings. In this way you and others will know more about each other.

  大胆交流:Don’t be too shy. Voice your opinions so that others will know you are a person of thought.

  真诚沟通:Make full use of your passion and kindness to bridge the gap between you and others.

  4. 建立良好人际关系的障碍

  过于胆怯:You might be a bit shy in the new surroundings.

  过于敏感:You might be a sensitive person and worry too much about what people think of you.

  过于内向:You might be too silent. However, silence only makes matters worse.

  5. 如何维持良好的人际关系

  避免争吵:Try to avoid quarrels. Discuss and negotiate with your friends when your opinions differ.

  善于倾听:Be a good listener while your friends are talking. Listening contributes to building up excellent relationships between people.

  真诚待人:Be sincere to your friends, especially when you think they’re doing something wrong.

  乐于助人:Be ready to help your friends whenever they’re in need.


  例如山东卷的这道题,根据信件的形式和“帮助同学融入班级”这一主题,文章首先应符合英文书信的写作格式,正文则应根据“分析李明难以融入班级的原因”“提出建议”“陈述具体打算”这几个内容要点,从内容准备中选择合适的进行表达。例如,难以融入新集体的原因可能是You might be a bit shy in such new surroundings;提出的建议有:Silence only makes matters worse. Be brave and make full use of your passion and kindness to bridge the gap between us. As the communication between us goes further, we’re sure to find much in common;你具体的打算可以是:I will take you with me when activities are planned,等等。在此基础上,表达连贯、有条理就可以了。

  信息爆炸 Information explosion

  Ways to Get Over Information Explosion As a popular saying goes, "A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention." Nowadays we are in an era of information explosion. More and more people complain that they are lost in the information age. Admittedly, no one can deny the fact that the new information age has brought us so much convenience that we are allowed to get plenty of information just with a simple click sitting in front of the computers. Nevertheless we are also confused, annoyed, distracted and upset by an incredibly large quantity of information. For example, when searching for something online, people are easily misguided by irrelevant information and forget their original plan. Besides, some information often turns out to be useless. Therefore, it may be time-consuming and troublesome to search information online. Then what can we do to avoid being distracted by irrelevant information? Here are some useful tips: Firstly, make a list of what you really want before your searching. You can avoid some appealing, yet irrelevant information by this way. Then, find some credible and professional sources or websites and then save and categorize them. In this case, you can easily leave some advertisements and useless information behind.


  联谊活动 Recreational activities

  We have planned several activities. When we get there,we will visit the elderly in their rooms in groups,presenitng them with flowers and self-made cards to show our respect and love. Then we will do some cleaning and washing for them with the help of the nurses. As some old people feel lonely. We may chat with them about their old days, changes of our city, or anything they are interested in. We may also give them some performanees: singing, daneing, and so on. I am sure we will both gain a better understanding of the elderly in China. If you have any suggestions, please let us know.


  相亲节目 On Dating Shows

  At present, dating shows have been very popular inpeople’s lives. No matter how busy the people are, they will grasp any chancesto watch this kind of shows as much as possible. As the time elapses, a growingnumber of dating shows have appeared on television.

  Many factors account for this phenomenon. To beginwith, these shows provide a chance for the single to search for their dates sothat they think that they have more opportunities to break away from the singleidentities and even get married. Furthermore, some people are on account ofamusement to watch this kind of shows. They will feel funny and happy whenwatching others dating. Last but not least, the funny form and the relaxatmosphere of these shows have also made a great contribution to its audienceratings.

  However, for my part, I advocate that these datingshows should be restricted to some extent. Some people who have dated in these showsuse the artificial identities to cheat others. In addition, these shows havebrought some bad impacts on our national spirits because it advocatesmaterialism in some way. Therefore, to avoid these problems, some actionsshould be taken to restrict these shows.




  中考英语作文 Asking the Way 问路




  Asking the Way

  Mrs. Green: Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the museum?

  Policeman: Certainly. Just go up this street and turn left at the second crossing. The third building from the corner is the museum. You can’t miss it.

  Mrs. Green: Oh, let me see. Go down this street, turn left at the second crossing. and the museum is the third building from the corner. Am I right?

  Policeman: Yes, that’s right.

  Mrs. Green: Thank you very much. Bye-bye.

  Policeman: You are welcome. Bye-bye.








学英语作文 篇10

  i find a difference between the chinese films and foreign films. we always can find meaning what can make influence to our life. for example , a film about basketball i have watched last night . it told us how the famous coach taught his students.

  we often say , there is unite with others, there is more strength. but how to unite with others, the film gave us the answer.perhaps we must have confidence in our friends that we may succeed.

  we are all friends, help each other , and a good environment to study together.










