
时间:2024-01-23 15:58:47 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文300字 篇1

  MY National Day Holiday

  Am,the National Day have come.I have looked forward it for several days.It's reallky a good chance to have a picnic with friends.In the morning,just as planned, we met at school gate at 7.00 O'clock,then we walked towards a farm in the countyside.The sky is bluethe sunshine is genial and wind is breezing. we enjoyed the fresh air and calmness of thecounty.We climmed the hill, played on the grass ,swam in the river.

  How exiciting it was! we all enjoyed it very much. It was an forgettable and happy national day!

英语作文300字 篇2

  Self-study potential, good at thinking, hard work, good communication potential, good at dealing with others, rich team spirit, love sports. But the person is not perfect, oneself in some respects still have the necessary inadequacy, such as knowledge, social experience, etc.; But I believe these can be improved through the study of my own efforts, and I am working hard in this direction! Can bear hardships and stand hard work, willing to start from the grass roots; Adhere to the company's rules and regulations in the interest of the masses.

英语作文300字 篇3

  根据中文提示和英文提示词语,写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑的短文。所给英文提示词语必须都用上。词数 60 - 70 左右。

  ( 1 )昨天晚上我和妈妈出去散步。

  ( 2 )在路上我们遇见了一个外国人。

  ( 3 )他向我询问如何去温泉饭店。

  ( 4 )我告诉他沿路往前走,在第三个转弯处向左拐就能看见饭店。

  ( 5 )他非常感谢我,我也为能帮他而高兴。

  提示词语: go out for a walk , on the road , the way to , walk along , on the left , thank for , be happy that .

  Yesterday evening , I went out for a walk with my mother . On the road , we met a foreigner . He asked me the way to the Hot Spring Hotel . I told him to walk along the road and take the third turning on the left , then he could see the hotel . He thanked me very much for my help . I was happy thatI could help him .

英语作文300字 篇4



英语作文300字 篇5

  Just wait and see, I won‘t let you get away with that!


  You’ll be sorry!


  You are gonna get what‘s coming to you!


  If you’re looking for a fight you don‘t have to look far!


  Watch your mouth, Do you know who you’re talking to?

  说话客气一点 你知道你在和谁说话吗?

  I‘ll get even with you sooner or later!

  跟你的这笔帐 我迟早会要回来的!

  Listen you’re picked the wrong person to quarrel with

  听着 你找错吵架的对象

英语作文300字 篇6

  My winter holidays plans me studying for my English I will make great efforts to learn English. Persist in listening to half hours of English every day.

  I will accomplish the school assignment that the teacher arranges best with the quickest speed. I can not forget to take the body exercise certainly also I may take the body exercise coming drawing out 30- - 1 hours in time in every day. I play with the once computer coming certainly may draw out one small Duan time watch one meeting TV or. Certainly need only 1 hour. This it is my winter holidays to plan!

英语作文300字 篇7

  I have many dreams.For example, I want to be rich in the future. Therefore I can buy all what I want.

  But my greatest dream is that I want to be an football player.And I want to lead the Chinese team won the World Cup Our country develops fast and our sport make great progress in the last several decades. It has great achievements. All of our country are proud of it. Therefore I want to be one of this amazing area.

  In order to make my dream come true I must study hard now. I hope my dream can come true one day.

英语作文300字 篇8

  I have been to the Sigou .It was a very beautiful place,my family went there last week ,we have cooked there,the foods were so delicious that i ate a lots.We all had a happy time. Then,we have walked around,we have saw a lot of stones,they have different sizes,we took the pictures,and i think they were so beautiful. So,i also want to go to the Hainan when i finish study,because there is sea,i love sea ,i want to go there by plane,so i will study hard now.

英语作文300字 篇9






英语作文300字 篇10

  20 xx年xx月xx日星期x的上午, 我参加了一场有趣的英语表演。










英语作文 怎样学习英语02-02






