
时间:2023-10-21 11:08:27 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1

  I have been thinking what majors should I choose in university. I am very interested in physics, chemistry and mathematics. Besides, other subjects, such as biology, history, geography and English are my favorites too, but I don't know why I could hardly remember the events on the history and geographical phenomenon. On the contrary, physics, chemistry and mathematics are easy to me. Considering to my interests and abilities, I think science is the most suitable for me. Therefore, science might be my choice in university. After graduation, I would like to come back to be a teacher in senior school.


英语作文600字 篇2

  My View on Job-Hopping

  A lot of people like to do one job in their lives. They think people who change their jobs frequently are feckless. They believe that the only way to success is to stick to one job, for constant practice in a professional field helps make an expert.

  But there are many people who argue for changing their jobs, they argue that change means progress. They think if you are not satisfied with your present job, of course you have the right to replace it with a more challenging and better paid one. Each change means further success.

  My view on job-hopping is that it is reasonable to change your job if you have a better opportunity.





英语作文600字 篇3

  Study is the necessary process that everyone need to experience. And then exam will follow. To obtain a good score, review is inevitable. Almost everyone wants to find the best review method. But there is no best review method, but there is the most suitable way. Different people will find different methods for them to do review. For example, some students should study in group, while some should study alone. When recite things, some need to write it down, some need to speak loudly, and some just need to read it. Different methods just depend on different people. Don’t compare with others; just find the most suitable one for yourself.


英语作文600字 篇4

  Ah! I was not ready for the math test, and then I began to wonder: I will not fail in the exam. I was trembling all over.

  The math teacher came and began to read the scores, aah! I was shaking and started, and the teacher said, "our class is the first." "The highest score: the lowest score of the world expo: shi weichao, when he was at the expo, he scored 100 points, and our whole class was shocked, wow! I really admire him! Jin hao ran and liu jing were tied for second place. They all scored 97 points. Suddenly, they read me. Ah, I thought: I'm sure I didn't do well. As a result, the moment I read it, my heart felt like a needle, and I scored 65 points! I said I didn't do well on the exam!

  From this point, I understand that I am going to surpass lu jiayi and I am sorry for my parents.

英语作文600字 篇5

  When National Day comes, I Feel so excited, it is not because I will have a vacation, but also I have many plans. I have made some plans for the vacation, I want to relax myself and find some interesting to do. I learn that there will be a lot of people going out, but I will choose some places that are less people to go, anyway, I have two plans on the seven days’ vacation.

  First, I will go to visit my grandparents. My grandparents live in the countryside, and it is the place where I grow up. I miss the place so much, I want to spend more time with my grandparents, they are a little old now. I also like to see the countryside’s scenery, the trees are so green and the water is so clean, I enjoy the time when I stay with my grandparents.

  Second, I will join my friend’s wedding. I received my junior middle school classmate’s wedding note a week ago, I feel so happy for her, she asks me to be her bridesmaid, I feel it a honor to be her bridesmaid.

英语作文600字 篇6

  Chen Mo is my desk mate who is a good student in the eyes of classmates and teachers. She is the first one to get to school every day. Usually, she spends half an hour in learning English that takes us much to remember vocabularies and read the articles. Moreover, she not only focuses on her own study, but also helps other students in need. Classmates like asking her for help, because she is always ready for help. However, I prefer to regard her as my friend rather than desk mate. We communicate with each other frequently after class. We discuss our study as well as share our lives. She is desperately interested in playing badminton, so do I. We would play badminton very Friday after class, which helps us relax ourselves as well build our body. It’s so great to have a desk mate that has interest in common.

英语作文600字 篇7

  阻击疫情 中国加油

  Stop the epidemic. Come on, China

  20xx年的春节很特殊, 一场新型冠状病毒打的全国人民措手不及,每天新闻,电视报道着各种各样的疫情信息, 白衣天使为大家舍小家的.英雄事迹,让我深受感动看到爱心人士有钱出钱,有力出力,万民一心的精神让我备受鼓舞 。

  Novel coronavirus was be taken by surprise all over the country in 20xx. The news of the day was reported by TV and all kinds of epidemic information was reported. The white angels were the heroic deeds of everyone, and I was deeply moved to see that the love people paid money and worked hard.

  作为学生,我们能做的就是好好呆在家,尽量不出门,出门戴口罩,做好防范,不给祖国添负担,我们一定会打赢这场没有硝烟的战争,晋城加油 武汉加油 中国加油,必胜!!!

  As students, what we can do is to stay at home, try not to go out, wear masks, do a good job of prevention, do not add burden to the motherland, we will win this war without gunpowder smoke, Jincheng refueling Wuhan refueling China refueling, we will win!!!

英语作文600字 篇8


  Scared the Thief Away

  One day, mamma and dad went out, leaving me alone at home. I was doing my homework suddenly I heard some sound of Dong! Dong! Dong!At first I thought, Who is knocking at the door with so loud a sound? I looked out from the door slit and saw a man with stealthy behavior picking the lock of the door. It was a thiefl I was so frightened that I didnt know what to do for a short time. I was just a kid, and if he broke in, I was certainly no match for him. Just at that moment a good idea occurred to me. I shouted loudly, Mom, dad is calling you! Fortunately it worked. The thief was scared away. A bad man can never be wiser than a good one.









英语作文 怎样学习英语02-02

