
时间:2023-05-19 19:18:59 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

my dream college

  My dream college life is a life full of happy, busy and hope.

  Happy means that we will found many fascinating things in our daily life. We can develop our strong point and have more freedom to organize our time; we can show our unique characteristic without thinking about other’s eyes. What more important is that we can meet many people from different provinces; we can open our eyes and extend our ken. We should not pay attention to compete with others but emphasis individual become better and better.

  Busy signified we have many things to do, we have no time to abandon ourselves in nonsensical things, and we should not linger in our bed or play computer games day and night. We should use the time to increase our knowledge and enhance our ability. We should be busy with certain aims that encourage us when we get progress.

  Hope indicate that we can wake up with a positive emotion no matter what happened yesterday even last second. We still have chance to achieve our aim as long as we work hard from now on.

  College life may be different to what I thought sometimes, but that's not the reason to give up on it. All I want to do now is to read more books, acquaint more people, go to more places and finish my college life joyful.






英文作文 篇2



  Title: Dictionary

  (1) The dictionary is a living teacher.

  (2) Skills will develop with your constant use of various dictionaries.

  (3) But you should have one thing in mind.


  The dictionary is living teacher. Whenever you come across a new word, just consult it and you will get a clear definition from it. Every student, no matter attending school or self-taught, should always have a dictionary at hand. As a study aid, it is convenient, inexpensive and all-knowing.

  Skills will develop with your constant use of various dictionaries. The more you use them, the more familiar you will become with them. Sooner or later, you will be quite skilled in finding the page, scanning the entries and locating the exact meaning of the new words.

  But you should have one thing mind. As a language student, you should never depend too much on dictionaries. Basic language skills do not come from dictionaries, but from your practice. For some extensive reading, for example, you need not account to a dictionary every time you encounter a new word, you could just guess the meaning and skip it. Learn the language by listening, speaking, reading and writing more, and that is the only way to the mastery of a language.






英文作文 篇3

  Oh! It was winter holiday. I was very happy. I read my favorite books. I have many wonderful books. But I could not read these books too much. I also had a lot of homework to do. I like playing computer games, too. It’s very interesting. But I could not play it too much. I wear glasses, I’m very sad. It’s not good for my eyes to play computer games too much.

  Oh! It was the Spring Festival. It’s Chinese traditional festival. People were very happy. They went shopping, cleaned their houses, had supper together……I went to my grandparents’ home with my parents. My grandparents were very happy to see us. They prepared many kinds of nice food, such as fish, meat, vegetables and fruit. In the evening, we watched TV and lighted fireworks. We also knocked on people’s doors and gave some presents to them. After the Spring Festival, we went to Shanghai to go shopping. We bought clothes, shoes and some delicious food.

  I had a good holiday, I think. I also have very nice school life now.

英文作文 篇4



  事实上提供给写作的时间不止30分钟。一般来说,各考场会提前5分钟左右将答题卡一发到学生手里,大一点的考场甚至可能提前10分钟发卷。这5到10分钟不允许学生作答,但考生完全可以用来做作文部分的审题和构思工作。注意审题一定要仔细,按要求写作,不得擅自改动题目,给定的提纲不得有遗漏,否则会按比例扣分。尤其注意,不要因为事先自己背过或练过哪篇相似的文章而死搬硬套。否则后果很严重。如,20xx年12月六级写作真题题目是College Students’ Mental Health,提纲为

  1. 心理健康对于大学生很重要

  2. 鉴于此,学校可以……

  3. 我们自己应该……”

  而在考试之前我出过一道类似的模拟题,题目为“Psychological Problems Among College Students”, 提纲为

  1. 很多大学生有严重的心理问题

  2. 产生这些问题的原因

  3. 如何解决这些问题”



  Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On the Importance of a Name. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

  1. 有人说名字(或名称)很重要

  2. 也有人觉得名字(或名称)无关紧要

  3. 我认为……

  构思第一段时,想到可以来一句铺垫的话,如“名字重不重要是个有争议的话题”,可以写下controversial或topic,作为关键词;下一句是“有人说名字(或名称)很重要”,可以先写下important。再往后想两条理由或例证即可。理由如“好名字容易被记住,因而可以给人来更多机会”(关键词remember或opportunity),和“按照传统理论起的名字可能会对人起到暗中庇护的作用”(关键词tradition或shelter);例证如“有人认为毛泽东伟大是因为名字就大气,Bill Gates有钱是因为他的名字可以表示钞票,姓表示很多大门,很多大门都来钱,所以有钱”。第二、三段情同此理。其实第一段想好了,后两段也就容易了。比如第二段可以将第一段的理由或例证反过来用,第三段可以总结或折中一下。字数还是比较容易写够的。





  首保正确,再求闪光(correct):这一条是最核心的,因为在写作时间和篇幅都比较短的情况下,考生写出的内容几乎是一样的,唯一的判断标准几乎就是语言的质量。要首先保证语法和拼写正确,哪怕用小词、短句也可以。有能力的的话再追求闪光的词句。例如,有考生在写20xx年6月的作文时,写出了这样的开头句:There is no denying the fact that the vital of name has been a hotly debated topic in China. 这句话是套用我以往范文给过的句子,基本结构是对的`,但有两处明显的错误。一处为vital,是个形容词,而这里应该用名词。作者可能想用一个牛词来替换importance以显示用词多样,结果弄巧成拙。另外一处错误为name之前应该有冠词a,其实题目中都给了,结果这位同学忽略了,缺乏基本的语法意识。其实作文中常犯的语法错误除了冠词错误,还包括时态错误、名词和动词单复数错误、代词不一致错误、词性错误以及句子主谓不完整错误。下笔时一定要谨慎。篇幅关系这里不能赘述。

  先总后分,连词用上(coherent):这里说的是段落的结构和连贯性的问题。英语文章特别喜欢先总后分或开门见山的格局,另外,段落之间和句子之间的形式连接手段特别明显,即关联词用的很多。在写作的时候,几乎就是把给出的三点提纲作为每段的开头句,然后再加上两三个扩展句即理由或例证句就可以了。当然有时候为了论证自然或扩展字数也可以加上一点铺垫的句子。如20xx年6月真题作文开头一句既可以是Some people claim that names are of great importance. 也可以是There is no denying the fact that it is a controversial topic whether names are important or not. 然后再说Some hold the positive view.后面再加上两三句论证的话。论证句或扩展句之间最好有连接词,如First, Second, Besides, Also, Similarly, In the same way, However等等。

  语言简练,论据得当(concise):不要啰嗦,不要过于重复和堆砌。有些考生背诵了一些经典的句型,为了凑字就全用上了,给人低层次的感觉。如最后一段用同学写道:As far as I am concerned, weighing the pros and cons of the arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter point of view. 其实As far as I am concerned和weighing the pros and cons of the arguments用一个就行了。另外,尽管内容不及语言重要,但也肯定会影响分数的。考生应尽量平时多练,以期在考场上也能很快想到一些有力的理由和贴切的例证。另外,要敢于表达自己的思想,不要一味地为了保证语言正确而裹步不前,只说一些小学生的话。如有同学写09年真题第一段时写道:Some people think that names are important. They say that, if a person has a name, we can remember him. If he does not have a name, we cannot remember him. 这样的作文倒是没有语言错误,但肯定也得不了高分。








  Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My View on University Ranking. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

  1. 目前高校排名相当盛行

  2. 对这种做法人们看法不一

  3. 我认为……

  My View on University Ranking

  There is no denying the fact that it has become a prevailing trend for some individuals or organizations to rank universities. Taking a look around, we can find examples too many to list. To this phenomenon people’s attitudes differ sharply.

  Some hold the positive view. They claim that ranking universities can help high school graduates or their parents to make a sound choice when enrolling in a university or college. Besides, this practice can help promote the level of higher education as a whole in that many universities will exert efforts to elevate their position.

  Others, however, hold the opposite view. They point out that the result of ranking is not always credible, for many individuals or institutions do it merely for the purpose of colleting money. Furthermore, some universities overemphasize the result of ranking and waste large amounts of resources.

  Personally, I believe that we should not go to extremes. On the one hand, it must be admitted that ranking is an effective means to encourage universities or colleges to compete with each other and improve their work. On the other hand, it should not be conducted and used in the wrong way.

英文作文 篇5

  Directions: You are allowed 40 minutes to write an essay no less than 150 words on the following topic.

  1.some emphasize book knowledge

  2.others stress practical experience

  3.which one is more important? Give your reasons to illustrate your opinion.


  Which is more important in life, knowledge from the books you read, or personal experience you gain in reality? The answer may vary from person to person. The young, educated may emphasize the former, and the old may stress the later. But in my opinion, they are of the same importance.

  Experience is priceless. How to become an efficient secretary? How to prepare for your first child to come into the world? There is so much experience we need in careers, in life and even in academic studies. It helps one deal with the problems with ease and confidence. Especially activities and to accumulate experience of different kinds is more crucial.

  Experience, however, is limited in terms of time and space. For one thing, it is impossible for anyone to experience all the important events and meet all the famous people. For another, as the speed with which skills are obsolete and new problems crop up is unprecedented because of the fast development of society, experience is far less adequate. Depending too much on it only leads to narrow-mindedness and prejudice.

  One way to compensate for it is to read books. Books of various kinds can bring us almost unlimited additional experience. From books you can not only trace back to the wisdom of our antecedents, but keep up with the latest developments of science and technology. To be sure, it's secondhand experience. But it is the ideal supplement to our own limited experience. Few of us can travel around the world, or live long beyond one hundred years, but all of us can live many lives by reading books.

  Both book knowledge and personal experience are essential. While experience makes one more resourceful, book knowledge makes one more learned.






英文作文 篇6

  There are many things to be done to honor senior citizens. In cities, senior citizens should enjoy some privileges, such as special seats on buses, reduced fares for entertainment and traveling, and other benefits. We should do everything to solve their practical problems, to warm their hearts, and to make them happy. In addition, we should find some ways to provide affordable medical health care, which is of vital importance to them. Besides, there should be recreation halls and care-centers for the aged. Most important of all, the state should ensure a decent pension for them, peasants in particular. In the vast countryside, most aged people are financially supported by their sons, whose life is a perpetual struggle against poverty. What can they do if they are childless?

  Senior citizens, parents in particular, need our love and deserve the best care. Respecting senior citizens bears vital importance to the family -- planning policy in China. If we do our best to honor our parents and the aged, our children will follow our example.

  (二)诚实和诚信 Honesty and honesty




  Almost all of us heard the story "Here Comes the Wolf" when we were little kids. What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest. However, there're lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays.

  Being dishonest does great harm not only to other people but also to yourself. Take the case of fake milk powder for example. After drinking this kind of milk, the babies had big heads while their legs and arms were still thin, which badly affected their health. To our great relief, the producers got accused and punished for all the serious consequences in the end.

  Having the reputation of being honest and reliable will make other people trust you, which will provide you many benefits and give you opportunities that others may not get. Being honest, you will find it easier to cooperate with others and people will be friendly to you and support you. In a sense, if life is a longjourney, honesty will be the backpack that should be taken along all the way.

  Let's pick up our "backpack" -- honesty, and start the wonderful journey!





  (三)Factors of Success 成功的因素




  Factors of Success


  I would rather suffer hardships than fail. In other words, to achieve success is my only desire. We all know that there are many factors of success. Now let me write down the important ones in the following.


  Diligence—Foolish as a person is, he can succeed in his work if he works hard. That does not admit of any doubt.


  Perseverance—When you fail, don't lose heart. Keep on working until you accomplish your aim.


  Honesty—If you tell lies or does not keep your words, no one will rely on you. I would rather be scolded than cheat (others).


  (四)Three conditions for students 做好学生的三个条件

  What are the qualities of a good student? I think he or she should have the following qualities.

  First, a good student should have good behavior. He would like to help others. His behavior shows the good quality. People like to make friends with him because he is friendly. It's more important than knowledge.

  Second, a good student should work hard and use the knowledge acquired to solve problems. Because our knowledge is to be used to bring benefit tothe mankind.

  Third, a good student should be in good health. If we aren't healthy, we can do nothing.

  Whoever has these qualities will be a good student.






  (五)钱包的招领 The lost wallet



  november 20, 1999


  a purse was found yesterday afternoon, inside of which there is money and other things. somebody who lost the purse is expected to come to the office of the school to claim it.


英文作文 篇7

  several years ago, while attending a communications course, i experienced a most unusual process. the instructor asked us to list anything in our past that we felt ashamed of, guilty about, regretted, or incomplete about. the next week he invited participants to read their lists aloud. this seemed like a very private process, but there/‘s always some brave soul in the crowd who will volunteer. as people read their lists, mine grew longer. after three weeks, i had 101 items on my list. the instructor then suggested that we find ways to make amends, apologize to people, or take some action to right any wrongdoing. i was seriously wondering how this could ever improve my communications, having visions of alienating just about everyone from my life.

  the next week, the man next to me raised his hand and volunteered this story:"while making my list, i remembered an incident from high school. i grew up in a small town in iowa. there was a sheriff in town that none of us kids liked. one night, my two buddies and i decided to play a trick on sheriff brown. after drinking a few beers, we found a can of red paint, climbed the tall water tank in the middle of town, and wrote, on the tank, in bright red letters: sheriff brown is an s.o.b. the next day, the town arose to see our glorious sign. within two hours, sheriff brown had my two pals and me in his office. my friends confessed and i lied, denying the truth. no one ever found out."nearly 20 years later, sheriff brown/‘s name appears on my list. i didn/‘t even know if he was still alive. last weekend, i dialed information in my hometown back in iowa. sure enough, there was a roger brown still listed. i dialed his number. after a few rings, i heard: `hello?/‘ i said: `sheriff brown?’ pause. `yup.’ `well, this is jimmy calkins. and i want you to know that i did it.’ pause. `i knew it!’ he yelled back. we had a good laugh and a lively discussion. his closing words were: `jimmy, i always felt badly for you because your buddies got it off their chest, and i knew you were carrying it around all these years. i want to thank you for calling me...for your sake.’"

  jimmy inspired me to clear up all 101 items on my list. it took me almost two years, but became the springboard and true inspiration for my career as a conflict mediator. no matter how difficult the conflict, crisis or situation, i always remember that it/‘s never too late to clear up the past and begin resolution.

英文作文 篇8

  Every year the traffic is very busy during the Spring Festival,especially the train station.


  Many people decide to return back to their hometown by train,so it make the traffic very crowded and busy.


  Now,the number of the people who go home by train is increasing quickly.


  For the train tickets are cheaper than the airplane tickets,many people would rather travel round by train instead of airplane.



  春运(passenger)transport during the Spring Festival period

  客运量 volume of passenger transport

  客运列车 passenger train

  客流高峰期 peak time for passenger transport

  加开列车 operate / arrange extra trains

  开通24小时售票窗口 open 24-hour ticket sales windows

  集体预定火车票 group ticket-booking

  送票上门 deliver train tickets to the doorsteps

  规范售票 regulate ticket sale

  打击票贩子 crack down on scalpers

  缓解交通压力 ease the traffic pressure


  The volume of passenger traffic reaches its climax before and after theSpring Festival。


  The train ticket prices will not be raised during the Spring Festivalperiod this year。


  Most of the passengers are college students on their winter vacation andmigrant workers returning home for Spring Festival。


  Passenger flows will be concentrated in Beijing, Guangzhou, Chongqing,Wuhan and some other cities。







节约作文 英文08-15



