
时间:2022-09-18 20:33:17 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  College students in China may choose jobs by themselves. So everyone can make his own choice of his career before graduating.

  Job hunting by students has had a big impact on campus. Students have become more practical and eager to develop their manifold abilities to meet the challenges in their future jobs. Since state-allocated jobs are no longer guaranteed, stone students are willing to work in private companies because of higher pay and other benefits, whereas jobs of high academic

  level lose part of their former attraction. If the link between graduating from college and hecoming a state employee is cut, a large number of fee-paying students may go to college, and so a mass high education is possible. This is indeed a trail blazing reform in China‘s higher education system.

  Finding a good job is not easy. There exist many practical obstacles at the present stage of reform. First,there are few service centres available to help them. Second, students often fail to recognize how good a job really is. Third, colleges usually ignore social demands in their programs and students are not always fully prepared for their new jobs. And finally, the existing restrictions, sexual discrimination, nepotism and bureau-cracy adversely affect job competition. Nevertheless, students don‘t have to worry about unemployment, because the well-educated are badly needed in the rapid development of China‘s economy.

英文作文 篇2

  the chinese spring festival and the western christmas-

  evely nation has its own folk festivals. Those festivals give people a chance to be away from their regular work and everyday worries to enjoy themselves and to develop¥ kindship and fi'iendship. The spring festival is the chief holiday in china while christmas is the most important redletter day in the western world.

  the spring festival and christmas have much in common. Both are prepared hefiorehand to create a joyous atmosphere; both offer a family reunion with a square feast: and both satisfy the children with new clothes, lovely presents and delicious food. However, the chinese spring festival has no religious background while christmas has something to do with god and there is santa claus with white heard to bring children presents. The westerners send each other christmas cards for greetings while the chinese people pay a call on each other.

  nowadays, some of the chinese youth has begun to celebrate christmas, following the example of the westerners. Perhaps they do so just for fun and out of curiosity.

英文作文 篇3

  We often do not take much notice of the people around us who on public service jobs. These people are train station workers, airline stewardess, firemen, policemen, bus drivers, taxi drivers and soldiers. Only during some accident these people are then the first ones to come to our aid and sometimes at the risk of their own lives. Recently, I saw a big fire in a ten-story apartment house where firemen worked under great danger. Luckily in this case no one was hurt. Each of us have within us the essence of bravery available on our everyday job, or just going to school, or at home. Soldiers are called to show bravery in defending their country from aggression. Sometimes during a national disaster such as an earthquake or typhoon soldiers are called to help show bravery and strength.

英文作文 篇4

  What accnornpanies you all your life is not fortune and fame nor youth and appearance, but your mood or the state of mind which controls your life。 As man in the modern age, our moods are as ehangable as the cars coming and going on the super-high way。 A favor from a neighbour, a kiss of a child, a praise from others are like warm sunshine that makes us comfortable。 Bat a rough word from a stranger, a false product bought from the store, or an insulting remark in fun would put you in a bad mood and make your heart sink。 A good mood makes one happy, energetic and creative。 I was once shut in an elevator for one and a half hours。 I had to phone for help。 Eventually I was released, it was fun because I was in a happy mood。 Otherwise I would have felt miserable。

  A bad mood is bad enough to cause you to lose self-confidence and leaves you helpless with all your worries and troubles in mind。

  More often than not, we are in a mixed mood。 Sometimes we are happy and high-spirited。 Sometimes we are in low spirits。 At this time we have to take courage and have a change of mood。

  A good mood will accompany you on your way to the palace of success, to the chamber of love and to pleasure and barmony in life。 With a happy mood, we can live a more substantial life, one that is more interesting and meaningful。

  So, always remember to keep a happy mood wherever you go or whatever you do。







英文作文 篇5

  Britney Spears is a popular America singer. I like her very much. She is popular around the world. Her songs are familiar to the young generation. In 1999, she is known around the world by the song "Baby One More Time", and reached the record of 25 million albums. Because of cute face and sweet voice, she is called candycandy. However, her reputation is harm for too much gossip scandal.

  布兰妮·斯皮尔斯是一个很受欢迎的美国歌手。我很喜欢她.。她在全世界都很受欢迎。她的歌曲是对于年轻一代都是耳熟能详的。1999年凭借一首《Baby One More Time》红遍全球,并创下2500万张的专辑销售记录。因为可爱的脸蛋和甜美的声音,她被称为小甜甜。然而,却因为丑闻名声受损。

英文作文 篇6


  记得在加拿大借读的时候,Anlice看我几乎每天都为不会英语,不知老师在讲什么而烦恼,便给我带来了一本她学英语的工具书,逐字逐句地教我读英文,让我明白这些单词的用法。记忆最深的是她教我认识traditional(传统)。她先教我怎么读这词,“traditional!”可是我却一脸惘然地看着她,她又放慢速度给我读了一遍:“tra—di—tion—nal !”这次我听懂了,跟读了一遍,可是她仍认为我读不准,又教我读一遍,这次终于读准了,她夸我说:“You’re very good!(你很棒)”接着她又问:“Do you know what’s mean?(你知道这什么意思吗?)”我摇了摇头,她想了想便在上面画了一个长长胡须的医生,她对我说:“this is Chinese doctor ,He is a very old Chinese doctor, this is traditional Chinese doctor mean.(这是中国医生,他很老,这是传统中医的意思)。”我想了一下,还是不明白,她便又想了一词:“it’s mean no fashion(这意思为不流行)。”我心想:不流行就是传统,那这意思是传统吧,我才明白了这词的.意思。


  在我即将离开加拿大,Anlice特地把这本英语书送给我,对我说:“I hope you will study English better !”(我希望你学英语学更好!)她甚至还特地在封面用中文写了“好好学习,天天向上!”


英文作文 篇7

  My home is in the fast court, which is not particularly upscale, but I have a deep feeling for it, because I grew up here, knew it, knew it, and loved it.

  Into the three periods of the door, is a circular square, you can climb up the steps, and stood looking down at the top of the square, first saw is a lawn, the grass is covered with trees, osmanthus flowers, camphor trees, maple, pine and other plants, each springing up and down a peg or two, along with a row of azalea bushes. Far from afar, like a long dragon; Because in winter, the grass is yellow and soft. The lawn added vitality to the square. Generally speaking, the square is very spacious and can be used for people's activities. The lawn is surrounded by a circle of brown wooden chairs for people to relax.

  Walking further, you will see a stone bridge across a river, about 60 meters long, a bit rough and a mysterious and ancient feeling. There is a round ball on the railing. The bridge is a little steep, and it takes a lot of effort to get down, but people can't stop running. Willows planted a few trees on both sides, it is often the wicker as braid, wind rustled, wicker dancing with the wind, a peaceful river, there is little ripples, but returned to normal in a short time. You can stand on the bridge, hand on the rough railing, the sturdy bridge, looking down at the river flowing past, feeling very comfortable.

  When we finished the stone bridge, we turned right and went to the residential building. The color of the building is basically white, the frame outside the window is gray, the tile on the roof is black, give a person in general a kind of fresh and fresh feeling. There are three or four camphor trees planted in front of each building. How high the trees are, high up to the third floor; How green the trees were, and how vigorous the trees were, and how tall the trees were, standing erect, like dutiful soldiers, who guarded our homes. The green belt was separated by blocks of buildings, with small shrubs and bushes, in sharp contrast to the tall camphor trees.

  This is the neighborhood where I live, a common and ordinary place. But as long as you observe carefully and feel the heart, you will find this is so lively and warm and charming!

英文作文 篇8

  After the extracurricular activities, the teacher just said (we are going to make this game) the name of the game, the students raised their hands, competing to be the eagle and the hen, the extracurricular activity composition. The teacher glanced at it, pointed to the clever little new saying: "you come to be an eagle!" A little new joy is like crazy. He pointed to the wise nan and said, "let you be a hen!"

  Zheng nan was very happy, of course. I'll tell you about it.

  The game begins! One by one, the students held each other's clothes. The hen spread her large wings to protect the chickens. Eagle proudly said, "I will eat you! Ha ha!" But the "chickens" left and right. The eagle could not catch it. The eagle caught fire, and zhang opened his claws.

  Left one dive, right catch, or nothing. Look at so many "chicken", "saliva" the 3, 000 feet. Suddenly the eagle had a brainwave and came up with a good idea. Look! It had been catching at one place, as expected. Caught several "chickens"!

  But it was sweating and panting. The hen is dying! The hawk said, "catch the chicken!" It seemed to be full of energy. When the last chick was to be caught, the hen turned away, and escaped the fierce interest of the eagle. But (at the critical moment) just look at the head again, or be eaten by the eagle!

  The eagle won! He's happy. He's jumping.

  The playground is very busy after school activities. Some students are playing with the chicken, some are playing football, some are jumping rope. "The eagle catches the chicks" is fun! A classmate when "eagle", a classmate when "hen", a group of classmate when "chicken".

  The game began, and the eagle was attacking, and the hen was still struggling, and suddenly a chicken was flung to the eagle, and the eagle saw that the chicken had come to the door and ate it. There are ten people playing football. One man kicked the football and passed it on to another man, and the other one passed on to another man. He ran quickly and entered the door, and the red team got thirty-four points.

  The yellow team scored 24 points, 34 to 24, and the red team won. Jumping rope one after another, one jumped two, the other jumped sixty-three, and the next one tripped over the rope before jumping. The class was over, and everyone was sweating and happy. Advisor: Chen xujun's contribution: 20xx-1-13


  The game of hawk catching chicks is really funny. Ye zhangjie when "eagle", she dressed in black, we gave her a nickname "black big catch", middle school student composition "extracurricular activity composition". "I'm mother hen." Who is singing? It was zheng zeyu singing. Don't look at him. This time, she is the mother hen. We? A bunch of yellow chicks, of course. "The eagle" came, "the chicken" mother saw at once, the anxious heart must jump out, he hurriedly told his child to hide behind himself, for fear that the eagle eats his "baby". The eagle was so hungry that he came up with a good idea when he saw the tender little chicken. She pretends to fall from the sky to the ground, as if dead. "Chicken little" see, ha ha laugh, a few naughty "chicken little" go into the "eagle" side and kicked her, then, "eagle" stretched out her claws caught a few chickens fly to the sky. The "hen" saw it and almost fainted.

  Play the game of hawk catch chicken, it's time to play a game cut watermelon. Charley. "Cut, cut, cut watermelon, where do you come from? The farmer's uncle planted it. Want to eat watermelon slice open!" The nursery rhymes, just cut in xu's smile and li jiqi they hand, they quickly ran a circle, li jiqi the first to run to, so he won!"

  The extracurricular activity is really colorful, some jump rope, some throw sand bag, still have to jump bovine rubber band!

  When the bell rang, the students hurried out of the classroom to take part in their favorite class activities on the playground. The campus was bubbling over. On the west side of the campus, there are four basketball stands. Next to the basket sat some students, from time to time the applause and laughter. Look, the basketball players are playing hard! A decision to win, but often a long time. The east side of the basket also surrounded some students. They're jumping rope. One classmate just stopped, another classmate hurriedly connect him, continue to jump. The students who play football have the most fun. The students who pass the ball will work closely together to prevent the other team from getting the ball. The ball flew through the air, and one of the students came into the air and kicked the ball into the other team's goal. "Oh! We won." The winning team cheered. Our extracurricular activities are really colorful. Some are jumping rubber bands, some kicking shuttlecock, some running. The most interesting is the kindergarten children. They're playing chicken with their big brother.







  课外活动时操场上可真热闹。有的同学在玩老鹰捉小鸡,有的同学在踢足球,有的同学在跳绳。 “老鹰捉小鸡”可好玩啦!一个同学当“老鹰”,一个同学当“母鸡”,一群同学当“小鸡”。







  课铃响了,同学们快步走出教室,到操场上参加自己喜欢的课间活动。校园里顿时沸腾起来。 校园的西面,有四个篮球架。篮架的旁边坐着一些同学,不时传来喝彩声和欢笑声。瞧,篮球小将们打得多起劲啊!就一分决定输赢,可是常常打好长时间还不分胜负。 篮架的东面,也围了一些同学。他们在跳绳。一个同学刚刚停下来,另一个同学连忙接上他,继续跳。 踢足球的同学玩得最有劲。两面传球的同学密切合作,不让另一队的同学抢到球。球从空中飞过来了,一个同学来了个临空飞射,把球踢进了另一队的球门。“噢!我们赢了。”获胜的队员欢呼起来。 我们的课外活动真是丰富多彩。有的跳橡皮筋,有的踢毽子,有的跑步。最有趣的是幼儿园的小朋友。他们在大哥哥大姐姐的带领下,在做老鹰捉小鸡的游戏呢!










