
时间:2022-08-21 19:17:01 英语作文 我要投稿




英文作文600字 篇1


  A tiger is a kind of catamount animal。 It looks like a cat, but much bigger than a cat。 A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat。It has yellow and black streaks all over its body and it looks very beautiful。 Its tail is long and strong and it can hit its quarry dying。

  Tigers live in the thick forests and small animals in the forests are tigers' food。

  During the past years, many forests have been cut down and the living conditions of the tigers are becoming worse and worse。 There are fewer tigers left in the world now。 Tigers are the animals of the world, and they should have their own living spaces。 We must do our best to protect the tigers and their living environment。





英文作文600字 篇2

  Wonderful Weekend...

  A man and a woman walk into a very posh Rodeo Drive store. "Show the lady your finest mink!" the fellow exclaims.

  So the owner of the shop goes in back and comes out with an absolutely gorgeous full-length coat. As the lady tries it on, the owner discreetly whispers to the man,

  "Ah, sir, that particular fur goes for $65,000."

  "No problem! I'll write you a check!"

  "Very good, sir." says the shop owner.

  "Today is Saturday. You may come by on Monday to pick it up, after the check has cleared." So the man and the woman leave. On Monday, the fellow returns. The store owner is outraged, "How dare you show your face in here?! There wasn't a single penny in your checking account!!"

  "I just had to come by," grinned the guy, "to thank you for the most wonderful weekend of my life!"

英文作文600字 篇3

  It is recently reported that some rivers and lakes have dried up in South China. A lot of fishes died. The bottoms of the rivers and lakes have become grass land. The water is becoming less and less because of the bad weather.

  So everyone should do something to save our environment. First, we should save every drop of water, such as turning off the taps after using it and recycling the water. For example, we can water the plants and clean the rest room with our used water. Second, we should save energy, such as less turning on the lights and turning off the lights when we leave; Do more walking, more bicycling and less driving and so on. Third, we should ask our government to control the pollution from the factories.

  Let's act now from everything to save our environment. Don't let our tears be the last drop of water in the world!

英文作文600字 篇4

  There he sat, staring out the window with his dazed eyes. His face is almost like a scrunched piece of pa-pe-r with wrinkles carved deep into his skin. His caving mouth can hardly close nowadays and there is often a trickle of saliva wandering aimlessly down the side of his chin.Strands of thin, grey hair crawls messily over his almost bald head.And the once deep blue eyes are now covered with a layer of opaque white.What he sees is no longer clear, but they are all the same beautiful. The blurred window sills and the distance skyscrapers,all present him with a new beauty that he never appreciated when he was young.Age is cruel.However, what to the outside world may seem like an old man in despair is to him only a way of peaceful life.

英文作文600字 篇5

  Chinese New Year

  Chinese New Year is a Chinese traditional festival。 We also call it the Spring Festival。 It is on lunar January 1st。

  On New Year’s Eve, all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner。 There are some vegetables, some fish, some meat, some fruits and some drink like juice, Coke, Pepsi and some nice wine。 Overall, this is a good and delicious dinner。 After dinner, we always watch TV New Year progammes。 We have a wonderful evening on New Year’s Eve。

  On the first day of the Spring Festival, most of people get up early and say “happy new year” to each other。 For breakfast, people often eat dumplings and baozi。 After breakfast, people often make many delicious foods, and children often play cards, computer games and fireworks。 On the second and third day, we visit friends and relatives。

  Everyone is busy on Chinese New Year, and everyone is happy, too。

英文作文600字 篇6














英文作文600字 篇7

  I want to be a doctor twenty years later, to help people.Even when not a doctor, I want to be an astronaut to space exploration. If you can be a doctor to do a good doctorfamous. There are a lot of good doctor, for example, can help oneself. There are advantages to do an astronaut, for example, can have a look at the space is how, can help mankind to prove that the world there are aliens. But dothese two jobs are not easy, also very dangerous, such asthe doctor may have infectious diseases, do astronautsrocket launching and landing could explode. It is not easy to do so this two job.


英文作文600字 篇8


  我们去了同学妈妈的店里,同学妈妈开了家婚纱摄影店,阿姨主动请缨,给我们提供比赛的衣服还免费化妆呢。我们在欢声笑语中化好了妆,换好了衣服,当我们匆忙回到学校的时候,老师见到我们着急地说:“你们怎么才回来呀?马上要轮到我们上场了,赶紧去排队吧!”“是”我们异口同声地回答。因为我们穿的是小婚纱裙,非常漂亮,很多人都围过来看我们呢,我们的回头率好高哦!报幕员报上了我们班,大家都很紧张,我们一进去,评委们眼前一亮,我们调整了一下情绪,就开唱了“love In your……”我们一唱完,全场就响起了雷鸣般的掌声,看来我们的名次一定错不了。比赛后的那几天,大家都在焦急地等待着比赛结果。终于,一位老师来到我们班级通知:“恭喜,你们班名列第一名。”“耶!太棒了!”“太厉害了……”同学们欢呼起来。满脸笑容的老师对我们说,我们之所以能取得第一名的好成绩,不光是参赛同学的努力,也是我们班级里每一个同学还有家长共同努力的结果,所以同学们一定要记住团结就是力量。这次英文歌曲大赛表明,一个人的力量是有限的,同学们相互配合共同努力才会取得好成绩,看似一张小小的第一名奖状,它汇集的却是全体同学老师和家长心血啊!










