惠特曼诗歌分析A noiseless patient spider

时间:2020-12-05 12:12:25 诗歌 我要投稿

惠特曼诗歌分析A noiseless patient spider

  诗歌欣赏:A noiseless patient spider

惠特曼诗歌分析A noiseless patient spider

  I mark'd where on a little promontory it stood isolated,

  Mark'd how to explore the vacant vast surrounding,

  It launch'd forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself,

  Ever unreeling them, ever tirelessly speeding them.

  And you O my soul where you stand,

  Surrounded, detached, in measureless oceans of space,

  Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing, seeking the spheres to connect them,

  Till the bridge you will need be form'd, till the ductile anchor hold,

  Till the gossamer thread you fling catch somewhere, O my soul.

  诗歌欣赏:Epistle from Mrs.Yonge to Her Husband

  by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

  Think not this paper comes with vain pretense

  To move your pity, or to mourn th' offense.

  Too well I know that hard obdurate heat;

  No softening mercy there will take my part,

  Nor can a woman's arguments prevail,

  When even your patron's wise example fails.

  But this last privilege I still retain;

  Th' oppressed and injured always may complain

  Too, too severely laws of honor bind

  The weak submissive sex of womankind.

  If sighs have gained or force compelled our hand,

  Deceived by art, or urged by stern command,

  Whatever motive binds the fatal tie,

  The judging world expects our constancy.

  Just heaven! (for sure in heaven does justice reign,

  Though tricks below that sacred name profane)

  To you appealing I submit my cause,

  Nor fear a judgment from impartial laws.

  All bargains but conditional are made;

  The purchase void, the creditor unpaid;

  Defrauded servants are from service free;

  A wounded slave regains his liberty.

  For wives ill used no remedy remains,

  To daily racks condemned, and to eternal chains.

  From whence is this unjust distinction grown?

  Are we not formed with passions like your own?

  Nature with equal fire our souls endued,

  Our minds as haughty, and as warm as our blood;

  O'er the wide world your pleasures you pursue,

  The change is justified by something new;

  But we must sigh in silence——and be true.

  Our sex's weakness you expose and blame

  (Of every prattling fop the common theme),

  Yet from this weakness you suppose is due

  Sublimer virtue that your Cato knew.

  Had heaven designed us trials so severe,

  It would have formed our tempers then to bear.

  And I have borne (oh what have I not borne!)

  The pang of jealousy, the insults of scorn.

  Wearied at length, I from your sight remove,

  And place my future hopes in secret love.

  In the gay bloom of glowing youth retired,

  I quit the woman's joy to be admired,

  With that small pension your hard heart allows,

  Renounce your fortune, and release your vows.

  To custom (though unjust) so much is due;

  I hide my frailty from the public view.

  My conscience clear, yet sensible of shame,

  My life I hazard, to preserve my fame.

  And I prefer this low inglorious state

  To vile dependence on the thing I hate——

  But you pursue me to this last retreat.

  Dragged into light, my tender crime is shown

  And every circumstance of fondness known.

  Beneath the shelter of the law you stand,

  And urge my ruin with a cruel hand,

  While to my fault thus rigidly severe,

  Tamely submissive to the man you fear.

  This wretched outcast, this abandoned wife,

  Has yet this joy to sweeten shameful life:

  By your mean conduct, infamously loose,

  You are at once my accuser and excuse.

  Let me be damned by the censorious prude

  (Stupidly dull, or spiritually lewd),

  My hapless case will surely pity find

  From every just and reasonable mind.

  When to the final sentence I submit,

  The lips condemn me, but their souls acquit.

  No more my husband, to your pleasures go,

  The sweets of your recovered freedom know.

  Go: court the brittle friendship of the great,

  Smile at his board, or at his levee wait;

  And when dismissed, to madam's toilet fly,

  More than her chambermaids, or glasses, lie,

  Tell her how young she looks, how heavenly fair,

  Admire the lilies and the roses there.

  Your high ambition may be gratified,

  Some cousin of her own be made your bride,

  And you the father of a glorious race

  Endowed with Ch——l's strength and Low——r's face.

  诗歌欣赏:Epitaph X

  by Thomas Heise

  My birthright I have traded for a petal dress

  and a summer eulogy. I have pawned my soul

  for this opal ring, the color of a pale, taxidermied eye.

  If I could carry calla lilies on my shoulder once more

  like an umbrella in daylight, I would lean them

  on the cemetery gate and sleep until the groundskeeper found me.

  For some of us, beauty is carcinoma.

  The saint‘s stigmata is god’s rose, bestowed

  for forgoing a human lover, who will, of course, die.

  I died last year. My mother made her tears into crystal

  earrings and clipped them to my ears. “Son, you will

  pay for your sin,“ my father spoke from his throne of glass.

  Stars burn a sharp, white nacre until they evaporate.

  The moon‘s flamingo unfolds her iodine wings over the broken city.

  My necropolis. My teeth are the fruit of your olive tree.

  诗歌欣赏:Buying Stock

  by Denise Duhamel

  "……The use of condoms offers substantial protection, but does not

  guarantee total protection and that while

  there is no evidence that deep kissing has resulted in

  transfer of the virus, no one can say that such transmission

  would be absolutely impossible."

  ——The Surgeon General, 1987

  I know you won't mind if I ask you to put this on.

  It's for your protection as well as mine——Wait.

  Wait. Here, before we rush into anything

  I've bought a condom for each one of your fingers. And here——

  just a minute——Open up.

  I'll help you put this one on, over your tongue.

  I was thinking:

  If we leave these two rolled, you can wear them

  as patches over your eyes. Partners have been known to cry,

  shed tears, bodily fluids, at all this trust, at even the thought

  of this closeness..


  by Matthew Rohrer

  In the middle garden is the secret wedding,

  that hides always under the other one

  and under the shiny things of the other one. Under a tree

  one hand reaches through the grainy dusk toward another.

  Two right hands. The ring is a weed that will surely die.

  There is no one else for miles,

  and even those people far away are deaf and blind.

  There is no one to bless this.

  There are the dark trees, and just beyond the trees.

  诗歌欣赏:Barrio with Sketchy Detail

  by Andrea Werblin

  Except for the chickens humming to each other,

  making themselves look boneless in the dirt,

  I want no memory of this place.

  I will leave gingerly.

  I will leave strung out.

  I will leave rocking on my heels in unbearable heat.

  the Mexican girls still faking and mourning Selena

  from their perfect cement stoops,

  not yet sworn to the anger hanging

  from their papas' mouths like cigarettes.

  I will leave stunned, from across the room.

  I will leave by instinct, my tongue intact.

  I will leave understanding it

  was always coming, before that night, even

  before we met. Marta will stand quiet, a glyph,

  Pedro offer beer in cups. We'll sit.

  When I leave, the sky will be a gouache of scratches,

  the morning sluggish, a cactus flowering.

  Or I will leave in blistered dark. It will still be true.

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