
时间:2024-08-25 14:47:31 诗歌 我要投稿




  英文诗歌 篇1

  Let Us Smile

  The thing that goes the farthest toward making life worthwhile,

  That costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.

  The smile that bubbles from the heart that loves its fellow men,

  Will drive away the clouds of gloom and coax the sun again.

  It’s full of worth and goodness, too, with manly kindness blent;

  It’s worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.

  There is no room for sadness when we see a cheery smile;

  It always has the same good look; it’s never out of style;

  It nerves us on to try again when failure makes us blue;

  The dimples of encouragement are good for me and you.

  It pays the highest interest — for it is merely lent;

  It’s worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.

  A smile comes very easy — you can wrinkle up with cheer,

  A hundred times before you can squeeze out a salty tear;

  It ripples out, moreover, to the heartstrings that will tug,

  And always leaves an echo that is very like a hug.

  So, smile away! Folks understand what by a smile is meant;

  It’s worth a million dollars, and it doesn’t cost a cent.




















  英文诗歌 篇2

  Lachin y Gair勒钦伊盖

  Away, ye gay landscapes, ye gardens of roses!


  In you let the minions of luxury rove;


  Restore me the rocks, where the snow-flake reposes,还给我巉岩峻岭——白雪的住处,Though still they are sacred to freedom and love:


  Yet, Caledonia, beloved are thy mountains,喀利多尼亚!我爱慕你的山岳,Round their white summits though elements war;

  尽管皑皑的峰顶风雨交加,Though cataracts foam 'stead of smooth-flowing fountains,不见泉水徐流,见瀑布飞泻,I sigh for the valley of dark Loch na Garr.


  Ah! there my young footsteps in infancy wander'd;

  啊!我幼时常常在那儿来往,My cap was the bonner, my cloak was the plaid;


  On chieftains long perish'd my memory ponder'd,缅怀着那些亡故多年的.酋长,As daily I strode through the pine-cover'd glade.


  I sought not my home till the day's dying glory

  直到白昼收尽了暗淡余光,Gave place to the rays of the bright polar star;


  For fancy was cheer'd by traditional story,流传的故事勾起迷人的遐想,Disclosed by the natives of dark Loch na Garr.


  'Shades of the dead! have I not heard your voices


  Rise on the night-rolling breath of the gale?′


  Surely the soul of the hero rejoices,英雄的精魂定然会开颜欢笑,And rides on the wind, o'er his own Highland vale.


  Round Loch na Garr while the stormy mist gathers,当风雪迷雰在洛赫纳佳聚拢,Winter presides in his cold icy car:

  冬之神驱着冰车君临天下,Clouds there encircle the forms of my fathers;

  云霾围裹着我们祖先的身影,They dwell in the tempests of dark Loch na Garr.


  Ill-starr′d, though brave, did no visions foreboding


  Tell you that fate had forsaken your cause?′


  Ah! were you destined to die at Culloden,你们注定了要在卡洛登阵亡,Victory crown'd not your fall with applause:


  Still were you happy in death's earthy slumber,总算有幸,和你们部族一起,You rest with your clan in the caves of Braemar;


  The pibroch resounds to the piper's loud number,高亢风笛传扬着你们的事迹,Your deeds on the echoes of dark Loch na Garr.


  Years have roll'd on, Loch na Garr, since I left you,洛赫纳佳呵,别后已多少光阴!

  Years must elapse ere I tread you again:


  Nature of verdure and flow'rs has bereft you,造化虽不曾给你繁花和绿荫,Yet still are you dearer than Albion's plain.


  England! thy beauties are tame and domestic

  从远方山岳归来的游子眼中,To one who has roved on the mountains afar:


  Oh for the crags that are wild and majestic!


  The steep frowning glories of dark Loch na Garr!


  英文诗歌 篇3

  The Resolute Courtier

  Prithee, say aye or no;

  If thou’lt not have me, tell me so;

  I cannot stay,Nor will I wait upon

  A smile or frown.

  If thou wilt have me, say;

  Then I am thine, or else I am mine own.

  Be white or black; I hate

  Dependence on a checkered fate;

  Let go, or hold;

  Come, either kiss or not:

  Now to be hot,And then again as cold,Is a fantastic fever you have got.

  A tedious woo is base,And worse by far than a long grace:

  For whilst we stay,Our lingering spoils the roast,Or stomach’s lost;

  Nor can, nor will I stay;

  For if I sup not quickly, I will fast.

  Whilst we are fresh and stout

  And vigorous, let us to ’t;

  Alas, what good

  From wrinkled man appears,Gelded with years,When his thin wheyish blood

  Is far less comfortable than his tears?





















  英文诗歌 篇4

  Candle of Love...

  Few people come into our lives

  and make everything shine,but you're one of those

  rare and splendid jewels

  who makes the whole world bright.

  When I was sad, you made me smile.

  When I was alone and blue,you were there for me,and you made me feel strong enough

  to accomplish anything.

  Because I appreciate

  the many things you do,more than words could say,I'm sending you the Candle of Love,and hoping you receive

  many blessings from above.

  Please send the candle of love

  to someone who has touched your life,and keep the flame of love burning bright.

  英文诗歌 篇5

  The Road Not Taken Robert Frost未选择的路罗伯特·佛洛斯特

  Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,


  And sorry I could not travel both可惜我不能同时去涉足,

  And be one traveler, long I stood我在那路口久久伫立,

  And looked down one as far as I could我向着一条路极目望去,

  To where it bent in the undergrowth;直到它消失在丛林深处。

  Then took the other, as just as fair,但我却选了另外一条路,

  And having perhaps the better claim,它黄草萋萋,十分幽寂,

  Because it was grassy and wanted wear;显得更诱人、更美丽;

  Though as for that the passing there虽然在这条小路上,

  Had worn them really about the same,很少留下旅人的足迹。

  And both that morning equally lay那天清晨落地满地,

  In leaves no step had trodden black.


  Oh, I kept the first for another day!啊,留下一条路等改日再见! Yet knowing how way leads on to way,但我知道路径延绵无尽头,

  I doubted if I should ever come back.恐怕我难以再回返。

  I shall be telling this with a sigh也许多少年后在某个地方,Somewhere ages and ages hence:我将轻声叹息将往事回顾:

  Two roads diverged in a wood, and I一片树林里分出两条路

  I took the one less traveled by,而我选择了人迹更少的`一条,

  And that has made all the difference.从此决定了我一生的道路。

  英文诗歌 篇6

  The Road Not Taken


  Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,


  And sorry I could not travel both


  And be one traveler, long I stood


  And looked down one as far as I could


  To where it bent in the undergrowth;


  Then took the other, as just as fair,


  And having perhaps the better claim,


  Because it was grassy and wanted wear;


  Though as for that the passing there


  Had worn them really about the same,


  And both that morning equally lay


  In leaves no step had trodden black.


  Oh, I kept the first for another day!


  Yet knowing how way leads on to way,


  I doubted if I should ever come back.


  I shall be telling this with a sigh


  Somewhere ages and ages hence:


  Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,


  I took the one less traveled by,


  And that has made all the difference.


  英文诗歌 篇7

  圣诞期间的家庭作业Homework for Christmas

  The teacher gave homework for Christmas.

  圣诞节期间,老师布置了作业,We thought it must be a mistake.


  She smiled when she said this assignment

  当她布置这个任务时面带微笑,would take up our whole winter break.


  Before we return from vacation

  假期返回来之前,we have to make sure it gets done.


  It seems that our teacher must like us.

  似乎我们的老师必须像我们一样,Our homework assignment? Have fun!


  英文诗歌 篇8


  come apart

  come undone


  fall apart

  fall to pieces

  let loose

  lie about


  spread out


  to extend


  Snip off a few loose threads

  剪掉几条散开的线头Snip(at)a stray lock of hair

  剪一绺散开的`头发.The patrol tailed out in pairs.

  侦察队两两散开The detached crystals slithered down the rock face for a moment and then made no further sound

  散开的晶体在岩石表面滑了一段时间就再也没有声音了Concentric circles were made in the water.

  同心圆的波纹在水面上散开。Break up; put a stop to;split up

  停止;散开;分手The clouds parted and the sun shone.

  "云层散开,太阳照耀着。"The clouds have now been dissipated.

  云已散开。The yarns at the raw edges can unravel by themselves.

  毛边的纱线不会自己散开。The troops fanned out in a northerly direction.


  adv. 分开地,散成碎片地

  The cup broke asunder.

  杯子破成碎片。They were violently to be torn asunder at a coming signal

  一个既将出现的信号会把他们强行分离得天各一方。He went up to the curtains, and drew them asunder.


  v. 来;发生;开始;出现;变成;达到;来做;来取;来拿

  int. 嗨,得啦,好啦

  The bale will be coming.

  不幸就要降临了。Come on get with it!

  好啦,时髦点儿吧!Illness comes in by mouth and comes out by it


  adv. 相距地;相隔地;...除外;分开地;分离地;拆散地;单独地

  An apartment that is convenient to shopping and transportation.

  购物和交通均很近便的公寓 This toy is made to pull apart.

  这件玩具可以拆开。 Then the long collaboration fell apart.


  英文诗歌 篇9


  Rrecurrent recap of every bit of it

  Concerned you automatically

  Which excessively distraught

  Terrified of being piggy of your warmth

  The disgusting affection without consequence

  Dislocating all

  Silhouette fading out and in

  All pretense of non-business gone

  Throw the book fancily

  Blink, blink, blink,

  Harden ultimately

  Inbred arrogance not consent

  To yield to myself

  Make an attempt to inter all

  In the deeply bottom

  Then indiffrently undergo my way

  Everything goes well

  英文诗歌 篇10

  He wasn't too good with a razor

  and every time he would try

  Kris Kringle would cut himself shaving,so badly it caused him to cry.

  The townspeople laughed when they saw him

  with cut marks all over his face.

  He felt so embarrassed and foolish

  he'd lower his head in disgrace1.

  So one day he threw out his razor,and all of the townspeople cheered!

  No longer would Santa be shaving.

  Instead he was growing a beard!

  But though he has given up shaving

  and grown out a beard white and thick,most folks still remember those cut marks

  and that's why they call him "Saint2 Nick."

  英文诗歌 篇11

  Autumn Fires

  by Robert Louis Stevenson

  In the other gardens

  And all up the vale,

  From the autumn bonfires

  See the smoke trail!

  Pleasant summer over

  And all the summer flowers,

  The red fire blazes,

  The grey smoke towers.

  Sing a song of seasons!

  Something bright in all!

  Flowers in the summer,

  Fires in the fall!

  英文诗歌 篇12

  The Woman in My Life


  The woman in my life Catches me when I've fallen And holds me like a baby when I'm hurt


  No matter how high I climb She guides me safely back to Earth

  无论我爬得多高,都能引导我平安落地当我需要她时,And she's there when I need her My guardian angel

  她就在身边做我的守护天使,In the dark I can see her Here by my side


  The woman in my life Says I'm the one she prayed for And all she's ever gonna need


  But she's the one my heart was made for And that's the way it's always gonna be


  Now I understand just why my dad Is crazy 'bout the woman in my life


  英文诗歌 篇13

  Once more the storm is howling, and half hid

  Under this cradle-hood and coverlid

  My child sleeps on. There is no obstacle

  But Gregory's wood and one bare hill

  Whereby the haystack- and roof-levelling wind,

  Bred on the Atlantic, can be stayed;

  And for an hour I have walked and prayed

  Because of the great gloom that is in my mind.

  I have walked and prayed for this young child an hour

  And heard the sea-wind scream upon the tower,

  And under the arches of the bridge, and scream

  In the elms above the flooded stream;

  Imagining in excited reverie

  That the future years had come,

  Dancing to a frenzied drum,

  Out of the murderous innocence of the sea.

  May she be granted beauty and yet not

  Beauty to make a stranger's eye distraught,

  Or hers before a looking-glass, for such,

  Being made beautiful overmuch,

  Consider beauty a sufficient end,

  Lose natural kindness and maybe

  The heart-revealing intimacy

  That chooses right, and never find a friend.

  Helen being chosen found life flat and dull

  And later had much trouble from a fool,

  While that great Queen, that rose out of the spray,

  Being fatherless could have her way

  Yet chose a bandy-leggèd smith for man.

  It's certain that fine women eat

  A crazy salad with their meat

  Whereby the Horn of Plenty is undone.

  In courtesy I'd have her chiefly learned;

  Hearts are not had as a gift but hearts are earned

  By those that are not entirely beautiful;

  Yet many, that have played the fool

  For beauty's very self, has charm made wise,

  And many a poor man that has roved,

  Loved and thought himself beloved,

  From a glad kindness cannot take his eyes.

  May she become a flourishing hidden tree

  That all her thoughts may like the linnet be,

  And have no business but dispensing round

  Their magnanimities of sound,

  Nor but in merriment begin a chase,

  Nor but in merriment a quarrel.

  O may she live like some green laurel

  Rooted in one dear perpetual place.

  My mind, because the minds that I have loved,

  The sort of beauty that I have approved,

  Prosper but little, has dried up of late,

  Yet knows that to be choked with hate

  May well be of all evil chances chief.

  If there's no hatred in a mind

  Assault and battery of the wind

  Can never tear the linnet from the leaf.

  An intellectual hatred is the worst,

  So let her think opinions are accursed.

  Have I not seen the loveliest woman born

  Out of the mouth of Plenty's horn,

  Because of her opinionated mind

  Barter that horn and every good

  By quiet natures understood

  For an old bellows full of angry wind?

  Considering that, all hatred driven hence,

  The soul recovers radical innocence

  And learns at last that it is self-delighting,

  Self-appeasing, self-affrighting,

  And that its own sweet will is Heaven's will;

  She can, though every face should scowl

  And every windy quarter howl

  Or every bellows burst, be happy still.

  And may her bridegroom bring her to a house

  Where all's accustomed, ceremonious;

  For arrogance and hatred are the wares

  Peddled in the thoroughfares.

  How but in custom and in ceremony

  Are innocence and beauty born?

  Ceremony's a name for the rich horn,

  And custom for the spreading laurel tree.










