
2024-08-02 云南


  云南美食英语作文 1

  Kunmings picturesque natural scenery enhances delicious local foods. Kunming dishes are representative of Yunnan cuisine, which combines cooking styles of other cities and nationalities outside Kunming. The most fabulous of all Yunnan food is Yunnan rice noodles (Guoqiao mixian, literally "Crossing the bridge rice noodles"). With its high humidity and mild temperatures Kunming provides abundant fruits and vegetables all year for local cuisine. In addition, there are numerous snack options in high streets and back lanes. You can find good places and restaurants to eat in Kunming during your Kunming tour. By the way, most hotels in Kunming offer Western food in a noise-free environment at prices much higher than those charged in common Western restaurants.

  Steaming-Pot Chicken (Qiguo Ji汽锅鸡)

  This dish gained its name from steaming the chicken in a pot with a hollow tube in the center. It is a simple tasty dish. To make it, place chicken, ginger, a shallot, pepper and salt in the pot and steam for about four hours, during which time steam from the tube contacts the cold pot cover turning to water, then flows back into the pot to become delicious chicken soup. Before serving, remove ginger and shallot.

  Braised Jizong (mushroom) in Soy Sauce (Hongshao Jizong红烧鸡枞)

  Kunming is host to various wild mushrooms including Jizong. Whenever the sun shines after a rain from June to September, many Jizong shaped like small grey umbrellas appear on the mountain. The chicken-like taste of Jizong is popular with gourmands. Braised Jizong in Soy Sauce is prepared this way: Wash Jizong; dry by airing; cut into pieces. Next chop chili and tenderloin pieces. Wrap tenderloin and Jizong pieces in egg white, starch and salt mixture; fry in hot oil. Finally, braise the Jizong and tenderloin pieces with garlic, ginger and shallot. Drizzle sesame oil on a plate, place braised pieces on oil.

  Kunming Bittern Duck (Kunming Lu Ya昆明卤鸭)

  The dish is a first choice among tourists. After choosing ducks from Dianchi Lake and preparing with some ten steps, it can be served. The dish is golden with a soft flavor. It is said that Bittern Duck is a dish do much good to peoples health.

  Across Bridge Rice Noodle 过桥米线

  Across Bridge Rice Noodle (Yunnan Guoqiao Mixian) is one of the featured specialties of Kunming and Yunnan. It has three main parts: a bowl of extremely hot chicken broth, various slices of meat, including chicken, fish, and meat up to nine varieties, with various seasonings and rice noodles. Preparation: Add meat and seasonings to the soup first, then the rice noodles. Season with pepper powder, gourmet powder, fried chili, and chopped onion; the flavorful soup is colorful red, green, yellow and white.

  Xuanwei Ham (Xuanwei Huotui宣威火腿)

  Xuanwei Ham (Xuanwei Huotui) also called Yuntui or Yunnan Ham is one of the three famous and best hams in China. The main ingredient in many local dishes, Yunnan Ham retains its unique flavor and can be stored for long periods of time. Offered in most local restaurants, ham preparation includes baking, salting, pestle, warming, and freezing.

  Modern Cake (Modeng Baba摩登粑粑)

  Baba is popular in Yunnan. It is a food made of flour, corn powder, sticky rice, lard, sesame and meat. The initiators of Modern Baba were two pretty sisters who made sweet and tasteful Baba that attracts people even today. Modern Baba has a crisp exterior and a soft interior; it is sweet with savory cream.

  Other Kunming Snacks

  Besides Modeng Baba, other snacks include Shao Mai (steamed dumpling with the dough gathered at the top), Chou Doufu (bean curd), Wandou Fen (bean jelly), and Jicai Jiao (shepherds-purse dumpling). Pastry is another local favorite in Kunming. Xuanwei Ham Moon cake is a Dian style moon cake praised even by emperors. Rose Cake is a seasonal fresh-tasting pastry with a stuffing of fragrant roses in bud. Best known is Dian Eight Articles, the representative pastry in Kunming.

  云南美食英语作文 2

  Yunnan, a beautiful place. There are 26 ethnic minorities here, and there is the largest Dounan flower market in Asia, of course, today I will not introduce these, but introduce the food

  The most famous pastry in Yunnan, do you know what it is? Yes, it is the flower cake, the attractive cake taste, and the fragrance of roses, a word, "absolutely". First look at the exterior, golden skin, inside rose pink pink, some white sugar. It looks good. Try it again. Ah, better, dozens of layers of crispy skin, there is a feeling of melting in the mouth, the rose fragrance and not greasy, and the beautiful juice in the mouth has a sweet feeling, that is, in general, a little sweet, but the crispy fragrance and the rose mix together, the cake flavor sweet to eliminate a little, the taste is sweet. Crisp pancake and fragrant rose, sweet but not greasy, crisp but dry.

  And by the way, theres matcha and bean paste!

  Matcha? Its generally good, too. Its all green on the outside. But it tastes just fine. One bite down with the original taste is not much, if you eat too much oil, you can adjust the smell of the mouth.

  Bean paste is to add a little bean paste into it, there is no taste, but it is also recommended that you can taste it.

  Hows that?? Yunnan food is unusual, isnt it? Come and try it!

  云南美食英语作文 3

  Crossing the bridge rice noodles, with its exquisite soup, eating method, taste fresh sweet fragrance, salty and suitable, and become a special flavor of Yunnan snacks. Crossing the bridge rice noodles are mainly made of soup, meat slices, rice noodles and seasoning. Soup with fat chicken, pig bobbin bone boil, clear and bright is the best; The chicken breast, pork loin, liver, kidney, fresh fish, etc. cut into thin slices, put into a small dish; Rice noodles with fine white, toughness is good; At the same time, pea tips, yellow sprouts leek, tender spinach and so on. When eating, with a large "sea bowl" soup, add MSG, pepper, cooked chicken oil, soup rolling oil thick, the bowl does not take a hint of heat. Soup on the table, the pigeon eggs 搕 into the bowl, following the meat quickly into the soup, a gentle stir, suddenly become a piece of Yulan like white, delicate. Then add fresh vegetables, rice noodles, with chili oil, sesame oil, etc., then serve. In the bowl, red, white, yellow and green intersect and glow, which makes peoples appetite open.

  Once upon a time, there was a scholar who was going to enter the exam, one day, the weather was very cold, his wife made a bowl of rice noodles, after a very common way, he came to a bridge, after the bridge, he came to the place where the scholar rested, the rice noodles were still very hot, the scholar felt very delicious after eating, and then he was a Jin scholar, so the girl sent him rice noodles After crossing the bridge, it is called cross-bridge rice noodles.

  云南美食英语作文 4

  In Yunnan, I tasted a variety of delicious snacks, as a foodie, naturally want to share with you.

  First of all, crossing the bridge rice noodles is a must. To eat rice noodles, you should first pour the rice noodles into the hot stock, then add mushrooms, meat slices, bean sprouts, you can also put some mustard and spicy sauce to taste. When the soup is slightly cool, quickly eat a bite of rice noodles and drink a bite of soup. Woah! The delicious stock and chewy rice noodles are delicious.

  Yunnan has many special snacks: fried bait cubes, roasted milk fans, corn baba and so on. I prefer to eat baked milk fan, which is one of the 18 strange Yunnan - "Yunnan 18 strange, milk test to sell". The roasted milk fan is sour and sweet, and the bite is crisp and crisp, and the taste is very good.

  In Lijiang, there are three things that are highly recommended - preserved pork ribs, mushroom casseroles and black goat. I went to taste the preserved pork ribs. The store is called "Big Buddha", the store is not big, in a farmers market inside, because it has been on TV, it is relatively famous. More than half of the wall on one side of the store is covered with preserved pork ribs, which is very eye-catching. Pork ribs divided into large, medium and small pot, a small pot only 60 yuan, the material is very sufficient, and with some vegetables, three people must eat enough. Eat the ribs, taste the dishes, and have some cold drinks, this summer is beautiful.

  What surprised me most was the fish casserole served in a team meal. The team meal is known as "not sweet, not salty, not sour, not spicy" and "famous at home and abroad", but the fish this time gave us a surprise. The fish is very tasty, very tender and fresh, and the dish and soup are very fragrant. The tour guide said that the fish here was just fished out of Erhai Lake, of course, fresh. With this pot of fish, a bowl full of rice fell down in an instant. Thanks to the fish, the lunch on the trip was delicious.

  There are many delicious food in Yunnan, you are welcome to taste.

  云南美食英语作文 5

  Crossing the bridge rice noodles is a famous food in Yunnan, which has a history of about 200 years. Yunnan people often use crossing the bridge rice noodles to entertain guests from afar. Tourists who have been to Kunming, in addition to enjoying the beautiful scenery will also go to taste the local famous food - cross the bridge rice noodles.

  Crossing the bridge rice noodles can be described as color, flavor and perfect taste. Just finished bridge rice noodles, exuding an attractive aroma, make you want to drop. There are bright red chicken, pig, fish pieces in the bowl, there are green spinach, pea tips and bright yellow chicken - the colorful food, but also increased my appetite, let people salivary delay "ten thousand" feet.

  Crossing the bridge is also easy to make. First, a plate of finely cut chicken, pig, fish slices and pea tips, spinach, magnolia slices and pork liver slices are placed into a soup of fat chicken and bones, topped with chicken fat to achieve the effect of heat preservation. Customers can according to their own taste, put some pepper oil, coriander and other seasonings, and then put the rice noodles into the bowl, after mixing a bowl of fragrant, colorful bridge rice noodles is done.

  Normally, whenever I have the chance, I will eat the fragrant bridge rice noodles. Whether it is the restaurant or homemade I like, after eating people have endless aftertaste.

  The bridge rice noodles are not only delicious, but also have an interesting legend. Hundreds of years ago, there was a poor scholar who studied hard at a cold window in order to gain fame. His wife crosses the bridge every day to bring him rice noodles. Once, due to fatigue, his wife fainted on the bridge. When he woke up, he found that the soup in the casserole was still scalding hot, and then put some spices on the scalding, better to eat. Later, the scholar won fame, so he named this rice dish "Crossing the bridge rice noodles".

  Tasting a bowl of rice noodles across the bridge is enough to make you "happy."

  云南美食英语作文 6

  Today, my parents took me to The Times supermarket shopping.

  Walking around, my stomach is hungry. So, I make mom and dad to eat KFC, mom and dad take me at a dead end, then coax me to say: "Tiger, you dont always eat KFC ah, you also try Yunnan crossing the bridge rice noodles." "What if it doesnt taste good?" I asked. "Then I still owe you KFC." When I saw that I had taken a big advantage, I immediately replied, "Well, thats what you said, dont go back on it." "Its a deal." In this way, I happily followed my parents to the restaurant.

  This time I coke, help mom and dad to find a seat, help mom and dad order. Dishes are good, I still think from time to time: this bridge rice noodles is so much cheaper than KFC, can it be delicious?

  Unconsciously, the dish came up, it looked like noodles, I thought: now they will lose, ha ha. However, when I really eat the mouth, this feeling completely disappeared, the smell of noodles, the feeling of rice, all of a sudden back, plus beef, and soup, such as a small bridge water, sudden stop, in the heart forever reverberated; Like a waterfall, through the heart, cold, sweet and sweet; Like a melodious piano, there are high and low, slow and urgent. Ah, is this rice noodles? It was so good, I couldnt put it down. This delicious far more than KFC, the feelings in the heart of a sudden, really let people linger, the heart is still not calm for a long time.

  Crossing the bridge rice noodles, delicious endless, I originally wanted to say not delicious, but finally involuntarily said delicious, really do not know why, this feeling is really people can not hide in the heart, perhaps this is the power of food

  Bridge rice noodles, I like you, I like your feeling of freedom, that makes me moved delicious!

  云南美食英语作文 7

  Yunnan has beautiful Cangshan and Erhai Lake, as well as many famous delicacies.

  Yunnan rice noodles is the most representative food in Yunnan, more famous are over the bridge rice noodles, fried sauce rice noodles, casserole rice noodles, etc. My mother and I love to eat fried sauce rice noodles, its sauce is very fragrant, and more green vegetables, not greasy. Yunnan rice noodles began in ancient China during the Wuhu Chaos period, when northern people fled to the south and produced noodlelike food. It is also said that when Qin Shihuang attacked Guilin, northern soldiers were fighting in Guilin and were not used to eating rice from the south, so people at that time ground rice into powder and made it into noodles to ease soldiers homesickness. The fried rice noodles will be a little spicy, but it is delicious to eat, the rice noodles are soft and smooth, it is perfect!

  The other is the roasted milk fan, which I have never heard of before, but I can often see it in the ancient city of Dali. This is a kind of milk products produced in the source of Dali Erh, the shape of the production is very unique, is a thin sheet with less water, milky white, probably the appearance of water chestnut. See a continuous stream of people to buy, my mother and I also bought two strings, it is like a piece of paper rolled up, which contains a very sweet sweet sauce. In fact, it is very good to eat, but my mother and I are not used to eating too sweet things, so did not finish and threw away, some pity, but still very good!

  Yunnans most tourists to buy home as a souvenir is the flower cake, flower cake is the most representative local characteristics of Yunnan. Its name tells us that it is a cake filled with flowers. The shape of the cake is the size of a chess chess, and the most important thing is that it smells fresh and fragrant, and sure enough, this is the smell of natural! We were afraid that we could not eat so we did not buy, but as long as we smelled the taste, we were satisfied!

  Yunnan has beautiful scenery, food, you can also travel to Yunnan Oh.

  云南美食英语作文 8

  Yunnan famous flavor dishes are: chrysanthemum white fungus steamed pot chicken, Taiji dried pasteuria, chicken silk tigers foot fungus, fish mince milk fan roll, cross the bridge rice noodles, sugar leg broken crispy buns, Du Shu mai, erbium, Mengzi rice cake and so on. Steam pot chicken gets its name from steam pot steaming. The purple pottery boiler produced in Jianshui, south of Kunming, is made of local red, yellow, blue, purple and white five-color clay, with the characteristics of "color like copper, sound like solarized singing, light and clean like a mirror, never fading". During the production, the artist first soaked the five-color earth in water, stirred it, and then filtered it into green-red clay. After the clay is made, it is painted with landscape, flowers and other patterns, and then carved and embedded with other colors of clay, which is burned and polished with stone tools to make it a whole and the pattern is clear. Those who have been used for a long time, the light can mirror people, seems to be a simple and elegant folk crafts.

  To make steam pot chicken, first put the chicken pieces into the pot, put the seasoning, put into a large casserole pot with water, and seal the lid. Cook over high heat for about four hours. At this time, steam is continuously poured into the boiler from a pipe in the middle of the bottom. Both steamed chicken pieces, but also condensed into water in the pot, become soup. Thus, the steam pot steamed chicken meat rotten bone, soup fresh meat tender, the most able to maintain chicken flavor and nutrition.

  Yunnan is rich in medicinal materials, and local people like to add some Chinese medicinal materials when steaming steamed chicken. For example, produced in the alpine meadow mountain cordyceps, winter for insects, summer for grass, rich in cordyceps acid, vitamins, protein, etc., can treat tuberculosis, lung qi deficiency, lung and kidney deficiency, kidney deficiency impotence, back pain and other diseases also have curative effect, so with ginseng, deer antler name. Notoginseng, the medical community believes that it has the effect of treating coronary heart and anticancer and refreshing qi. Gastrodia has a significant effect on headache, dizziness, hand and foot twitching, spasm and rheumatism. Therefore, when people steamed steamed chicken, they often medicated the disease, respectively putting the right amount of cordyceps, Notoginseng, gastrodia, etc., in order to nourish and strengthen the body, dispel disease and prolong life.

  云南美食英语作文 9

  As the saying goes: "The people depend on food", Yunnan food can be a lot, today lets talk about what I hate to cross the bridge rice noodles!

  Every time I eat over the bridge rice noodles, the naughty soup doll always has a "high fever", I blow it left and right blow it or not back to burn, no way, I had to pick out the "rice noodles baby" carefully swallowed, slippery rice noodles with a fragrant soup slipped into the belly, I aftertaste the mouth sweet, intoxicated close your eyes, in how to feel some numb tongue? "Ah! Its so hot! Its hot!" I pulled out my cup and gulped water.

  "Well, I eat meat!" I licked my tongue, picked out the meat bite some soup, meat is very elastic, in the sweet soup soaked in the shredded meat seems to still stay some sweet, and then eat two mouthfuls of rice noodles, it naughty in the mouth to slip, hit the mouth, silk meat fragrance in the mouth rippling open, I was sure enough to be burned...

  After eating and drinking enough, I greedily licked my lips with a touch of soup and touched my red-hot face, thinking: Over the bridge rice noodles, over the bridge rice noodles, you the guy I love and hate...

  云南美食英语作文 10

  Yunnan, a beautiful place, there are beautiful scenery, warm people; There are more than a dozen ethnic minorities there, but what attracts me most is the Yunnan food.

  The first place in Yunnan in my heart is the hand pilafing of Yunnan Jingpo nationality. I saw that the waiter came up with a large pot of food wrapped in lotus leaves. Unlike before, our plates are big leaves and our chopsticks are our hands. I saw chicken wings on the lotus leaves, fried bean sprouts, pineapple rice... And so delicious. My favorite is pineapple rice. In a hollowed out large pineapple placed crystal glutinous rice, glutinous rice inlaid with a variety of sweet fruits, a look is very attractive. I quickly grabbed a piece with my hand, and before I put it in my mouth, I smelled a sweet and sour aroma. I put glutinous rice into my mouth. "Its delicious!" I couldnt help saying. The sweetness of the glutinous rice is combined with the acidity of the pineapple fruit. Sour and sweet, it tastes better than fruit candy!

  Thats all for number one and then its time for number two. In my heart, Yunnans second place is of course the Dai banquet. I saw that the table was full of delicious, useful herb roast herb ribs, the taste is unique with a clear fragrance; There is roasted konjac duck, a soft, tofu like dish made from taro. There is also a small corn fried meat, small corn is a specialty of Yunnan, eat very refreshing, but also with the aroma of shredded meat... Im about 3,000 feet away from my mouth. The most Dai flavor is Sa Pu. Raw beef and pomegranate juice half together, and then use vermicelli, beef and vegetables, put into the juice made of raw beef and pomegranate juice, you can eat. At first I did not dare to eat, and then I saw that everyone ate so fragrant, I could not help but use chopsticks to clip a chopsticks into it, put it into my mouth, it tasted good. The sweet and sour of pomegranate, the fresh aroma of raw beef, and the refreshing of vegetables add together to form a delicious food march, and the taste is really awesome.

  The strangest food in Yunnan is the halal of the Hui people. In the Hui people, they regard the pig as a sacred animal and never eat pork. They never had pork on the table, only mutton and beef.

  There are many kinds of food in Yunnan. Some of them are strange, some are interesting and some are delicious. In Yunnan now scenery is not her only label, food can represent the culture of Yunnan.

  云南美食英语作文 11

  When it comes to crossing the bridge rice noodles, everyone must be familiar with them. Although the rice noodles here are also very good to eat, but do you know that the rice noodles here contain glue, eating this rice noodles is like eating a plastic bag, but there is a great harm to the body. However, we are not afraid to come to Lijiang, Yunnan, where the rice noodles can be described as high-quality rice noodles, genuine, and the taste is very delicious.

  In Luoyang, I knew a thing or two about the rice noodles in my hometown, so that day, my mother saw a sign that said the authentic Mengzi rice noodles shop, and she had to go in to try it. Im afraid the label says its authentic, but this rice noodles, ahem, Im not so sure. So I just didnt eat, and they had no choice but to order a big bowl for themselves.

  The shop still looks clean, there are a lot of people eating, but the quality is still not assured. Look at the wine mother and mother, as if they are about to eat abalone, lobster, really do not understand them. But as soon as the rice noodles were served, we were all dumbfounded. That rice noodles is not the same as our Luoyang, a look is very appetite, large and small plates, bowls countless. The big one, that is, the bowl of rice noodles, is the size of the casserole pot of soup. Small ones. Theyre full of quail eggs. But the smallest dish is for quail eggs.

  And not only that, but also vegetables, cabbage celery, sauerkraut, pickles, dog tails, and a whole lot of meat, soup or chicken soup. You have to put them in a bowl of rice noodles, because theyre raw. First pour the quail eggs and slices of meat into the bubbling casserole, then the chicken pieces and the fried skin, and finally the sauerkraut and greens. As a result, a large casserole of green, yellow, red and white crossing the bridge rice noodles appeared in front of us.

  It looked very attractive, and I was a little moved and decided to taste it first. So I took a small bowl, added a few chopsticks of rice noodles from the rice noodle casserole, and scooped up a few spoonfuls of chicken. I think this authentic rice noodles must be delicious, needless to say. So the rice noodles in the mouth a chew, suddenly feel there is a kind of unspeakable feeling, delicious. Then drink a chicken soup, wow! I feel that chicken soup inside not only chicken flavor, as well as quail vegetables, sauerkraut taste, it is, it is very delicious!

  Two out of five. Look at that bowl. I didnt have a drop of soup left. Lets talk about how delicious this rice noodles are!

  云南美食英语作文 12

  Great country, there are fifty-six national flowers. Whether it is special clothing, festival customs, its profound cultural heritage has deeply infected us.

  Yunnan, this beautiful province, is like a pearl embedded in the east, which makes us marvel. As the saying goes: Eighteen strange Yunnan, three mosquitoes a dish. It is precisely because of the unique food culture of Yunnan that it is called the "hometown of food". Its wide variety of snacks and unique cuisine have won national acclaim.

  Yunnan rice noodles, with its elaborate production process and unique taste, enjoy a national reputation and become a major feature of Yunnan. Making this dish is like making a craft, every step must not be sloppy. First of all, we must prepare some proper rice noodles, some wood fungus, lettuce leaves. Then you have to boil a pot of steaming chicken soup, put ingredients such as black fungus into the pot, and then put boiled rice noodles into the pot, plus salt and MSG and other ingredients. If you want the taste of rice noodles more tender and refreshing, you can put shredded mustard, ham slices, etc., and finally mixed with some water, simmer slowly for a short time, you can eat! I believe that the fragrant taste will make every person who comes to Yunnan linger!

  In addition to the delicious Yunnan rice noodles, Yunnans "18 strange" is also a marvel. Hence the saying:

  Yunnans first strange: eggs sold with grass strings.

  Yunnan second strange: Baba cake called bait block.

  Yunnan third strange: three mosquitoes fried dishes.

  Yunnan fourth strange: the stone grows beyond the clouds.

  Yunnan fifth monster: take off the straw hat as a pot lid

  The sixth monster of Yunnan: Wearing clothes for all seasons...

  This rhyme is well known in Yunnan. Lets talk about the third monster first: "Three mosquitoes stir-fried dishes." In Yunnan, when and where to a plate of insect dishes is not rare, and when the home has a guest to visit, Yunnan people will also do a "insect feast!" A lot of out-of-towners are amazed, arent they? In peoples eyes, insects seem to be a kind of unpopular things, but the clever Yunnan people "turn the decay into magic", use insects to do food, a large table, looking at, all the color of insects. Some are stir-fried centipedes, some are salad tripe, and some are cockroach and spring onion stew... Although the food is not so beautiful, but the taste is different!

  If you go to Yunnan and see these delicacies, dont jump up!

  云南美食英语作文 13

  My favorite specialty snack -- Yunnan "Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles"

  Well said, the people depend on food. In China, a country that pays attention to food, each place in the southeast and northwest can find its own unique food. Of course, the flavor of each region is different, and everyone has his own good, from the main dishes of the banquet to the flavor of the street snacks, are many gourmands relish the topic. Among the many delicious dishes, I love Yunnans "crossing the bridge rice noodles" the most.

  Remember the first time to eat "bridge rice noodles" is very accidental. It was Sunday, shopping with my mother unconsciously past lunch time. Happened to pass the rich road, saw a "Yunnan bridge rice noodles" shop happened to open in the new, open the door, fragrant chicken soup smell will come, although not normal dining time, but clean and spacious shop there are still many guests in the taste of delicious. When the waiter put a steaming bowl of thick soup with golden chicken fat and various dishes and hot rice noodles on the table, my appetite was immediately opened. I cant wait to follow the waiters instructions, first the meat slices, ham slices, quail eggs and cooked chicken pieces and other main ingredients into the thick soup, and then the vegetables, onion, coriander and other ingredients into the soup, and finally put the white rice noodles into it and gently stir in the soup with chopsticks.

  At this time, the rich and tangy aroma of chicken soup constantly stimulated my taste, looking at the floating in the thick soup thin white meat slices and red ham slices, the whole piece of white powder meat chicken leg, green onion segments, vegetable sprouts and yellow and white quail eggs, a color, fragrant, delicious snacks in their own personal participation has been perfectly presented in front of me. I gently tasted a bite, wow, for a time, the tender meat and the fragrance of rice noodles as well as the fresh aroma of chicken soup filled my mouth, the world how there are such delicious things ah? I cant believe it! I kept eating and drinking one mouthful after another, and at last I wanted to drink the whole bowl of chicken soup if my stomach was not so strong.

  After tasting the "crossing the bridge rice noodles", I asked my mother: "Who invented such delicious things?" Why do you call it that? "My mother smiled and said," There is a beautiful and moving legend here!" It is said that during the Qing Dynasty, there was a small island in the middle of a lake outside Mengzi County in Yunnan Province. There was a scholar who studied poetry on the island for peace and quiet, and his three meals a day were sent by his wife across the bridge. But its a long journey, and every time the food is delivered, it gets cold.

  The wife is anxious and guilty. One day, the wife made the husbands favorite chicken soup and rice noodles. In order to carry them easily, the chicken soup and cooked rice noodles were separated. On the way, the wife fainted on the side of a small bridge due to overwork. When the scholar came and woke up his wife, they were surprised to find that the pot of chicken soup was still hot. It turns out that a thick layer of oil on the chicken soup prevents the loss of heat. From then on, the wife processed according to law every day, the scholar ate hot meals, read more carefully, and finally passed the number one exam. Therefore, later generations called the rice noodles made by this method "crossing the bridge rice noodles", and thus derived the Xiucai rice noodles, the champion rice noodles, beef rice noodles and many other varieties. Because of its soup hot taste, tender meat, rice powder fragrance and other characteristics, it has become a unique traditional flavor food in Yunnan."

  After listening to my mothers introduction, I am even more"

  "This kind of Yunnan flavor food has a special liking! Because it is not only delicious, but also writes the miracle of love!

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