
2024-07-23 其他类英语作文


  我家养了两只小鸡英语作文 1

  Dad bought me two chickens. They are fluffy, like fluffy toys. They make me want to get close to them. Here comes the little sister. She wants to play with the chicken. Im not against her playing with chickens, but shes killing them.

  The next day, my little sister hurt the chicken again. I stopped her in a hurry, but she didnt listen to me. She ran after the chicken everywhere like a headless fly.

  Dad said that he should let it out to play, and then led me and my little sister to play with the chickens.

  The chicken pecked at the earth outside. I asked my father why the chicken pecked at the earth. My father told me that the chicken pecked at the earth because the chicken swallowed the millet instead of eating it. Without the grains of sand, the millet could not be digested.

  Its windy, its raining. We take the chick home. The chick sleeps quietly.






  我家养了两只小鸡英语作文 2

  Recently, my grandmother brought two chickens, two little roosters that havent started crowing yet. My mother told me that children can grow taller by eating a rooster. I think they are very fun, so I asked my mom to eat them again in five days.

  I have been feeding them rice and vegetables every day for these five days. I noticed that there is one that doesnt eat, and I call it One Dont Eat. The other one always eats non-stop, I call it Er Wu Wu.

  But time is like my enemy, I want it to be faster, it tends to be slower, I want it to be slower, it tends to be faster. Five days passed like this, and my mother asked my grandmother to stew "one no eat" and "two no stop". As soon as I heard this, tears welled up in my eyes. I cried and said, Mom, youre too cruel! Did you have the heart to eat the chickens you raised yourself? Are chickens born just for people to eat? Unfortunately, despite my opposition, my grandmother still stewed them together. I slowly picked up the soup and drank it slowly with tears in my eyes. I felt like I was drinking the taste of love. Not eating and not stopping eating sacrificed their lives to make me grow taller, sob

  I want to raise a big rooster that I will never eat, because my alarm clock is too low to wake me up. If I had a big rooster, I wouldnt be afraid of being late anymore.





  我家养了两只小鸡英语作文 3

  Finally, on May Day, I can raise chickens because I have time. I have been looking forward to this day. On the morning of May 3rd, the sun was shining brightly, and my father and I came to the market together. There are not only chickens here, but also ducklings. Some chickens are native chickens, with their whole body turning yellow; Some are chickens from other places, with a pale yellow color all over their bodies; Some of them are black chickens, all black and screaming, jumping and jumping, jumping out of the cage several times, really cute. Some chickens are about to grow up, while others have just hatched.

  I picked two foreign chicks with long necks and big eyes. They have just come out of their shells, and their mouths are golden red. They have large bodies and small wings, very attractive, and jump around happily. When I got home, I placed them on the balcony, found two small plates, poured water into them, and put some millet in them. When the chicken drinks water, its neck is lifted up, but when it eats millet, its feet are vigorously plowing the ground everywhere, leaving me confused.

  In the afternoon, I brought the chicken downstairs and my friends gathered around to take a look. The little chicken mistook the clothes for insects, making us laugh heartily. The arrival of chickens has added infinite joy to me.




  我家养了两只小鸡英语作文 4

  I really like small animals, so my mom bought me two chicks online. I was very happy the day my little chicken was delivered, jumping and jumping to pick it up. These two little chickens are one pure yellow, I named it Xiaohuang, and the other is a colored one, I named it Xiaohua.

  When I got home, I quickly took off my coat and changed into slippers, eager to play with the little chicken. In order to welcome their arrival, I prepared a warm little home for them early on. Now the chicks are back, I want to take them to see my carefully decorated home.

  I said to the little chicken, Little chicken, do you like the home I prepared for you?

  The chicks are pecking at the cage everywhere and making chirping sounds. I think they must be very satisfied.

  So I stayed with the chicks until it got dark. My mom called me to eat, but when I came back to the chicks after I was full, I found them all listless. I was puzzled and thought about it in front of the cage. Only then did I realize that I had eaten and forgot to prepare food for the chicks. No wonder.

  I quickly prepared a little rice to sprinkle on the cardboard of the cage, and the chicks rushed to eat. Seeing that the chicks were full of vitality again, I was extremely happy!







  我家养了两只小鸡英语作文 5

  In composition class, due to my excellent writing, Teacher Sun rewarded me with a little chicken. I am very happy.

  When I got home, I first observed the appearance of the chick. The little chickens pink fur is like a fluffy little ball, very cute. Its head is round, with two round black gem like eyes embedded on it. It has a sharp and hard mouth that keeps opening and closing, making a crisp sound. There are two small holes above its mouth, and this is its small nose, so small that it is almost invisible without careful observation. The little chicken also has a pair of small wings, two thin and long calves, and very powerful claws.

  When I brought the millet that my mother had soaked for it to eat, it stretched out its long neck and chirped, as if saying, "Little master, youre finally here to feed me. Im starving to death." I gently placed the soaked millet in front of it, and it pecked the rice bit by bit with its sharp little mouth, making a sound every time it pecked.

  At night, the little chicken began to rest, and I stood there gently watching it sleep. It leaned against a corner, silently closing its eyes and entering a sweet dreamland





  我家养了两只小鸡英语作文 6

  On a Saturday with clear weather, my mom and I went to the street to buy chicks.

  We arrived at the place selling chicks and looked at those chicks. They had a pair of black, chubby little eyes and a pointed little mouth; Its fur is snow-white, walking around like a ball of cotton. Its really interesting!

  I walked over to the boss and said, How much does this little chicken cost? The boss replied, Its not expensive, its not expensive, its only three yuan. So my mom paid, and I took a little white chicken and went home. When I got home, I put the chick in a basket and put some rice and water in the basket. This is the chicks home.

  Raising chicks is very interesting. Sometimes, I would take my little chicken to the yard to bask in the sun. It would bounce around in the grass, as if saying, "This place is really fun. You can catch insects to eat, take a cool breeze, and even lie down on the lawn and sleep soundly." Unconsciously, it was already afternoon, and dusk had arrived in the sky. From a distance, it looked like there was a fire on the other side of the sky. So, I took my little chicken home.

  Today I had a wonderful Saturday with my little chicken, I am so happy!

  This little chicken has been raised in our house for over a month now and has grown much bigger than before. Due to my education, my grandmother helped me take care of myself for a few days. By the weekend, when I came back to finish my homework, I quickly went to see my little chicken, which had grown to the size of a fist. Sometimes I take out some rice from my pocket and feed it to the chicks. I also catch three or four earthworms from my home and feed them. I hope the chick grows up quickly.







  我家养了两只小鸡英语作文 7

  In my life, there are many interesting things, and the most interesting one is when I raise my chicks. I remember it was spring when my mom went to school to pick me up, and I could hear the sound of chicks from afar. So, I went with my mom to see that it was an old man selling chicks. The chicks were crowded and running around inside. I said to my mom, "Good mom, can you buy me two chicks?" Seeing how much I liked chicks, my mom bought me a little yellow chicken and a little green chicken.

  I carefully packed the two chicks into a bag and carried them home. My mom said, Chicks also need to bask in the sun. So I put the chicks on the windowsill to bask in the sun. Its body is like a furry little ball, soft and fluffy. Its pointed little beak peckes and peckes on the windowsill, and its small wings are flapping. The more I look at it, the more I like it. I dont think its a chick, its more like a bird. At night, Im going to give the little chicken a home, so I took a big cardboard box, laid a soft cushion inside, and even put its favorite little yellow rice. I sleep in a warm blanket, wondering if my little chicken is cold or not? Ill go take a look, why isnt there any chick left? Ah。 Originally, the clever chicks were hiding under the blanket to keep warm. In the morning, at dawn, the little chicken began to dance and sing, as if saying, "Little master, wake up quickly..." The little chicken grew up day by day, and one day the grandmother said, "We cant keep it at home anymore, lets give it to my aunts milk." I was very sad when I heard it

  The little chicken is so cute, I will buy a little chicken to raise next year.

  Do you think raising chicks is fun?





  我家养了两只小鸡英语作文 8

  We have a very interesting little chicken at home, especially when we go out to play and have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Do you think my little chicken is cute? Let me explain slowly below!

  I took my little chicken for a walk early today. Because its almost noon and the chicks are very hungry, their voices are screaming loudly and harshly! I cant take it anymore! Dad said to me, Ill go dig some earthworms and centipedes for the little chicken. Can you play with it here? I was very willing to play with the little chicken, so I said, Of course! Of course! I joked with the little chicken and said, Be good, little chicken. Well have a big meal later! Unlike dealing with enemies, I had a straight face. After a while, Dad came back from digging earthworms and said, "Little chicken, your big meal is here!" Then he held the bowl to the little chicken and let it eat the earthworms. Chicks first carve earthworms; Then grab the middle part of the earthworm with your mouth; Then, he placed the earthworm on the ground and vigorously carved it; Finally, the worm, covered in holes, was sucked in with its own mouth. Dad found another centipede from the bowl for the little chicken to eat. When the little chicken saw it, it was even more excited than seeing an earthworm! I quickly ate it without leaving any trace. The method of catching centipedes by chicks is almost the same as that of catching earthworms, so I wont talk about it here.

  What do you think of my little chicken! Isnt it cute enough!




  我家养了两只小鸡英语作文 9

  Summer vacation is coming, and my mother agreed that I can raise small animals during the holiday. After intense ideological struggle, I decided to raise chicks. My aunt accompanied me to the Hualing market and selected two chicks, one male and one female. They are newly hatched chicks.

  The whole body of the little hen is light yellow, and the whole body of the little rooster is black yellow. Their little mouths are light orange, and their eyes are small, so cute. They like to eat millet, and they also like to eat breadcrumbs!

  When I first brought them home, they kept chirping and chirping. I dont know if they want to eat or drink while listening to their chirping? I pour some water for them and feed them millet, but they still bark, and Im a bit at a loss.

  Or did my mom remind me to look up information on how to feed chicks? So I searched for information again and online, and finally figured out that the chicks need to be fed by meal count, not at all times. I also need to give the chicks time to eat small stones and not keep them in the box all the time. Because chicks dont have stomachs, they cant digest food on their own and can only rely on eating small stones to digest food. Chicks are really amazing! In this way, I would go downstairs every day to release my chicks. They would always run around and eat, so I named my chicks Dong Shi or Xi Shi . They seem to particularly like this name because every time they shout eat east, eat west, they quickly run towards me and chase me around.





  我家养了两只小鸡英语作文 10

  I went to my grandmothers house during the Spring Festival, and she raised a group of cute chicks.

  They have golden feathers, fluffy and comfortable to touch. The little chickens eyes are black, the size of a mung bean, round and round like a small black bean. Your mouth is hard and sharp, and it can even peck and bleed your hands. I have sharp nails on my paws, and when I walk, I move my head forward a little bit, which is extremely cute!

  When I walk into the chicks, they will happily run to my feet. This makes me feel embarrassed because when I step on them, the world will lose a faint life.

  The chicks are so cute. In the evening, grandma would grab a handful of rice and put it in their small bowl. The chicks would know there was food to eat as soon as they heard the sound, and spread their wings to grab it.

  Chicks are cute when they eat, and they are also cute when they play. Every morning, when they are happiest, they often play games together. Once, I saw a chick bump into another chick, and the other chick chased after it. The chick ran and jumped, and the chick in front couldnt run anymore, so it stopped. The chick behind couldnt stop, so it tripped over the chick in front and fell to the ground. Isnt it cute!

  These are my grandmothers cute little chickens, I really like them.







  我家养了两只小鸡英语作文 11

  Chicks are beautiful small animals, cute, mischievous, and very likable.

  Although they sometimes catch insects, they are not carnivores and often eat rice, millet, noodles, grains, and the like. Their faces are delicate, their eyes turn back and forth, and their limbs are slender. Linglong and compact. They are all yellow with a small head, making them even more beautiful! Chicks always like to play in the grass, by the stream, and in the vegetable fields. Dont be fooled by some chicks who recognize home, as soon as the door is opened, they are always the first to rush in. However, there are always some chicks who dont listen and play for a day, but still refuse to come back, leaving their owners searching the village.

  Chicks are very hardworking. I wake up early during the day and go to bed late at night. They always chirp incessantly, sometimes saying, Im hungry, Im hungry! and then saying, Im thirsty, Im thirsty! Ah! How difficult to serve! The chicks are also very alert. As soon as someone approaches or touches it, it immediately runs to the corner of the wall.

  Some children nowadays always let rice grains spill out while eating. At this point, the little chicken started to snatch food from you. If it couldnt, it would even peck at you! Hahaha... Hahaha!

  The chicks are really clean now. They are covered in yellow fluffy fur, and they have to use their small and delicate mouths to comb and comb every day, which is very convenient! Their fur is always shiny, smooth, and extremely clean.






  我家养了两只小鸡英语作文 12

  I have seven little chickens at home, with fluffy bodies and golden little mouths, very adorable. I really like these little chickens.

  One of my daily activities after school is feeding the chicks. When I put the mixed rice in the box, they rushed forward, the bowl was overturned, and the rice spilled all over the bottom of the box. They dont care about 37, 21, and still bury their heads and eat.

  At this moment, I couldnt help but laugh!

  Once, I noticed that little grey chicken was running around recklessly, even if other chicks accidentally touched the rice on its body, it had to chase after it and peck hard, disturbing the "neighbors". I was very angry and grabbed the little grey chicken, letting the other chicks eat first. And when the little grey chicken saw that I didnt put it down, it pecked my hand hard.

  When the other chicks have finished eating, I will put it down. The little grey chicken flaps its wings, as if its right. I raised a protest.

  Unfortunately, something happened. One day, the little grey chicken disappeared and I searched everywhere. Suddenly, I felt a soft and fluffy sensation under my feet. Look, ah! It turned out to be a little grey chicken, it died somehow. I felt extremely uncomfortable, so I put it in a small wooden box and buried it in the yard.

  There is a mischievous little one missing among the chicks, and the other chicks are peaceful, but I am very sad. In the future, I will cherish the remaining six little chickens even more.








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