
2022-01-26 美国

  美利坚合众国(英语:United States of America),简称“美国”,是由华盛顿哥伦比亚特区、50个州和关岛等众多海外领土组成的联邦共和立宪制国家。下面就是小编整理的美国节日风俗作文,一起来看一下吧。


  The new year is a major holiday celebrated by all States in the United states. Americans live on New Year's Eve, and the most exciting is new year's eve. Is the night, people gathered in the church street or square, singing, praying, blessing, repentance, and together to await the exchange the old for the new moment. 12 midnight, the church bells, the band played the famous song "nostalgia" May you be safe throughout the journey. In the sound of music, the excited people embrace together with a sentimental farewell and a new life for himself to usher in the new year.

  The new year in the United States is not the most exciting festival, but there are still many grand celebrations in California rose is the largest New Year Festival, then with flowers especially roses tied floats for several miles. The car placed flowers do not only attract California, everyone around the streets, but also attracted millions of TV viewers. In Philadelphia, have held up the parade tradition for the parade of people, some dressed as clowns, some dressed as women (according to the old tradition, the parade does not allow women to attend), with floats now singing, now dancing lively and extraordinary.

  Americans also have an interesting habit of making resolutions on New Year's resolutions. They call it "New Year's resolutions"". This determination is not usually what great plan and noble ambition, but some simple and practical plan, such as "I quit", "I want to treat the neighbor" etc.. They always speak frankly to each other in order to be supervised and encouraged.

  It is said that American Indians also have unique new year customs. Every new year's Eve, they hold a characteristic bonfire party, the family surrounded by campfire, singing and dancing. Wait until the morning twilight, they put the old clothes on fire, as a symbol of the old and welcome.






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