
2020-12-06 句子

  1,Only by team work and cooperation can we achieve huge success. 只有团队工作和合作,我们才能取得巨大的成功。

  2,Only in the classroom can you do some reading. 只有在教室里才能看些书。

  3,Only by exercising every day can you have a good body. 只有每天锻炼你才能有个好身体。

  4,Only he knows the truth. 只有他知道真相。

  5,Only in this way, can you learn English well. 只有用这个方法你才能把英语学好。

  6,Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting. 叫了三次他才来参加会议。

  7,Only when he is seriously ill, does he ever stay in bed. 只有当他病的很重时他才会躺在床上。

  8,Only some of the students passed the examination. 只有一些学生通过了考试。

  9,Only when the war was over in 1918 was he able to get back to work. 只有在1918年战争结束了他才能回去工作。

  10,Only after a bitter struggle was the aim achieved.只有在激烈的斗争中目标才能得以实现。

  11,Only the teachers are allowed to use the room. 只有老师才能被允许使用这个房间。

  12,Only five men were hurt in the accident. 只有五个人在这场事故中受伤。

  13,Only then did I know he is my best friend.只有在那个时候我才了解到他是我最好的朋友。

  14,Only when you are 18, can you join the army. 你只有年满18岁才可以参军。

  15,Only yesterday, did he realize his own mistake. 昨天,他才意识到自己的错误。

  16,Only when class began did he realize that he had left his book at home. 开始上课了他才意识到他把书忘在家里了。

  17,Only at the end of the term did they realized how much time they had wasted. 在学期结束的.时候,他们才意识到他们浪费掉多少时间。

  18,Only by working hard can you succeed. 只有通过努力工作你才能成功。

  19,Only in this way are you able to finish the work in time. 只有用这种方法你才能及时把这项工作完成。

  20,Only in the reading-room can you find him. 只有在阅览室你才能找到他。

  21,Only when one loses freedom does one know its value. 只有当失去自由时,人们才能知道它的价值。

  22,Only a policeman the children saw in the street. 孩子们在街上看到一个警察。

  23,Only one more point will I make. 我只再说明一点。

  24,Only when the war was over was he able to return home. 只有当战争结束了他才可以回家。

  25,Only he can answer the question. 只有他能回答这个问题。

  26,Only by shouting at the top of his voice was he able to make himself heard. 只有通过大声叫喊他的声音才能被自己听到。

  27,Only in this way can we achieve what we want. 只有用这个方法我们才能实现我们想要的。

  28,Only in each afternoon does the university library open. 只有在每天下午大学图书馆才会开放。

  29,Only under special circumstances are freshmen permitted to take make up tests. 大一新生只在特殊情况下才被允许参加补考。

  30,Only when they got back home did they find the house had been broken into. 当他们到家了他们才发现房子被人撬开了。










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