Unit 4 Where’s my backpack?(新目标版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)


秀洲区王店镇中学 张丽娟

一. 教学内容

本单元的主要内容是谈论物品所在的位置。通过这一话题,训练学生的听、说、读、写四项基本技能,让学生通过询问物品的位置,学习一些有关家居物品和学习用品的单词,以及方位介词in, on, under, behind 等的用法;学习并掌握Where问句的问答,一般疑问句提问并用方位介词来回答;学习名词单复数及人称代词they 的用法,同时培养学生养成干净、整洁、合理摆放物品的好习惯。

二. 教学目标

1.知识目标:A. 掌握有关物品的新单词:table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, drawer, plant, bag, alarm clock, CD, video, video cassette, hat, etc;

B. 熟练运用in, on, under, behind, in front of, near等介词;

C. 熟练运用Where问句和一般疑问句及其回答;

D. 掌握名词单复数及人称代词they的用法。


B. 学会用英语询问自己的或他人物品的具体位置;

C. 能够合理地描述和设计房间。

3.情感目标:A. 培养学生整齐地摆放自己物品的生活习惯;


4.学习策略:A. 交际策略: 学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活中去;




三. 教学重点、难点

1. 重点:A. 方位介词: in, on, under, behind, in front of, near 等的用法;

B.Where 的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句:Is the… in/on/under the …?的肯定、否定回答;

C. 新单词:bed, dresser, table, bookcase, backpack……

2. 难点:A. 能够准确运用方位介词描述物品所在的位置;


四. 教学方法



第一课时:Section A 1a, 1b, 1c

第二课时:Section A 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b, 3c, 4

第三课时:Section B 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b

第四课时:Section B 3a, 3b, 3c, 4, Self-check

Period One




Period One

Sub Topic Talk about the room

Functions Talk about where the things are.

Vocabulary: where, table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, drawer, plant, in, on, under, they, they’re=they are


Where’s …? It’s in/on/under…

Where’re…? They’re in/on/under…

Tasks Listing

Make a survey

Step One Warming up

Play an English song before class.

Revise some school things by asking questions.

e.g.: What’s this? Is this a …? How do you spell it? etc.

Learn the new words in, on, under, behind … by helping the teacher find the lost things.

e.g.: T: Where’s my English book?

S1: It’s here. / I think it’s …

T: Oh, it’s on the desk.

T: Where’re my color pencils?

S2: …

Teach the new word “where” and the use of “they”.

Consolidate the prepositions by looking at the screen and answer the questions:

Where’s … ? Where’re…?


Step Two Game: Hide and look for things

Students hide and look for the school things in pairs. One student hide one school thing and ask: Where’s…? Where’re…? The other student guess and answer: It’s in your desk. They are in your pencil case. etc. Ask some pairs to share their performance.


Step Three New words learning

Show the students a picture of a room, tell them this is a bedroom, let the students list the things in it first. Then show them the whole picture, teach the new words, ask where the things are, let the students answer, using the prepositions.

Repeat with a sitting room and a study, teach the new words and practice in the same way.



Step Four Make up dialogues

Section A, 1a: Match the words with the things in the picture. Students do it individually first, then check the answers.

Section A, 1c: Make up dialogues in pairs, using the things in the picture.

Step Five Listen and say

Listen and imitate the dialogues in Section A, 1b.

Step Six Summary: A memory test

Show a picture of a room, give the students one minute to look at it, then ask them what kind of things they saw and where the things are. Have a competition among groups. See which group can remember all the things and places.




Copy the new words and try to remember them.

Make a survey: Interview one of your friends or teachers. Fill in the form below.

Name Things Places

Ms. Zhang/

Liu Hai sofa near the wall


任务运用:Making a survey

Period Two


教师: 准备表格、一些学习用品和多媒体课件。

学生: 学习用品

Period Two

Sub Topic Talk about the room

Functions Talk about where the things are

Recycled language Where is…? It’s on/in/under…

Where are…? They’re in/on/under…?

Structure Is the book / Are the books on the desk? Yes,… / No,…

I don’t know.

Tasks Listing


Step One Warming up

Chatting. Chat with the students about the things around the room by showing them pictures. Ask the students to spell the new words.



Step Two Listen and imitate

Section A, 2a. Revise what the things are. Play the tape for students and let them number them.

Section A, 2b. Play the tape again, students number the things [1-6] in the picture. Imitate the dialogues.

Step Three A guessing game

A guessing game. Show the students a picture of a room with a few things in it. Have them guess the places of the other things.

e.g.: T: There is a bookcase in it. Is the bookcase near the bed?

Ss: Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

Write the general question and the answers on the blackboard.

Step Four Pairwork

Section A, 2c. Look at the picture in 2b again. Students use general questions to ask and answer about the things in it.

Step Five Game: Find the difference

Section A, 4. Student A looks at Picture 1 ( Textbook P21. 4), Student B looks at Picture 2 ( Textbook P19, 1a). Ask and answer in pairs and fill in the form.

e.g.: SA: Where is the backpack? Is it under the table?

SB: No, it isn’t. It’s on the table.

Things Picture 1 Picture 2

backpack under the table on the table

pencil case




Ask some students to report their answer like this: In Picture 1, the pencil case is … In Picture 2, the pencil case is…; In Picture 1, the books are … In Picture 2, the books are …

设计意图:设置任务,通过对比的方式让学生理解方位介词。利用表格直观体现出两幅图的不同点, 再将它的不同点复述出来,其目的在于培养学生的语言组织能力。

作用运用:Listing & comparing

Step Six Practice the drill “Where is / are…?”

Present short dialogues, using pictures or objects to help.

Dialogue 1:

A: Where’s my bag?

B: I don’t know. Is it on the sofa?

A: No, it isn’t.

Dialogue 2:

A: Where’re my books?

B: I don’t know. Are they on the bed?

A: Yes, they are.

Teach “don’t =do not”, “ know”.

Check the homework in Period One. Make reports to share the information they got from the friends or teachers, and give their simply assessment.


Let the students make similar dialogues according to the pictures in Section A, 3a&3c.

Put the dialogue in the right order.( Section A, 3a.)



Finish off the exercises in the exercise book.

Act out the dialogues. (Section A, 2a & 2b.)



Period Three


教师: 准备表格、与本课有关的实物和多媒体课件。

学生: 学习用品

Period Three

Sub Topic Talk about the room

Functions Talk about where the things are

Recycled language Alarm clock; video cassette; CD; math book; computer game

Where’s …? It’s in / on / under …

Where’re…? They’re in / on / under…

Structure The math book is on the dresser.

The CDs are on the bookcase.


Tasks Listing & sharing

Step One Warming up

Ask some pairs to act out the dialogues in Section A, 2a & 2b.

Step Two New words learning

Show the students a picture of a room. Let the students say like this:

The ID card is on the table.

The books are on the chair.

Let some able students list some new words. Practice reading them.

Match the new words with the things in the picture. (Section B, 2a.)

Pairwork. Talk about the picture. ( Section B, 1b&1c.)


任务运用:Listing & sharing

Step Three Listen, circle and write

Play the tape twice for students to listen and circle the things Tommy wants from his room. Check the answers. ( Section B, 2a. )

Listen again. Write down the sentence about where Tommy’s things are. Check the answers. ( Section B, 2b.)

Step Four Group work: Decorate the room for Emma.

Show the students a picture of Emma’s untidy room.

Group work. Decorate the room for Emma.

Make a report.



Step Five Self-assessment

Group work

Things Places Yes No Score

backpack on the chair 10

pen in the pencil case 10

notebook on the bookcase/in the backpack/on the desk 10

keys In the drawer/bag 10

dictionary on the bookcase/in the backpack/on the desk 10

alarm clock on the bed/desk 10

socks in the drawer 10

pictures on the wall 10

shoes under the bed 10

CDs on the desk/bookcase 10


Your finally score:

70~100: You keep your room very tidy.

40~60: You keep your room a little tidy.

0~30: You keep your room untidy.



Finish off the exercises in the exercise book.

Write at least 8 sentences to describe your bedroom to your friends.


Period Four


教师: 多媒体课件;单词卡片;

学生: 学习用品

Period Four

Sub Topic Ask for help

Language focus take…to; bring…to; can, need

Recycled language thing, room, desk, TV, floor, some

The book is on the table.

The pens are in the pencil case.

Structure I need … for…

Can you bring some things to school?

Please take these things to … .

Tasks Comparing

Problem solving & sharing

Step One New words learning

Present the new words by making conversations with students. Show some pictures and words on the screen to help.

    e.g.: T: What’s this?

S1: It’s a room.

T: Do you have a room like this?

S1: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

(Repeat with the other words: TV, desk, …)

(Show a card with a word and ask)

T: Can you spell this word?

S2: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

(Let them know the meaning of “can”.)

T: Can you spell your name?

S3: Yes, I can.

T: Can you write your name?

S4: Sorry, I can’t. I have no pen.

T: You need a pen. ( Give him a pen.)

( Let the students know the meaning of “need”.)

T: I bring a red pen to the class every time. Now it is on the teachers’ desk. After class, I’ll take it to my office.

( Teach “bring”and “take”.)


Step Two Find the differences

Show a picture of a room with a few things in it, give the students a short note about the things around the room to read, let the students try to find out the differences between the reading material and the picture. Circle the mistakes in the reading material. Make an orally report by looking at the picture again.



Step Three Read the note

The students read the note silently and draw the missing things in the picture. ( Section B, 3a.) (为了节省时间,教师可以让学生在图中标出数字来替代画图。) Practice reading the note loudly.

Look at the picture and fill in the blanks. ( Section B, 3b.) Students do it individually first, then check the answers.

Step Three Creative work

Make a telephone conversation to your family in pairs, tell him or her to bring you four things that you need for the sports meeting from your room, and where the things are.

Write down the note.( Section B, 3c.)


任务运用:Problem solving

Step Four Self-check

Revise the key words in different ways. Ask the students to spell them.

Let the students do Self-check 3 individually.


Draw and write. Draw your ideal room, then write a short passage to describe to your classmates. ( Section B, 4.)


Finish off the exercises in the exercise book.

Revise the language items in this unit.