盐城一中高三英语导学提纲:模块9 Unit 2 Project(译林牛津版高三英语选修九教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-4-9 编辑:互联网 手机版

一、 任务型阅读





Shisanling 1______: 50km north-west of BJ

Tourist 2______ :

the Sacred Way → Changling → the Ling’en Palace

3________ It had a great influence on the design of emperors’ tombs in the five…

Qing 4_______

between M and Q The Qing Tombs are obviously influenced by the Ming Tombs.

5__________of Xiling It has three broad stone gates instead of one.

Preservation of

the tombs 6_________ All the tombs have been damaged because of centuries of exposure…

7__________ a.The government has begun the enterprise of protecting…

b. A lot of money has been invested in restoring them.

c. The deadline for completing restoration …

d. 8_________ the international recognition.

9__________ : It is our responsibility to treasure and protect these monuments…

二、 重点短语




皇室家庭(成员) ______________




在…方面 _________________











被指控有…罪__________________ 判处某人死刑__________________

对…仁慈_____________________ 背叛祖国___________________

对某人不忠_____________________ 启航_____________________

生下一个女儿_____________________ 在最后一刻_____________________


1. insurance against

insurance against sth 保险措施;(预防损失,失败等的)安全保障

an insurance against theft/ fire 盗窃保险;火险

2. be open to ... 对...开放的; 易受到, 易招致

be open / closed to the public

The castle is open to visitors in summer.

They are open to temptation. 易受到诱惑

be open to suggestions 广纳建议

3. in bad / good / excellent condition 情况/状态良好

living/working conditions

on condition that 在…条件下

They agreed to lend us the car on condition that (= only if) we returned it before the weekend.

4. line

line something with something 沿…形成列,行

The cage should be lined with straw.窝内垫上草

The street was lined with small shops.

a tree-lined avenue 林阴道 (类似的短语a gold-covered statue, a snow-capped mountain顶部积雪的山)

line (sb./sth.)up 排成行,排成列

He lined us all up in the corridor.

I lined the bottles up on the shelf.

Line up, everybody!

5. decorate with以...装饰(美化)

He decorated his room with pictures of all his favorite sports figures.

Decorate a street with flags

We decorated the house with flowers for the holiday. 我们为了庆祝节日而布置了房子。


The office is plainly furnished With two desks and four chairs.办公室陈设简朴, 只有两张桌子和四把椅子。

6. be native to原产的, 土生的

These fish are native to North America.

Many of the plants are native to Brazil.

7. in terms of… “在……方面,就……而言”,如:

It was a bad year for films,in terms of both quantity and quality.无论从数量上还是质量上看,那一年对于电影来说都不是个好年景。

In terms of customer satisfaction, the policy can’t be criticized.这个政策无可挑剔

Paris has played a dominant role in France, not just in political terms but also in economic power.

8. take up 占据,;拿起 ;对...发生兴趣; 继续, 接下去说;开始从事, 开始学

take up arms

take up the story where Sue had left off...

take up too much time/space

take up mountain climbing.喜欢上登山运动

took up engineering.干起了工程设计这一行

Kathy _______ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.

A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up

9. mark sth with sth / mark sth on sth vt. 做记号于;留痕迹于;标明

Peter marked his name on the first page.

The box of eggs was marked "With Care". 这个鸡蛋盒标上了"小心"字样。

A smile marked her happiness. 笑容表明了她的幸福。

10. under the protection of在...保护之下

He asked to be put under police protection.

protection against/from

Magee pulled up his collar as protection against the breeze.遮风

A thin jacket is a poor protection against cold. 一件单薄的夹克衫不足以御寒。

Our policy offers complete protection against fire and theft.我们的保单全面承担火灾及盗窃风险。

11. meet the deadline赶上截止时间

I am afraid that I cannot meet the deadline for application.恐怕我赶不上申请的截止时间了。

meet needs/demands/requirements/ standards

12. not surprisingly毫不奇怪

Not surprisingly, with youth unemployment so high, some school-leavers with qualifications fail to find jobs.

Not surprisingly, the UK has the highest divorce rate in Europe.

---Their car was hit by a truck on the way to the railway station.

---__________, they missed the train.(广州综合测试)

A. No surprisingly B. Not surprising

C. No surprising D. Not surprisingly

13. part and parcel意为“主要部分,必要部分”,如:

Receptions are part and parcel of a secretary's job.接待来宾是秘书工作的重要部分。

Working overtime is part and parcel of his job.超时工作是他工作的基本特征

14. invest in投资于

Oliver made a fortune by investing in antique furniture.

Williams invested a large sum of money in stocks.

We must invest in a new TV.

It's about time you invested in a new shirt.

We invested a lot of time and effort in the development of the new machine. 投入(精力或时间)

15. message n. 要旨, 寓意

The play has a serious message.这部戏有着重要的寓意。

They use illustrations to convey their message.

三、 翻译句子

1. 亨利八世因指控妻子对其不忠而残忍的把她关进塔处死。

2. 他把那间带家具的宿舍扩大, 给妻子、儿子腾出一些地方。

3. 东陵自发掘以来一直受到中央政府的保护。

4. 准许他游泳的条件是他必须不远离别的孩子。

5. 他发言时,请不要插嘴。

6. 这些体育赛事是由烟草业赞助的。

7. 孩子们躺在草地上,双眼凝视着天上的星星。

8. 他的访问增进了彼此的了解。

9. 就薪金而言,这个工作倒是不错,但也有一些不利之处。

10. 我们希望按时完成这项工程

1. Location 2Attraction 3 Influence 4 Connection 5 Features

6 Reasons 7 Measures 8 Gain 9 Conclusion

1) be equal to

2) do sth as insurance for

3) the royal family

4) in good condition

5) be located in

6) high-quality bricks

7) in terms of

8) take up

9) the entrance to

10) in recent decades

11) deliberate destruction

12) historic sites

13) under the protection of

14) invest money in doing

15) the deadline for

16) another important source of funds

1.Henry VIII showed no mercy as he accused his wife of being unfaithful to him and sent her to the Tower to be killed.

2.He had his furnished accommodation enlarged to make room for his wife and son.

3.He was allowed to go swimming on condition that he kept near the other boys.

4.Dongling, since being unearthed, has been under the proteciton of the state government.

5.Don’t cut in when he is speaking.

6.The sports events were sponsored by the tobacco industry.

7.The children were lying on the grassland with their eyes staring at the stars.

8.His visiting adds to each other’s understanding.

9.This job is great in terms of salary, but it has its disadvantages.

10.We expect to meet the deadline for comppleting the project.

四. 缺词填空

1. borne being unfaithful to 2. comfortably furnished enlarged make room for 3. unearthed under the protection