Unit 3 Under the sea教案设计 (新课标版高二英语选修七教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-6-8 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 3 Under the sea教案设计

浙江省湖州二中 邵宁宁


(1) 指导思想



(2) 理论依据



人教版NSEFC M7U3的主题是“Under the sea”,中心话题是海底世界,听、说、读、写活动主要围绕海底动植物、海底奇妙景观,以及有关大海的神话故事展开的。教学内容由二篇阅读,二份听力,三个话题讨论和三个话题延续性写作任务组成。





话题和写作内容:1、用using language 阅读中表达感受的词汇描述过去的难忘经历(P24)。


3、用以前学的persuasive writing的表述写一篇有关正确对待海洋生物,禁止乱捕的劝戒性文章。



第二课时是Using language 中的阅读:A new dimension of life (P23): 首先考虑到第一课时与此部分内容联系密切,环环相扣;其次通过掌握单词和词汇,学生必然对看到的喜欢的和害怕的海洋动植物有一种很想“说”的欲望,而此课时的内容恰恰是表达对这次海洋之旅的感想,可谓首尾呼应,相得益彰。本课时的目标旨在:


2、让学生学会用wise-looking, brain-shaped, red-spotted, blue-striped 等复合形容词修饰看到的动植物。




第四课时是一篇内容涉及虎鲸帮助人类捕鲸和救助落水者的两起逸事(P20-21)。作者以第一人称的口吻,讲述了一个名叫Old Tom的虎鲸的故事。故事一共分两部分:第一个故事讲述Old Tom是捉鲸人的好帮手;第二个故事讲述了Old Tom是遇难者的救星。本教学目标旨在:




第五课时是language points。

第六课时是V+ing的被动形式的复习和巩固以及运用。目标是学生能在教师设置的情境或图片中正确的运用like/love/ hate/ fear/ enjoy/ imagine/ admit/ stand/ mind…等动词后面跟被动形式和with/ have/ see/ find/ witness/ feel…+宾语+being done 做宾补的形式。






(1) 掌握本单元教学目的和要求中的单词和词汇。如:anecdote, annual, witness, accommodation, shore, yell, pack, flee, drag, depth, lip, tongue, abandon, relationship, rent, seaside, net, dimension, reflect, pure, magic, beauty, cell, aware, vivid, poisonous, cave, narrow, sharp, tasty, scare, shallow, entry, awesome, seal, pension, pensioner, ahead of, in the meantime, help out, be/ become aware of, upside down, be scared to death etc。

(2) 帮助学生更多地了解海洋/海底世界。

(3) 复习动词V-ing形式的被动式。


(1) 提高学生阅读能力和赏析水平。

(2) 在写作中学会表达责备、抱怨和要求赔偿。







(1) 巩固动词V-ing形式的被动式的用法。

(2) 在写作中学会表达责备、抱怨和要求赔偿。


(1) 任务型教学。

(2) 合作型教学。

Unit3 Model 7 Teaching plans

Teaching period 1: Words and expressions in unit3 and warming up (p99-100).

Teaching period 2: Pre-reading, reading, comprehending and learning about language (19-22).

Teaching period 3: Language points.

Teaching period 4: Grammar (p22)

Teaching period 5: Using language discussing and writing (p23-24).

Teaching period 6: Reading listening and talking (p25-27).

Teaching period 7: (Workbook) Listening task, talking and writing (65-66).

Teaching period 1 Words and Expressions and Warming up

Teaching aims:

1. Learn to pronounce the new words correctly and know the exact meaning in the context.

2. Guide students to use the new words in complete sentences with the help of pictures.

3. Learn to use the correct forms of the new words according to the context.

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Warming up

1. What is it in the picture? And where are the watchers? (An aquarium)

2. Why do people buy aquariums or call at aquariums? (To decorate rooms / raise pets/ watch sea creatures etc)

3. So in general what is an aquarium?

(An aquarium is a place where people can enjoy a great diversity of creatures on the earth.)

4. Where can you find these creatures? (Oceans/ seas / coral reefs …)

5. What words would you like to describe them? (Beautiful/ wonderful/ marvelous/ splendid…)

6. So please draw a conclusion with the information.

Keys: It is in seas that people can appreciate such marvelous vivid creatures. / And only in oceans can people enjoy these wonderful views.

Let’s enjoy the following photos taken in oceans.

Step2. Get familiar with the new words

Show pictures--- lead students to output the new words--- to make a complete sentence.


1. What special equipment is the man wearing? (A snorkel)

2. What is the man doing? (go /be snorkeling)

3. Do you think it is very deep? Guess the depth of the water? Which word will you use to describe the water? (shallow/ …in depth)

Keys: A man is snorkeling in shallow water which is probably 0.5 meter in depth.


1. Where is the photo taken? (under the water)

2. What is it in the dark? (A cave)

3. Look at the entry of the cave, what word will you use to describe? (A narrow entry)

Keys: A camera is falling into a cave with a narrow entry.


1. Where are the people? (near the shore/ at the seaside)

2. Suppose you were one of them, what will be your feeling or reaction when facing a whale?

(yell / be scared to death/ flee from the shore)

3. Suppose these are local people and the whale has difficulty returning to the sea, what will they do in your opinion? (help … out)

4. Suppose the next day a new reporter gets the scoop and interviews them, what is the relationship between them? (interviewer and witnesses/ interviewees)

5. According to the information you get, say something to describe the picture.

Keys: At the seaside, there is a crowd of people yelling when facing a whale and some of them are scared to death, even trying to flee. Or, near the shore a whale gets stuck and some local people want to help the whale out. The relationship between them is interviewer and witnesses.


1. What is the animal called in English? (Seals)

2. Usually, where do you suppose we can find seals and penguins? (In Antarctic)

3. Which word will you use to describe the snow and the whole scenery? (pure white/ beauty)

4. What will they do next according to the picture? (leap)

5. Say anything to describe to scenery.

Keys: Penguins and seals are common animals in Antarctic. Isn’t it a real beauty when you see a pack of penguins is leaping from the ice, against the pure white background?


1. What is it? (A sea-slug)

2. What can you see on the back of the sea-slug? (with vivid colors and stripes / it is a striped sea-slug)

3. In general, animals and plants with vivid colors are dangerous. They are …? (poisonous)

4. Say something about the picture.

Keys: The Ocean is a place full of magic where you can find animals and plants with vivid colors and different shapes, but generally speaking, animals and plants with vivid colors are poisonous.


1. Is the fish swimming in the normal way? (hang upside down)

2. What do you suppose is it doing? (eating tasty plants)

Keys: The fish, hanging upside down, is eating some tasty plants in the ocean.

Step3 Consolidation

One afternoon I was sorting out my a_________ when I heard a huge noise coming from the bay. As we ran down to the s_______, we saw an enormous animal jumping in the water up and down in order to inform the whalers of whale out there for them.

With Old Tom guiding the way, we soon got close to the hunt, astonished to see a whale being a_____ by about six other killers. Some t_____ themselves on top of the whale’s blowhole to stop it b_______ while others tried to stop it f_____ out to the sea. Then a whale hunter in the boat a_____ the harpoon at the whale and hit it. Soon the whale died. The killer whales d______ the body out of the whale down into the sea. The body would f_____ to the surface of the sea about 24 hours later after Old Tom and the others enjoyed its lips and t______.

On another occasion, James, a whaler, was w______ off the boat. I was terrified to see a shark a______. Fortunately, Old Tom held James up in the water while the other killers were still attacking the whale.

keys: accommodation / shore / attacked / threw / breathing / fleeing / aimed /dragged / float / tongue / washed / approaching

Step 4 Homework

1. Get basic information about sea creatures through reading materials on P20.

2. Finish the exercise on P21: exercise 1 and 2.


Teaching period 2 Old Tom the Killer Whale

Pre-reading, Reading and Comprehending

Teaching aims:

1. Grasp the basic information about the killer whales, such as size, habitats, food, how they hunt animals and the relationship with human beings.

2. Learn to retell the two anecdotes with the help of key words.

3. Make sure the students know that killer whales are friends of human beings and we should keep balance with nature.

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Warming up and lead in

Tell students we are on a snorkeling trip under the sea and will come across a great variety of marine animals: dolphins, turtles, manatee, eels, octopus, squids, butterfly fish, kelp, sea star, angel fish, clown fish/ anemone fish, parrotfish, sea flower/ anemone, sea-slug, clam, coral, jellyfish, seahorse, shark etc.

Step2. Presentation

Make sure students know some basic information about the whales:

Background information

writer Clancy

career a whaler

writing style anecdotes

time at the beginning of the 20th century

place Australia

main character whalers, killer whales, the baleen whales

main idea the killer whales help the whalers to kill the baleen whales.

Step3. Skimming

Ask students to skim the passage quickly and answer the questions:

What is the first anecdote about? And how about the second one?

The first anecdote mainly talks about that _______.

A. Clancy began to work at a whaling station.

B. The killer whales helped whalers to catch a baleen whale.

C. The killer whales hunted in a team and killed a baleen whale.

D. Old Tom showed whalers the way to a baleen whale.

Key: B.

The second anecdote: Old Tom saved a whaler James who was washed off the boat.

Step 4 Scanning

Fill in the following blanks with the proper names:

1. _______ was 16 years of age when he went to work at the whaling station.

2. ________ ordered Clancy to go to the boat as there was a whale out there in the bay.

3. ________ was swimming by the boat, showing the whalers the way.

4. _______ told Clancy that they would return the next day to bring in the body of the whale.

5. ______ was carried by the waves further away from the whalers.

6. _______ knew that Old Tom would protect James.

Keys: Clancy, George, Old Tom, Jack, James, Red.

Step 5 Careful Reading

Story Part 1

How to help

Ask students to read Para 2 to Para 6 and find out before the hunt: what did Old Tom do and what did whalers react?

Suggested answers: Old Tom threw itself out of the water, then crashed sown again and swam by the boat, showing us the way.

One whaler yelled out and George ran ahead of him. Clancy grabbed his boots and raced after him. They jumped into the boat and headed out into the bay.

Next, find out during the hunt and after the hunt, what did killer whales do and what did whalers react?

Suggested answers: A pack of killers are throwing themselves on the top of the whale’s blow-hole to stop it breathing; and some others are stopping it fleeing out to sea. The killers started racing between our boat and the whale just like a pack of excited dogs. Within a moment or two, its body was dragged down into the depths of the sea.

The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale and then let it go to hit the spot.

Ask students to read the story part 1 again and put the following sentences into correct order:

a. George started beating the water with his oar.

b. Clancy grabbed his boots and races after George to the boat.

c. Clancy arrived at the whaling station.

d. The killers started racing between our boat and the whale.

e. Clancy heard a huge noise coming from the bay.

f. Clancy was sorting out his accommodation.

g. Clancy ran down to the shore.

h. The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale

Keys: 65173248

Story Part 2

Which was Not the danger facing James?

A. being washed off the boat.

B. being carried away by rough waves.

C. a shark out there.

D. being attacked by another killer whale.

Key: C

Step 6 comprehending

1. The text is mainly about ____.

A. the killer whales are easily trained

B. the killer whales can help the whalers catch the huge whales

C. the killer whales kill the whales for their food

D. the killer whales drag the whales under the water

2. Old Tom throws itself out of the water and then crashes down in order to ___.

A. give the whalers information about a whale

B. tell the whalers it is hungry

C. help the whalers catch the whale

D. inform the whalers to run away

3. _____ killed the whale at last.

A. Old Tom

B. the killer whales

C. the author

D. the whalers

4. Why did the whalers started turning the boat around to go home after the whale died?

A. Because they didn’t need a dead whale.

B. Because they couldn’t find the whale’s body

C. Because they knew that the dead whale wouldn’t float up to the surface for around 24 hours.

D. They had to do this because it was too late.

5. The killer whale protected James by _____.

A. fighting the shark

B. killing the shark

C. preventing the shark going closer

D. dragging him back

6. We can infer from the story that____.

A. The killer whales may be trained by the whalers.

B. The killer whales want to help man catch the whales themselves

C. The killer whales need no training for helping the whalers

D. The killer whales want to eat the whales after killing them


Step 7 Discussion

Read the passage and discuss:

1. What is the relationship between Old Tom and the whalers?

2. What other animals can help out humans in hunting?

Suggested answers:

1. Old Tom had a strong relationship with the whalers. There was obviously a great deal of understanding and cooperation between them.

2. There are many other animals that help out humans in hunting such as dogs, cormorants(鸬鸟) ,otters (水獭) and ferrets(雪貂).

Step 8 Debate

The last whaling station in Australia closed in 1978. Whales are now an endangered species and protected by an international ban, but some countries oppose the ban. In groups discuss the reasons for and against protecting whales.

My opinion:

★Environment protection is imperative(紧急的) under the situation.

★Think globally, act locally.

★Make a contribution to our “Green School”.

Step 9 Phrases and sentences learning

Useful phrases:

at the whaling station 捉鲸站

hear of 听说

witness it with my own eyes 亲眼目睹

sort out my accommodation 整理床铺

an enormous animal 一个庞然大物

throw itself out of the water 猛力跃出水面

crash down 坠落

call out to sb. 高声对某某说

yell out 大声喊叫

ahead of 在前面

head out into the bay 朝海湾方向驶去

circle back 转回来

in the distance 在远处

a pack of 一群

work as a team 协同作战

in the bow of the boat 站在船头

aim at 瞄准

hit the spot 击中要害

within a moment or two 片刻之后

the depth of the sea 深海中

float up to the surface 浮出水面

in the meantime 同时

have a good feed on sth. 饱餐一顿

wash off 冲走

Man overboard 有人落水

The sea was rough 波涛汹涌

be terrified of doing 害怕做某事

be abandoned by sb. 被遗弃

hold up 举起

pull back 拉上

Beautiful sentences:

1.It was a time when the killer whales…helped the whalers catch the baleen whales…

2.This was the call that announced there was about to be a whale hunt.

3.I had already heard that George didn’t like being kept waiting, so even though I didn’t have the right clothes on, I grabbed my boots and raced after him.

4.As we drew closer, I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers.

5.From James’s face, I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us.

Step 10 Homework

1. Prepare to retell the whole text in your own words.

2. Write a short summary of the whole text in about 30 words.

Teaching period 3 Language study

Teaching aims:

1. To learn the useful expressions and sentence structures in the reading.

2. To enable students to use language points both orally and in written forms.

3. To further understand the friendship between man and whales.

Teaching procedures:

Step1 words and phrases learning

1. witness: vt

(1)be present at (sth.) and see it 当场见到/ 目击。

你亲眼看到那次事故了吗?Did anyone witness the accident?

(2)见证了,(时间、地点)作主语。Recent years have witnessed the collapse of the steel industry.

n. [c]目击者, 证人

警察找到了那件谋杀案的目击者。The police found the witness to the murder case.

在事故现场没有证人。There was no witness at the scene of the accident.

witness 还可表示“作证”、“证明”,常用“witness to sth/doing sth”

A live witness to …. 活生生的证人

bear/give witness to sth 为某某作证

Witness box ( BRE )= witness stand 证人席

2. sort out


我在整理可以被扔掉的文件。I am just sorting out the papers that can be thrown away.


我们有几个小问题要解决。We’ve got a few little problems to sort out.

近义词:sort through : 查看并挑选出;

He was sorting through a pile of papers on his desk.

3. accommodation n.

n. (1)rooms, esp. for living in 房间/住所


_The high cost of accommodation__ makes life difficult for students in London.

(2)lodgings, rooms and food (often pl.) 膳宿(在英英中为不可数,在美英中为可数,常用复数)

我们今晚能找到旅馆住宿吗?Can we ____find accommodations at a hotel__ for tonight?

短语:make accommodation for the … 为…提供膳宿

4. yell v. & n.叫喊 /叫声,喊声。

(1) v. shout often because you are frightened, angry, or excite

She yelled (out) at her naughty child.

They yelled at him to stop.

(2)n. a loud shout. E.g. a yell of delight / warning

5. ahead of


(2) 领先,比…强、好

6. head 朝…方向移动;带领

We headed the boat out to sea. 我们将船驶向外海。

They are heading home. 他们正朝家走去。

Who is heading the Party? 该党现在由谁在领导?

Whose name heads the list? 谁的名字列在名单的最前头?

head for = leave for / start for 朝……方向走去

7. flee (fled fled) vi./vt. 逃走,逃掉, 消失

And these others are stopping it fleeing out to sea. 其他的阻止它逃入大海。

The spectators fled in panic when the bull got loose. 那只公牛挣脱了束缚,吓得观众四下逃串。

We were forced to flee to the country. 我们被迫逃往国外。

8. v. aim (sth.) at sb. / sth. 瞄准,对准

aim at doing sth. / aim to do sth 力求达到,力争做到

n. [U]瞄准 [C]目的,目标

9. drag v.

(1)拖, 拉, 拽

He dragged the table into the corner.


He hates parties, and we have to drag him into going.

If he fails, he’ll drag us all down with him.

10. depth. n

Its body was dragged by the killers down into the depths of the sea. 它的身体被捕猎者拖着进入深海。


Plant the beans at a depth of about six inches.

短语: in depth 深入地,彻底地

[拓展] the depths of the jungle 丛林深处

the depths of the country 穷乡僻壤

the depths of the winter 隆冬

the depths of one’s heart 心灵的深处

the depths of despair 绝望的深渊

11. have a good feed on … 饱餐一顿

feed: n. meals or food for babies or animals 餐、顿;如:When is the baby’s next feed?

v. give food to 喂养

feed sb /sth. on sth. =feed sth. to sb /sth. 喂……吃……

feed on 以…为食(一般指动物) 近义词 live on

The prison is required to feed and clothe the prisoners.

Several children were feeding bread to the ducks.= Several children were feeding ducks on bread.

Owls feed on mice and other small animals.

12. From James’s face, I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us. 从詹姆斯的脸上我能看出他非常恐慌,生怕被我们遗弃。


He abandoned his wife and children.


(1)背弃祖国/朋友:abandon one’s country/friend

(2)抛弃家庭:abandon one’s family

(3)革除陋习:abandon a bad habit

(4) 放弃职位/希望/计划/主意:abandon one’s post/hope/plan/idea

13. help out帮助……(摆脱困境或危险)

My mother helped me out (with some money) when l lost my job.

The children help out in their father's shop when things are busy.

14. approach

vi. & vt. 接近,靠近 n. 接近,道路,方式,方法

15. hold up



Step2 Using words, phrases and patterns

1. Do exercise 1 and 2 on page 63 in Using Words and Expressions.

2. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.

(1) 当我意识到她在场之时前,她正好走到我身边。(be aware of)

(2) 凯里每读一本书都喜欢反思一下书的含义。(reflect on)

(3) 这场演出没有什么可以挑剔的,这是真正的享受。(pure)

(4) 你刷那面墙,同时我准备好这一面墙你好接着刷。(in the meantime)

(5) 我的女儿喜欢把自己倒吊在操场的机械上。(upside down)

(6) 夜里一些奇怪的声音把我吓地半死。(scare to death)

Suggested answers:

(1) She was standing right next to me before I became aware of her presence.

(2) Whenever Kelly reads a book, she likes to reflect on its meaning for a while.

(3) There was nothing I didn’t like about the performance. It was pure enjoyment.

(4) You paint that wall and, in the meantime, I will prepare this one for you to paint next.

(5) My daughter loves to hang upside down on the playground equipment.

(6) The strange noises in the night scared me to death.

Step 3 Consolidation

Ask students to retell the text after learning useful words and phrases patterns.

Step 4 Homework

1. Finish off the exercise 1 and 2 on page 22 in Learning about Language.

2. Go over useful words and phrases in the text.

Teaching period 4 Grammar

Teaching aims:

1. Students will be able to recognize the V+ing/ being done forms and know the exact meaning of them.

2. Students will be able to use these two forms correctly.

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Revision

Ask students to answer the following questions without referring to the textbook.

1. What did Clancy witness when he ran down to the shore?

2. Why did Clancy run in a hurry?

3. What did Old Tom do when they headed into the bay?

4. What did Old Tom do after George beat the water?

5. What did Clancy witness when they drew near?

Suggested answers:

4. 1. He saw a whale throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again.

5. 2. Because Clancy had already heard that George didn’t like being kept waiting.

6. 3. They could see Old Tom swimming by the boat, showing us the way.

7. 4. There was Tom, circling back to the boat, leading us to the hunt again.

8. 5. He could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers.

Next, ask students to pay attention to the underlined words and lead into the topic-“V-ing”/ “being done”.

Step2. Grammar Learning


V-ing 形式由 “do+ing” 构成,其否定形式是 “not doing”, V-ing 可以带宾语或状语构成 V-ing 短语,


2.动词-ing 形式的被动式分一般式和完成式:

(1) 一般式:表示这个被动的动作正在进行或与谓语表示的动作同时发生。

(2) 完成式:强调这个被动的动作在谓语动词所表示的动作之前完成。


时态 主动语态 被动语态

一般式 (not) doing (not) being done

完成式 (not) having done (not) having been done

3.动词 -ing的被动式的句法功能。

(1) 做主语。如:So being killed by sharks was a common thing.

(2) 做宾语,用在介词后或需要带-ing 形式作宾语的动词后。如:

George didn't like being kept waiting.

He was terrified of being abandoned by us.

Do you remember having been taken to Beijing at the age of ten?

(3) 做表语。如:

What worried the child most was his not being allowed to visit his mother in the hospital.


The problem being discussed is of great importance.


Having been shown around the library, we were taken to see the lab.

(6) 做补足语。如:

As we drew closer, I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of six other killers.

When we approached him, I saw James being held up in the water by Old Tom.


(1)V-ing 形式被动式主要在句子中作状语、宾语补足语和定语。但V-ing 形式的完成被动式,一般在句中作状语(偶尔作非限定定语),不作其它成分。

They don’t like ____the design of the new bridge _being built__(正在建造的桥的设计)

Not having been completed, the museum can’t be visited yet. (由于没有完工…)

(2)V-ing 形式的被动式逻辑主语(即动作的承受者)如果也是主句的主语,就不需要出示出来,但是如果逻辑主语不是主句的主语,就得把V-ing 形式自己的主语表示出来。如:

The whole classroom having been cleaned, the students went home happily.

(3)在want,need,deserve,require,repay,bear,take等动词及形容词worth后,习惯用动词-ing的主动形式表示被动意义,相当于“to be done"。如:

The house wants cleaning.这房屋需要打扫。

My watch needs repairing.我的手表需要修理。

The way deserves mentioning.这个方法值得一提。

These young trees will require looking after carefully.这些小树需要细心照顾。

The film is worth seeing.这部影片值得一看。

Step 3 Exercises


(1)The hotel which is being built now beside the park was designed by a group of young men.

(2)The little girl was eventually aware that her parents abandoned her in the mountainous village.

(3)He would come if we don’t invite him.(without)

(4)After he had been examined several times, he was told to be healthy.

(5)I noticed that some people were taken to the police station.

Suggested answers:

(1) The hotel being built now beside the park was designed by a group of young men.

(2) The little girl was eventually aware of being abandoned by her parents in the mountainous village.

(3) He would come without being invited.

(4) After having been examined several times, he was told to be healthy.

(5) I noticed some people being taken to the police station.

Step 4 Drilling

Ask students to do Exe 1 on P22 and check with their partner then check together.

Keys: shore, pack, snorkeling, depths, in the meantime.

Ask students to do Exe 2 and share their past experience in a group.

Keys: 1. annual; 2. witnessed; 3. helped out; 4. ahead of; 5. flee; 6. relationship; 7. dragged; 8. abandon; 9. yell.

Step 5 Put into use

Show students 6 pictures on P 64 and ask them to describe with the passive v–ing form in pairs.

Keys: 1. being invited; 2. being kept waiting; 3. being attacked; 4. being awarded; 5. being shouted at; 6. being blamed.

Step 6 Homework

Finish off the exercise 2 on P 64.

Teaching period 5 Using language discussing and writing

A new dimension of life

Teaching aims:

1. Learn to pronounce the names of sea creatures mentioned in the text correctly.

2. Learn to describe the creatures mentioned in the text properly according to the pictures with the expressions like: …+looking, +shaped, …+spotted,…+like,…+striped,

3. Learn to use the correct order of adjectives to describe the pictures prepared by the teacher.

4. Learn to use proper expressions to convey their exact feelings in their past experiences.

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Warming up and lead in

First, show students the picture above and ask them some questions as a revision:

Where are they? What are they doing? Why do they go snorkeling?

Next, draw a conclusion and lead into the text:

As the sea is a world full of magic, many tourists head to the sea, and the author of this text is one of them.

Look! The other day, the writer went snorkeling with her friends and experienced a lot. Let’s take a brief look at sea creatures through her diary.

Then, take a closer look at the photos she taken and describe them with what you can find in your textbook.

Pictures give the following information:

(corals with vivid colors and shapes, elegant fishes , little orange and white anemone fish, sea anemones with poisonous tentacles, small cleaner fish, the yellow and green parrotfish with hard bird-like mouth, yellow-spotted red sea-slug and blue sea-stars, orange and blue striped angelfish, and wise-looking turtles)

(eels with strong sharp teeth, giant clam with thick green lips, grey reef sharks about one and a half meters long, the edge of the reef with a sharp drop to the sandy ocean floor)

Step2 Fast Reading

Listen to the passage and put the following topics into the correct order according to the text.

Topics Paragraph

colors and shapes 2

dangers 4

reflecting 1

the reef’s edge 5

a final thought 6

some sea creatures 3

Step 3 Careful Reading

Task 1: Read and choose the best answers.

1. Judging from the text, what the author mainly wants to tell us in the diary is ____.

A. that the sea is fantastic with vivid colors.

B. that the water where he was snorkeling is not deep but shallow.

C. what he saw and how he felt in the sea.

D. that all the plants in the sea are poisonous.

2. What was hanging upside down in the sea according to the text?

A. The orange and white anemone fish.

B. The yellow-spotted red sea-slug.

C. The yellow and green parrotfish.

D. The orange and blue-striped angelfish.

3. The author was afraid of getting too close to the eel because _______.

B. It has strong sharp teeth.

C. It has thick green lips.

D. It has a frightening shape.

E. It gives out poisonous liquids

4. Which of the following sentences show that the author couldn’t help feeling excited in the sea? ________.

A. My heart was beating wildly.

B. I felt scared to death.

C. Every cell in my body woke up.

D. I felt very exposed in such deep clear water.

5. We can infer from the text that the author felt that ______.

A. Comparing with the whole world, man is tiny.

B. Comparing with the whole world, the ocean is tiny.

C. There were more delights than dangers when snorkeling.

D. There were more dangers than delights when snorkeling.


Task 2: Do the exercise 3 on page 24.

Keys: 1. warm night; 2. little orange and white; 3. thick green; 4. two grey; 5.strong sharp; 6. an orange blue-stripped; 7. deep clear; 8. hard bird-like; 9. a yellow-spotted red; 10. a large wise-looking.

Note the use of adjectives:

number-opinion-shape/ size-age--color-place-material-noun

e.g. a cute little brown puppy two thick green spotted sea-stars

Task 3: Practice

1. Several ______ sharks. (a. large grey b. grey large)

2. Some _______ whales. (a. giant blue b. blue giant)

3. Scores of _________ turtles. (a. white-striped and grey b. grey and white-striped)

4. Many a _________ seal. (a. black-spotted and light grey b. light grey and black-spotted)

5. Many _______ anemone fish. (a. little orange and white b. orange and white little )

6. Plenty of ________ angelfish. (a. orange and blue-striped b. blue-striped and orange)

7. A number of ________ corals. (a. huge colorful b. colorful huge )

Keys: aabbaaa

Step4 Discussing and Speaking

Suppose an aquarium is being designed in our city. As the two main directors of the aquarium, you and your partner are talking about what sea creatures should be brought in.

Expressing ideas Responses

I suggest bringing in…as…

I advise putting in…

I’m considering buying…

What/How about…?

I’m imagining…

I enjoy/feel like/dislike…

Do you mind…?

… … That’s a good/ great idea.

Sounds good!

Can’t agree more!

It’s good…

It depends.

It’s no good…

I’m afraid not.

… …


A: Since the aquarium will be opened soon, the varieties of sea creatures require discussing now. What about putting a number of huge colorful corals in it?

B: Can’t agree more! I’m considering bringing in several large grey reef sharks as people are all looking forward to seeing them.

A: It’s great! Do you mind our buying scores of grey and white-striped turtles?

B: Not at all! I’m also thinking of getting some little sea creatures.

A: You are right. It’s good having some orange and blue-striped angelfish as they are that lovely.

B: All in all, we may bring in as many sea creatures as possible because people can’t stand being cheated as they spend much money buying the tickets.

Step 5 Phrase and sentences learning

Useful phrases:

reflect on the day 回忆当天的事情

a day of pure magic 神奇的一天

go snorkeling 潜泳

extraordinary beauty 奇妙的美景

all kinds of elegant fish 种类繁多,色彩斑斓的鱼

hide in the poisonous tentacles of the sea anemones 藏在海葵有毒的触须里

explore small caves 探索小石洞

narrow passages 狭窄的通道

hang upside down 倒挂着

a yellow-spotted red sea-slug 带着黄斑点的红色蛞蝓

a large wise-looking turtle 一只长相聪慧的乌龟

look straight at me 直直地盯着我

an orange and blue-striped angelfish 一条橘红色带蓝色条纹的天使鱼

sharp teeth 利齿

a tasty fish 一条美味的鱼

the giant clam half buried in some coral 一个巨大的蛤蚌半掩在珊瑚礁中

thick green lips 宽厚的绿嘴唇

two grey reef sharks 两条灰色的珊瑚鲨

appear from behind some coral 从珊瑚后面出来

feel scared to death 吓得要命

swim over the edge of the reef 游过珊瑚礁的边沿

look down into the depths of the ocean 往下看海底

Beautiful sentences:

I’m sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day- a day of pure magic!

It was the most fantastic thing I have ever done.

It was like discovering a whole new dimension of life.

Every cell in my body woke up.

The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colors surrounding.

They were shaped like fans.

I could have touched it.

My heart was beating wildly.

I felt very exposed in such deep clear water.

What a wonderful, limitless world it was down there!

What a tiny spot I was in this enormous world!

Step 6 Homework

Give a written introduction to the aquarium to be opened. The introduction should include the following aspects.

1. Location.

2. Admission price.

3. Open time.

4. Sea creatures you can see.

5. Delights you may have while watching performances given by dolphins, sea lions, etc.

6. Some Dos and Don’ts in it.


1. be as imaginative as you like.

2. Use as many –ing forms in the composition as you can.

3. Make sure the aquarium is accessible to the disabled.

Teaching period 6 Listening, Talking and Writing

Teaching aims:

1. Learn to find out the causes and wanted results of each complaint.

2. Learn to use the expressions people use to complain in the listening text.

3. be able to use polite expressions to complain in certain situations.

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Lead in

First, have a small talk about the whale watching tour:

How do you feel if you see them in the flesh? Do you enjoy a whale watching tour?

Next, tell students sometimes not every thing turns out the way you wish, so read the ad carefully and find out how you can get if you fail to see these lovely whales.

After reading it, discuss and find answers to these questions:

1. What can you experience on this tour?

2. Would you like to go on this tour? What aspect of the tour would you like best/

3. When would you get a refund?

Possible answers:

1. You can see whales, listen to whales singing, watch them underwater, see other marine animals such as dolphins, seals and penguins.

2. Various answers are possible.

3. If you missed your plane because of the tour agency’s fault, you get a full refund. If you don’t see a whale, you would get half the fare back.

Step2 Listening

These dialogues between tourists and a tour guide take place after a whale watching tour. Decide which aspects the tourists might think were good (G) and the aspects they might complain about (B). Listen and number the aspects in the order you hear about them.

Good aspects: 1 3 4 6 8

Bad aspects: 2 5 7

Order: 3 1 5 8 7 6 4 2

Listen again. When the tourist complained, what result did he/she want to get from the tour guide and what was the actual result? Complete the table below.

Dialogue 1 result wanted: not stated by the tourist although she did say she wanted to speak to the manager.

actual result: not stated although the tourist probably would not get another tour or a refund.

Dialogue 2 result wanted: A full refund

actual result: A full refund

Dialogue 3 result wanted: A full refund

actual result: A refund of half the fare

Listen to the expressions that each customer used to make his/ her complaint. Complete the sentences.

Dialogue 1:

we weren’t very happy, so wet we couldn’t go, are very disappointed;

Dialogue 2:

I’m feeling very annoyed, that’s not good enough, I’d like a full refund;

Dialogue 3:

Wasn’t what my husband and I had expected, like a refund, I’m afraid that’s no good for us, we’d like a full refund.

Listen to the first dialogue and fill in the missing words.

can’t control, did see, good enough, do you any good, agree, fact, did see.

Step3 Talking

Work with your partner and make up a dialogue for the following situations. Use expressions like the ones below. Perform them for the whole class.


1. You missed your flight because you think that it was not announced over the loudspeaker. Complain to an airline official.

2. The fish you ordered tastes terrible. Complain to the manager of the restaurant.

3. The trousers the tailor had made for you are too short. Complain to the tailor.

useful expressions:

I’m sorry but… I’m afraid….

That’s not good enough.

I’m feeling annoyed with/unhappy about/unsatisfied with…

I’m not happy about /satisfied with…

I’d like a (full) refund, please.

That’s no good for me.

You should do something about it.

Step4 Writing

Write a short dialogue down.


Teaching period 7 Listening task talking and writing

Teaching aims:

1. Students will be able to find out the reasons why the population of sharks decreases sharply.

2. Students will be able to express opinions with the polite expressions like:

I don’t think it is wise to…

It would be better if we ….

It is a good idea to …

I suppose it is right…

I wonder if…

3. Students will be able to persuade the local government to protect wild life in a polite way.

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Before listening

Show students a picture of shark and tell them a fact that shark population is decreasing rapidly.

Step2. During listening

Task 1: Tell students Jordon Davies is interviewing the shark expert Don James about the shark’s situation. First read the statements below. Then listen and number these statements in the order that they hear them.

Shark population grows at a very slow rate.

A lot are killed because of modern fishing technology.

Governments have to make sure that the fishing of sharks is slowed down.

Shark attacks get a lot of attention in the news.

Shark populations are decreasing at a serious rate.

Some species need to be protected.

The chances of being bitten by a shark are actually very small.

Up to 200 million sharks are killed each year

Keys: the order: 6 4 7 1 5 8 2 3

Task 2: listen and answer the following questions:

1. Should people be afraid of swimming in the sea?

2. How many people were killed by sharks in 2002?

3. Do sharks or people need to be protected?

4. Why does the shark’s biology affect shark populations?

A: Age for reproducing young _______

B: Time for the young to develop ______

C: Number of young _______

5. How long have shark species been in existence?

Suggested answers:

1. No.

2. 3.

3. Sharks.

4. 15 years; 14 months; 7-9.

5. 400 million years.

Step3 Post-listening (talking)

Ask students to make up a dialogue according to the situation below.

Suppose you were a citizen in a coastal city in China, shark hunt is a serious problem in your province. Try to persuade the local government to take action to protect wild life in a polite way with the help of the following expressions:

I don’t think it is wise to…

It would be better if we ….

It is a good/ wise idea to …

I suppose it is right…

I wonder if…

Why not…

We’d better...

Step4 Homework

Write a persuasive letter to the local government to control the improper hunts.

Supplementary reference materials:

一、 补充注释

1. I witnessed it with my own eyes many times …我亲眼见过很多次。


Did you witness the accident? 你亲眼看到那次事故了吗?


He witnessed to having seen the man enter the building. 他作证说他看到那个人进入大楼。


The police found the witness to the murder case. 警察找到了那件谋杀案的目击者。

He was called as a defense witness. 他被传唤做被告证人。

用witness 构成的常用短语:

witness-box(英)= witness stand(美) 证人席

a living witness to 活生生的证人

bear witness to 为……作证

2.….I was sorting out my accommodation…我正在寻找住所。

to sort out one’s accommodation是习语,意识是to find suitable accommodation。

(1) sort out 表示分类,整理,例如:

I am sorting out the papers that can be thrown away. 我正在整理可以扔掉的文件。

Sort out还可以表示“解决(问题或者困难)”,例如:

We have got a few little problems to sort out. 我们有几个小问题要解决。

与sort out意思相近的短语:

sort through “查看并挑选出”,例如

He was sorting through a pile of papers on his desk. 他在整理桌子上的一堆文件。

put away 表示“把……存放好”,例如:

We have put a bit of money away in the building society. 我们已经在建筑协会那里存了点钱。

Put the toys away, please. 请把你的玩具收起来。

(2) accommodation 意识是“住所”,例如:

The high cost of accommodation makes life difficult for students in London.



The university offers excellent accommodation for summer visitors.



Can we find accommodations at a hotel for tonight?


3. George said as he ran ahead of me. 乔治在我的前面边跑边说。

ahead of 表示“(空间上)在……之前”,例如:

Ahead of us was a big river. 在我们前面有一条大河。

ahead of 还表示“(在时间上)在……之前”,例如:

Time here is nine hours ahead of London. 这里的时间比伦敦早九个小时。

ahead of 还可以表示“比……强或好”,例如:

He is ahead of me in Chinese. 他的汉语比我好。

与ahead of搭配的动词还有get:

get ahead of表示“超越”,例如:

By working hard he got ahead of the rest of the class. 通过努力,他超上了班级的其他同学。

4. Without pausing we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and headed out into the bay.


head 为动词,表示“朝……方向移动”,例如:

We headed the boat out to sea. 我们将船驶向外海。

They are heading home. 他们正朝家走去。


Who is heading the party? 该党由谁在领导?

Whose name heads the list? 谁的名字列在名单的最前面?

5….there was Tom, circling back to the boat, leading us to the hunt again …汤姆出现了,转回到船边,又带领着我们前往扑鲸处。


She led a blind man across the street. 她引导盲人过马路。

Our guide led us to the museum. 导游把我们带到博物馆。


All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。

lead sb to do表示“使……干”,例如:

What led you to believe it? 什么使你相信它?

6….its body dragged swiftly by the killers down into the depths of the sea …它的尸体被虎鲸迅速拖向大海深处。

(1) drag的意思是“拖”,例如:

He dragged the table into the corner. 他把那张桌子拖到角落里。


drag down 把人拖跨

drag one’s feet 故意拖延

drag in 拉进去

drag on 拖延、拉长

(2) depths表示“深处”、“底层”,例如:

the depths of the ocean 海洋深处

the depths of the jungle 丛林深处

the depths of the country穷乡僻壤

the depths of winter 隆冬

the depths of one’s heart心灵深处

the depth of despair 绝望的深渊

7. In the meantime, Old Tom, and the others are having a good feed on its lips and tongue.


(1) in the meantime 表示“在这期间,与此同时”,例如:

The conference will begin in an hour; in the meantime, let’s have a coffee.


(2) feed on表示“吃”、“以……为食”,例如:

Cows feed on hay during winter. 牛在冬天吃干草。

feed……on/ to表示“以 ……为饲养”,例如:

We feed our dog on meat. = We feed meat to our dog. 我们喂肉给狗吃。

feed…..with/ into 表示“给……添加”,例如:

He fed the fire with some logs. = He fed some logs into the fire. 他往火里添了些木材。

8. From James’s face I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us. 从盏母思的脸上,我能看出他非常恐慌,生怕被我们抛弃。


Many people were killed by the chemical weapons abandoned by the Japanese during the World War 2.



abandon one’s country 背叛祖国

abandon one’s friend 背弃朋友

abandon one’s post 放弃职位

abandon one’s family 抛弃家庭

abandon a bad habit 革除恶习

abandon one’s hope 放弃希望

abandon one’s plan 放弃计划

abandon one’s idea 放弃主义

9….I saw James being firmly held up in the water by Old Tom……我看到老汤姆正在水中稳稳地托着詹母司。

hold up的意思是“举起”,例如:、

I held up my hand to show that I had a question. 我举手表示想提问。

hold up还可以表示“使延误”,例如:

We were held up on our way to the airport in a traffic jam.


二、 参考资料

1. Killer Whales

Common name: Killer Whale

Scientific name: Orcinus orca


Females can reach lengths up to 24 feet and weigh between 3,000 to 8,000 lb. Males can reach lengths up to 27 feet and can weigh up to 12,000 lb. Calves are about 8 feet long and 300 to 400 pounds at birth.

Where are they found?

From the North Pole to the South Pole from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic, killer whales are found in all oceans of the world.

What do they eat?

How do you get a name like "killer whale?" Killer whales are one of the top predators in the sea. As a group, killer whales are known to eat fish, squid, seals, sea lions, penguins, even other whales.

But, keep in mind, it would be difficult for a killer whale off the coast of California to eat a penguin. Killer whales eat the food (or prey) that's available to them. For example, a killer whale that lives in the northern Pacific can hunt harbor seals, California sea lions, and a variety of fish. A killer whale in the Antarctic could find Weddell seals, leopard seals, and penguins!

Researchers studying killer whales in the Pacific Northwest have found that some pods feed primarily on fish and others seem to prefer marine mammals.

A killer whales uses its sharp teeth to catch its prey. Killer Whales are toothed whales

Killer Whale Highlights:

Scientists have determined that killer whales can live a maximum of 35 years. How? By looking at a cross-section of a killer whale's tooth. Killer whales, like other marine mammals, produce a periodic growth layer on the teeth. By counting these layers, scientists can estimate the animal's age.

You can tell an adult male from an adult female by the shape of their dorsal fin. This is a male (photo right), how do we know? A male's fin is very tall (up to 6 feet tall) and triangular shaped. A female is shorter (3 feet) and curves back toward the dorsal fin (see the picture of the mother/calf above.)

2. The earth’s oceans can reach depths of up to 11,000 meters. That is deep enough to cover Mt. Qomolangma! The oceans are incredibly large and contain several different habitats. To make it easier to describe the various parts of the oceans, marine scientists usually divide the oceans into five zones. Each zone is different mainly as a result of how much sunlight reaches it.

Most of the life in the ocean can be found in the first zone, which begins at the surface and goes down about 200 meters. Because there is sunlight at this level, plants are able to grow. Marine animals such as dolphins, sharks, sea turtles and sea lions, and of course a variety of fish, live in the sunlit part of the ocean. It is difficult to hide from other animals in this area.

The second zone starts at 200 meters and goes down to about 1,000 meters. Some sunlight can reach this level, but it is not enough for plants to grow. Because this zone is relatively dark, many of the creatures that live here are able to make light with their body. The light from these animals makes the water look like a sky with moving stars in it.

The third zone of the ocean is dark. This place, about 3,000 meters deep, may not seem a likely habitat, but there are more creatures here than one might think. Most of the animals that live here are black or red because of the lack of light.

Below 4,000 meters, the temperature is near freezing and there is no light at all. In fact, the zone is so dark and empty that scientists named this zone after the Greek word for “no bottom”. There is not much life to be found in this cold and unpleasant part of the ocean, but some small creatures still manage to survive here despite the high water pressure.

The very deepest part of the ocean is found 2,000 meters further down. At this depth, the water pressure is extremely high and life is very difficult for the few creatures that live here. Compared to the other zones, this one has very little life. Since there is no light here, some of the animals do not have eyes.

Next time you look at the ocean from the beach or on a map, remember that what you are seeing is only the surface - only the beginning of the large and varied adventure.


教育部. 2001. 全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿) [M]. 北京:北京师范大学出版社.
