人教版高二unit 22 A tale of two cities

发布时间:2016-3-3 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 22

I. Teaching aims and demands

1. Words and expressions: servant, mad, brave, cruel, deed, in public, revolutionary, cart, disturb, mental.

2. Daily English

You must have been…

She can’ have been …

She may/might have done …

You might have done….

3. Grammar

-ing form used as attribute and adverbial.

II. Main and difficult points

Get the students to understand the text.

Finish off all the exercises in the workbook.

III.Allocation: 6

Lesson 85 of Unit 22

I. Aims and demands:

Learn the dialogue.

II.Teaching aids: a recorder and computer.

III.Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

1.Brief introduction to the units learned before.

2.Do a short speaking activity with the class. And ask them how many revolutions they know about.

Step 2. Presentation

Look at the picture and tell you what they think is happening. And learn the new words tale, revolutionary, cart, castle, etc.

Step 3. Dialogue

Read so quickly and answer the following questions:

Where did the revolutionary go?

Who helped him?

What did they do?

Listen to the tape and show the language points:

1. get into

2. persuade sb to do

3. explain to sb.

4. light a fire

5. must have done

6. might have done

Step 4. Practice

Part II on P55. Do some practice first with the whole class, using the sentences given.

Step 5. Workbook

1. Do the first part in pairs.

2. Read the short passage and memerize it, then copy it without looking at your book.

3. Do exercise 3 in group.

Step 6. Consolidation

Blackboard design:

1.get into

2.persuade sb to do

3.explain to sb.

4.light a fire

5.must have done

6. might have done


1. Make sentences with the useful expressions in the dialogue.

2. Do Ex. 2

3. Finish off other exercises after class.

No. 070

Period 2 Lesson 86 of Unit 22

I.Aims and demands:

1.Reading comprehension

2.Language points

II.Teaching aids: a recorder and a small blackboard

III.Teaching procedures

Step 1. Revision

1.Check the requirements.

2.Check the homework.

Step 2. Presentation for reading.

Talk about the picture and describe what they can see. (Miss Lucie Manette and Mr Jarvis Lorry are visiting Monsieur Defarge in his wine shop) We’re going to read a story about Dr Manette.

Step 3. Reading

Read the whole passage carefully and answer the questions, working in pairs or small groups.

Notes to the text:

1. having + p.p.

2. pleased

3. Paris’s

4. work at

5. as

6. be put into/in prison

7. for… reason

8. make sure

9. give up

Step 4.Reading aloud

Listen to the tape and pay attention to stress and intonation. Make sure the students phrase long sentences correctly by pausing at suitable places.

Step 5. Notes on P57 according to the text.

Blackboard design:

having + p.p.



work at


be put into/in prison

for… reason

make sure

give up

Assign homework

1. Finish off all the exercises in workbook.

2. Do some supplementary reading.

No. 071

Period 3 Lesson 87 of Unit 22

I.Aims and demands:

1.Reading comprehension

2.Language points


Step 1 Revision.

1.Make sentences with the useful expressions.

2.Ask the students about the story.

Step 2 Presentation for reading

Today we’re going to read the rest of the rest of the story. Read the passage quickly to find out what happened in the story:

Step 3 Reading

Read the passage carefully and go through it with the students: Notes to the text:

1. the poor

2. the same original object

3. set fire to

4. address

5. or rather

6. on / upon

7. do wrong / good / harm /

8. sentence

9. have sth. done

Step 4 Language study

-ing form in the first sentence and the predicate happened at the same time;

Step 5 Practice

Working Knowing / Having known

Hearing Being

Having Arriving

Discovering / Having discovered Saying / Knowing

Step 6 Practice

Having mentioned Having quarrelled

Having admitted Having demanded

Having folded

Blackboard design:

the poor

the same original object

set fire to


or rather

on / upon

do wrong / good / harm /


have sth. Done

Assign homework:

1.Make sentences with the useful expressions.

2.Write a short passage about the story.

3.Finish off all the exercises in the workbook.


Period 4 Lesson 88 of Unit 22

I.Aims and demands:

1.Listening practice



Step 1. Revision

1.Make sentences with the useful expressions.

2.Text retelling.

Step 2 Presentation for listening.

We’re going to listen to a radio talk about Paris. But this is not a talk about Paris in the eighteenth century or the Paris in “A Tale of Two Cities”. It is a talk about Paris today.

Step 3 Listening

Play the tape and let the students discuss their answers in pairs.

Step 4 Checkpoint


2.useful expression:

In peace

Fall in love with

Make sure of

Suffer from

Set fire to

Burn to the ground

Do wrong

Sentence … to death

Do a good deed

Step 5 Practice

Sentences translating.

Step 6 Writing

Dear …

I hope that you and your family are very well. I am writing to you to ask for help. You must have heard tha my parents were killed last month in an accident.At the moment, I am looking after my younger sister/ Next month I have to go to Beigjijg for an interview for a job. The problem is who I should ask to look after my sister for the three days while I am away. Could you possiblyhelp? I know that you are very busy, having just started a new job yourself. I you could have my sister to stay with you for three nights, it woul be a great help to me the dates when I shall be away are June 8th - 10th.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

III.Assign homework.

1.Finish off all the exercises in workbook.

2. Do supplementary reading.

No. 073

Test for Unit 22

I.Multiple choice:

1----Do you feel like taking a walk with us ? ----Of course , ______

A I’d like it B I ‘ d rather not C I’d like to D I ‘ d like

2 He is ____ to come at 7:00 p.m. Please sit down and wait

A possible B alike C possible D likely

3 What’s the problem _____ having the new factory built ?

A about B with C on D for

4 It is unwise of you to _____ him to give up the plan

A about B with C on D make

5 How much is the operation going to ______ ?

A take B cost C spend D pay

6 I like the blue one of course , but I like the yellow ______

A as good B as well C either D neither

7 The Smiths as well as I _____ there at the moment when the fire broke out .

A was B were C is D are

8 You can learn how to operate a computer _____ using it often

A in B with C by D on

9 To tell the truth , I don’t want to spend ____ time on this subject

A much too B many more C too much D too many

10The reply _____ you want to get is ______ your plan has been rejected

A that ; / B that ; which C / ; which D which ; that

6 Students of our school often have their bicycle ____ at night

A to be stolen B steal C stolen D be stolen

7 New industries in this area are encouraged _____ themselves

A develop B to develop C developing D to be developed

8 I bought the computer yesterday , but now it is ____

A out of order B out of work C out of control D out of practice

9 A number of officials _____ been arrested , but the number of them _____not known

A have is B has ; are C have ; are D has ;is

10 Children are advised _____ healthy food in order to keep fit

A to eat B eating C by eating D to eating

答案:1 C 2 D 只有likely可接to do (be likely to do sth ) ,其它只接that从句 3 B problem / difficulty / trouble with sth / in doing sth 4 C 5 B 6 B as well = too ; as well as意思同 and ,但引导两个主语时,谓语动词形式不同 7 B 8 C 9 C A后须接形容词或副词 10 D 主语从句,表语从句,同位语从句须用THAT 11 C 12 B 13 B 词组A:乱糟糟 B:不能工作;出毛病 C:失去控制 D:结束练习 14 A 15 A 常见词组:advise / encourage / consider doing ;但是 sb to do sth

II. Error correction

After a day of work, the body need to have a 1------------

rest . Sleep is necessary for well health. The rest 2------------

you got while sleeping makes your body be able to prepare 3------------

for yourself the next day . There are four levels of sleep . 4------------

Each is little deeper than the one before . As you 5------------

will sleep , your body relaxes (放松) . Your heart 6---------

beats more slowly but your brain slows down . If you 7------------

have troubles falling asleep, some people suggest 8------------

breathing slowly and deeply and other people 9-----------

believe that drink warm milk will help make you 10----------

sleepy. Will you try them both?

答案: 1 need --- needs 2 well ---- good 3 got --- get 4 yourself --- itself 5 is后加 a

6去 will 7 but ---- and 8 troubles --- trouble (不可数名词) 9 yes 10 drink ---- drinking ( 动词的非谓语才能作 主语,宾语,补足语;也可用to do )