译林牛津 高一Unit 2 Growing Pains Teaching Supplementary

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Teaching Supplementary

Unit 2 Growing Pains

Words and Expressions

1. act v举止象…或装作…;模仿:

Don't act the fool.不要装傻举止合宜:使举止与…相称:

Act your age.举止与你年龄相称举动,举止:

He acted his part well.他扮演的那个角色很成功。

She acts like a born leader.她的举止象个天生的领导

act up 出毛病 The engine is acting up.发动机出毛病了。

n. Act 5 Scene 2第五幕第二景 to put on an act装装样子


during the college vacation on vacation

3. surprise n. □c惊奇,惊愕; 意外

Don't tell him about the present -- it's a surprise.


The town was taken by surprise. 城市被突然攻陷。

I have a pleasant surprise for you. 我有一件意想不到的好事(或消息)要告诉你(我有一件你想不到的礼物送给你)。

My sister arrived suddenly from Canada--what a surprise! 我姐姐突然从加拿大来了--真是意想不到的事!

His sudden death was a great surprise. 他突然去世了,这件事使人感到非常意外。

□u I looked at him in surprise - I didn't expect to see him again.


Much to my surprise, he failed the exam.


The news greatly surprised me.这消息使我大为惊讶。

He was surprised to see me .

I was surprised at the result of the exam.

He was so surprised at being discovered that he did not even try to run away.



What do you suppose you will do after school?你放学后想什么?

Suppose /supposing hi not in his office ,what will we do ?


We are not supposed to play football on Sundays.不准我们在星期日踢足球。


What do you suppose you will do after school?你放学后想什么?

5.bend vt., vi.弯曲;使弯曲

The stream bends to the west.这条小河折向西流。

It is possible to bend nature to human will?有可能让大自然服从人类的意志吗?

She bent (over) to pick up a book from the floor.她弯腰从地板上捡起一本书。

专心于He bent his mind to the job.他专心于他的工作。

n.弯曲物;转弯a bend in the road道路的转弯处

6. touch vi., vt. 接触;碰到

Visitors are not allowed not to touch the exhibits.参观者请勿触摸展览品。

The problem touches us all.那问题关系我们所有人

吃或喝;尝: She didn't touch her food.她没有吃东西

kept in touch with several classmates; out of touch with current trends.


I felt the touch of his hand.我感到他的手碰了我一下。

少许,微量,一点儿a touch of fever有点发烧

7. do with (前面与could, can连用)需要

I could do with a cup of tea.我来杯茶就行。

有关系have sth. to do with和…有关系 have nothing to do with和…没有关系

make do with sth.凑合用,将就 (= make do)

What do they do with the waste paper?

8.explain vt., vi. explanation

说明;阐明Explain what this word means to us.解释词的含义。

Can you explain why you were late?你能解释一下你为什么迟到吗?

9.mess n.混乱;杂乱;肮脏vt., vi.(常与up连用)弄脏,弄乱;弄糟

Your room is in a mess. Please tidy it.你的房间杂乱不堪,请把它打扫干净。

to mess one's new dress弄脏某人的新衣服

The boy's clothes are all messed.这男孩的衣服都弄脏了。

10. sink sink a ship

vi., vt.渐渐进入:渐渐进入某种特定状态:

She sank into a deep sleep.她进入了梦乡

His voice sank to a whisper.他的声音减弱成耳语

被理解;被感知或理解:The meaning finally sank in.意思终于被领会了瘫倒

She sank to the ground.她瘫倒在地上。

11.leave v left the lights on.让灯亮着留置;

The window was left open. 让窗子开着。

Leave the unfinished 留下工作没干完

12. charge v.使承担:使承担任务、责任或义务:

charged him with the task of watching the young swimmers.



charges ten dollars for a haircut.理一次发要价十美元照管;

She charged me to look after her daughter.她要我负责看管她的女儿。

a child put in my charge.由我照管的孩子

You're in charge of making the salad.你负责做沙拉。 in the charge of

13.reason n.原因;理由;动机理性;理智;道理;判断力

He was absent for no good reason.他缺席没有什么正当理由.

He was forced to leave his hometown for political reasons.

There's a great deal of reason in his advice.他的忠告极有道理。

listen to reason服从道理 with reason有理由;合乎情理

He thinks, with reason, that I don't like him.他有理由认为我不喜欢他。

v(与into, out of连用)劝说

to reason a person out of fear劝人别害怕 reasonable

14.trust vt., vi.=believe in相信;信任,信赖;有信心

Don't trust him - he's not telling the truth.不要相信他,他说得不是真话。

Can I trust you to do this work well?我可以信任你把这项工作做好吗?

希望I trust you will be successful.我希望你会成功。

Trust in the Lord.相信上帝。

15. fault n.过失,过错

Who broke the cup? It's my fault, I dropped it.谁把杯子摔了?这是我的过错,我摔的。

That's no fault of his.这不是他的过错。

"The fault lies with me, not with you." "这是我的责任,不是你的责任。

Soon she began to find fault with me.不久她便开始找我的岔子了。

16. scene n ..to make a scene. 吵闹

at the scene of the accident在出事地点behind the scenes秘密地

17. mad adj 极快活的

like mad猛烈地;拼命地to run like mad拼命地跑

He was mad with joy.他欣喜若狂。

She is mad about going to dance. 她对跳舞着了迷。

18. not… any more /no more /not …any longer /no longer

1谈数量或程度时,要用no more;说时间不用no more ,可用not… any more /not …any longer /no longer。例如:

There is no more cake .

I’ m no more tired.

They don’t live here any more.

I’m sorry but I can’t stay any longer.

2 not …any 和longer /no longer指“现在不再”,以现在的时态居多,也有过去时的情况;no more 和not… any more指“将来不再”通常用将来时。例如:

He plays table tennis no longer.

I could not wait any longer.

Her voice will be heard no more.

3no longer 位于行为动词之前,be之后;not …any longer 不能与be 连用。

It no longer changes.

I’ll not drink coffee any longer.

19. hard adj. a hard master严师 be hard on sb 对某人苛刻

Don't be too hard on the boy; he didn't mean to do it.


20. rude adj.粗鲁的;无礼的

He was punished because he was rude to his teacher.


21.punish vt.处罚;惩罚

Motorists should be punished severely for dangerous driving.


The teacher punished the noisy children by making them stay after school.


22. cash n.现金;零钱to pay (in) cash现金支付

Have you any cash? 你有现金吗?

vt.兑现;付款to cash a cheque兑付支票

23.bore n.使人讨厌的人;令人生厌的事

It's a bore having to go out again.又要外出真是讨厌。

vt.令人厌烦I'm bored with this job.我对这件工作厌烦了。

24.mark n.

got a mark of 95 instead of 100.得了95分,而不是100分表示;

The teacher gave me a good mark for my story. 老师给了我的故事以好的评分。

符号a mark of respect尊敬的表示分数;

make one's mark (on)成功;成名留下痕迹;

He marked the floor with chalk.他用粉笔在地板上作记号。

The letter was marked with date.

25.test n.测试;小考

I passed my driving test today.我今天通过了驾驶考试。


The teacher tested the children on their homework.老师就孩子们的家庭作业进行检查。

26. mix

mix joy with sorrow.喜悲交集

mix boys and girls in the classroom.男女同班被混合在一起:

Oil does not mix with water.油不能和水融合在一起交往


He does not mix well at parties.他在晚会上不太合群

mix up使迷惑;弄错

It's common to mix him up with his brother; they're twin brothers.


弄乱Don't mix up those papers.别把那些纸弄乱了。

If you mix up those data we shan't find the one we need quickly.


27.score vt., vi. to score a point得一分

Will you score for us when we play?我们打球时你给我们记分好吗?

28. interest n.兴趣

I find no interest in such things.我对这些不感兴趣。


His two great interests in life are music and painting.


利益look after one's own interests顾自己的利益

He lent me the money at 5% interest.他以百分之五的利息借给我这笔钱。

29.insist vi., vt.(常与on, that连用)主张;坚持

to insist on the importance of being punctual强调遵守时间的重要

She insist on / upon being left alone.她坚持留下

I insist on your being there.我坚持要你在那里。

We all insist that we not rest until we finish the work.


He insisted that he was wronged.他坚持说自己是冤枉的。

30.argument n.理由;论据

There are many arguments against smoking.有许多理由反对吸烟。

This argument, however, does not hold water.但是,这种观点是站不住脚的。

说服We must settle this by argument not by fighting.


31. freedom n.自由

The children enjoyed the freedom of the school holidays.


(与form连用)解脱; freedom from want摆脱了贫困

We have the freedom to do as we please all afternoon.


32.suggest vt.建议, 提出, 使想起, 暗示

suggest things for children to do; suggested that we take a walk.


暗示:a silence that suggested disapproval.沉默暗示着反对

suggestion n.建议,提议

He made the suggestion that we go by train.他建议我们坐火车去。

33. fight vt., vi. (常与against, for连用)打仗;战斗

People often have to fight for their liberty. /against pollution.


The boy had to fight his way through the crowd to talk to the President.


to fight a fire救火

n. There's not much fight left in him now.他现在已经没剩下多少斗志了。

34. crazy adj. 疯狂的;精神错乱的;蠢的

He's crazy to drive his car so fast.他把车开得这样快,真是疯了。

着迷的;狂热的She's crazy about dancing./cars/racing她热衷于跳舞。

like crazy They were running around like crazy.他们拚命地跑着

is crazy about cars and racing.醉心于赛车的赛马

The crowd at the game went crazy.看比赛的人群变得狂热起来

35.spare adj.备用的

a spare tire备用轮胎in one’s spare time

vt., vi.

I have no time to spare.我没有余暇。

I have no money to spare.我没有多余的钱。

Can you spare me ten minutes?你能抽出十分钟吗?

spared herself the trouble of going.她省却了去一趟的麻烦

赦免;饶恕; He doesn't spare himself.他律己甚严。舍弃;让与

36.forbid v.禁止,不准,不许forbid smoking on trains.火车上禁止吸烟

His parents forbid him wine.他的父母不准他喝酒。

I forbid you to go swimming.我不准你去游泳。

Most of the parents agree to forbade their children to smoke.


Smoking is forbidden in the concert hall.演奏厅内不准吸烟。

Forbidden City