Unit 3 of Module 9 Words and Expressions(译林牛津版高三英语选修九教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-4-4 编辑:互联网 手机版

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Learning Aims:

1. Learn some phrases by heart.

2. Master the usage of some important words and expressions.

Learning Important and Difficult Points:

The usage of some words and expressions such as make up/ date back to/ resign oneself to/ relate to/ rid…of…

Learning Methods:

1. Learn some phrases by heart.

2. Learn the usage of some words and phrases through self-study and practice.

Learning procedures:


I. 识记短语

1. national flag 国旗 2. die of starvation 饿死

3. in conclusion 总之 4. rid… of…. 摆脱…, 去掉… 5. make up 组成,构成 6. have a say 有发言权 7. date back to 追溯到…,始于… 8. have a link with 与…有联系

9. be considerate of 对…体贴 10. correspond to 相符,与…一致

11. resign oneself to 听任…,顺从… 12. relate to 与…有联系

13. at random 任意地,随意 14. for instance 例如;比如

15. be arbitrary about 对…武断 16. be unconscious about 未察觉,无意识

II. 重点单词或词组用法探究

1. rid…of… 摆脱,去掉

[原句回放]The French Revolution was successful in ridding society of inequality, which had a great effect on many other countries, particularly those in Europe. 请问本句中ridding society of inequality的意思是_消除社会不平等__,在句中作介词in的 _宾语__, rid…of…常见意思有:摆脱;驱除;从…中解脱;丢弃;还可以写成rid oneself of/ get rid of/ be rid of;另外,which在句中引导一个_非限制性定语 从句,其先行词是The French Revolution _。



Having working hard for ten years, she paid off all debts finally.


She should get rid of the bad habits, which will contribute a lot to her health.

[拓展]smooth away = get rid of 去掉,去除

2. make up 组成

[原句回放]At that time, there were thirteen states, which is far fewer than the fifty that make up today’s USA. 请问本句中which引导的是非限制性定语_从句, 先行词是thirteen states, 为什么从句中用is,而不用are?先行词看成一个整体数字。此外本句中的make up 意为组成;构成.make up 还有什么其它含义?编造;弥补;占…比例(部分占整体);化妆 make up with 意为和好



The Chinese medical group made up of 12 people was well received by the Japanese.

2) 在他承诺不再编造理由欺骗她后,他们又重归于好。 After he promised not to make up excuses to cheat her, they made up with each other again.

3. oppose vt. 反对;反抗 ;对抗

[原句回放]They desired independence, but the British opposed this.本句中划线单词的意思是反对;反抗;对抗, 形容词opposing意为对抗的;相反的, opposed 意为反对的, opposite意为相反的;对面的. 相关词组oppose sth = be opposite to= object to.


1) 他强烈反对这一计划。(3种形式)

He strongly opposed/ was opposed to/ obected to the plan.

2) 那妇女转身朝着相反的方向走了。

The woman turned around and went away in the opposite direction.

[拓展] as opposed to (表对比) 而,相对于

opposition n. 反对;抵抗 opponent n. 对手;敌手;竞争者

相关链接:oppose object to resist 都含有“反对”的意思。

1) oppose为常用词,指“对某人、某事采取积极行动来反对”,着重动作,尤其指“反对一种观念、思想、计划等”。


3)resist指“积极地反抗、对抗”、“用武力阻止…的前进”,resist the enemy 抵抗敌人

resist tempatation 抵制诱惑。

4. date back to 追溯到…, 始于…

[原句回放]The flag, which could not be further simplified, is a red band over a white one, and is based on a national flag dating back to the 13th century that had nine red and white stripes. 本句中含有两个定语从句。划线词组意思为追溯到_, 还可以写成date from. 做后置定语成分,修饰. a national flag date back to通常用于一般现在时,不管主语有多么古老,但如果主语已不复存在,用一般过去时。



The church dates back to the 13th century.

2) 为了偿还债务,他把家里15世纪的花瓶卖了。

In an effort to pay off the debts, he sold the vase in his family dating back to 15th century

5. considerate adj. 考虑周到的;关心的;体贴的

[ 原句回放]Other people say that the colourthe red on the Indonesian flag stands for the brave and considerate nature of Indonesian people.请问划线词组stand for 意为代表;象征划线单词considerate意为考虑周到;关心的;体贴的.试翻译:对某人体贴be considerate of。另外,considerable adj.意为相当的;相当多的.



1) Price and good condition are two considerations in buying a used car.

2) There was a considerable growth of the light industries during the war.

3) She is well thought of by all her workmates because she is considerate towards others.

4) All things considered, it is a good plan.

5) Considering his age, the little boy reads very well.

6. resign vt/vi 听任;顺从;辞职;辞去

[ 原句回放]They refused to resign themselves to this status, so they started a revolution.

本句中划线词组意为听任;顺从, 可替代词组为submit oneself to, resign其它意思为辞职_。试翻译:辞职resign oneself to.另外,此句是并列句(简单句/并列句/复合句)



Having resigned from his office, he soon found a job in another company, where he found confidence.

2) 千万别听任于命运,否则你就永远是一个失败者。

Never resign youself to yourfate, or you’ be a failure forever.

7. relate to 与…有联系

[ 原句回放]However, some people say the colours relate to food because Indonesias eat a lot of rice, which is white, and a tasty kind of sugar that is red.

本句中because引导原因状语从句, which与that引导定语从句。划线词组relate to意为与…相关,该词组其它意思为理解;关心。另外,be related to意为与…相关。相关词组有be associated with/ be connected with/ have a link with/ have something to do with…..。


1) 她与她母亲相处不很和睦。

She doesn’t relate to her mother well.

2) 有些成年人不理解儿童的想法。

Some adults don’t relate to what children have in mind.

[拓展]relate vi. 相关, 关系到(to) 符合(with) 相适应, 相处很好(to)

vt. 叙述, 说 使联系; 显示出...与...的关系(to , with)


I. 按照提示将下列句子翻译成中文:


Condering his poor experience, we should be considerate of him, giving him more chance to improve himself.

2. 许多居民反对拆毁这幢古老建筑,因为这还是16世纪的,应该受到保护。(date back to)

Many citizens are opposed to pulling down the old building, because it dates back back to the 16th century, which should be protected.

3. 你要把不在期间落下的工作补上。(make up)

You are required to make up the work you left when you were absent.

4. 你要改掉说话太武断的坏习惯,尽管你自己未察觉这一点。(rid of/ unconscious)

You should get rid of being arbitrary about talking, although you are unconscious about it.

5. 他不甘心总是听老板的安排,所以决定辞职,并成立了一个6个人的小公司。(resign)

He did resign himself to the arrangement of the boss, so he decided to resign from his office and then set up a small company made up of 6 members.

II. 单选题

1. _____ the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Imperial Tombss had a long history, which ______ a visit.

A. Dated back to; is worth B. Dating back to; is worthy

C. Dating back to; is worthy of D. Dated from; is worthy of

2. An increasing number of wild animals are ________ due to the threat from human beings.

A. dying out B. dying down C. dying away D. dying from

3. A person who has ____ final say in an international company is usually ____ influential one. A. a; the B. the; an C. the; the D. a; an

4. The culture that he describes is so different from mine that I sometimes find it hard to _____.

A. relate to B. understand it C. see to D. turn to

5. Having been trained for one and half years, she managed to get a professional qualificaion _________ a first-degree nurse.

A. consist with B. ageed with

C. corresponding to D. corresponded with

6. This custom ______ the seventh century, but this church ______eight centuries, you know.

A. dated back to; dated from B. dates back to; dates back

C. dates from; dates back to D. dates back to; dating back

7. The church, which ________ the 13th century, was destroyed in an earthquake two years ago.d

A. dated from B. dating back to C. dates back to D. is dated from

8. He will ________ our class to sing at the school singing contest.

A. take place of B. stand for

C. represent D. representative to