unit 4 the tales of the unexplained 单词和知识点(译林牛津版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-3-27 编辑:互联网 手机版

New words:

1. tale 传说或带有童话性质的故事; story 真实的或虚构的故事

童话 a fairy tale 他在全城散布谣言。

2. puzzled adj. 困惑的,茫然的 be/ feel ~ about sth. 对…感到困惑

puzzling adj.令人困惑的

puzzle vt. 使迷惑,使为难 n. 谜,谜语;难题,困惑(只用单数)

Lucy looks a little .

He felt about the question.

The question me.= I was by the question.

The look in his face suggested that he that.

A. puzzling; hasn’t expected B. puzzled; hadn’t expected

C. puzzling; doesn’t expect D. puzzled; didn’t expect

3. step up : increase, speed up

When John realized he was going to be late, he his pace.

We decided to production to try to meet the increased demand.

We’ll do all we can our aid to those countries.


step down step into step by step

4. search vt. 寻找 宾语一般为寻找的地点

search for :look for宾语是要寻找的东西

search a place for a person = search for a person in a place

比较:They searched him.

They searched for him.

search n. in ~ of / in (a/ one’s) search for

They went out in a search water.

I’m at present in search a new house.

--- The police have been the area for quite a long time?

--- I’ve also noticed that. What have they been ?

A. searching; searching B. searching for; searching

C. searching for; searching for D. searching; searching for

5. due to : ①because of, caused by 做表语,状语

Due to his rudeness, I didn’t say one more word to him.

Due to illness, the scheduled visit to a factor has been put off.




② due to do 定于(某时)做某事


I passed the computer exam your help.

A. because B. since C. due to D. for

6. show up

we have been waiting for you to show up.

You showed him up by calling him by his nick name in front of his girlfriend.

The sunlight showed up the marks on the glass.

--- He didn’t show up.

--- But he .

A. promised B. would promise C. had promised D. have promised

show off show sb around show in

7. according to +n. 按照,依照…所说

According to my watch, it’s four o’clock.



In my opinion ,the price is too high.

According to me, the price is too high.

According to my opinion , the price is too high.

8. fright n.恐惧 frighten vt. 使害怕 frightened adj. 害怕的 frightening adj.令人害怕的

The story ,which was , us.

The dog away the little girl. = The little girl was by the dog.

I even get when I hear a plane fly over.

9. rule out : 排除,否决, 拒绝考虑

The police ruled out the possibility that the boy had been murdered by his step-mother.

Cancer can’t be ruled out in this case.




10. look into : 向里面看,调查

The police are the reason why the plane crashed into the sea.

Would you mind the problem for me?

The cause of the fire is .

The teacher the classroom through the window and found nobody in.

11. make up

Uncle Dick likes making up interesting stories for the children.

I feel I have been rude to you. I want to make it up to you.

She had been absent from school for two weeks, so she had a lot of exams to make up.

Girls make up 45% of the student population in our school.

Tom watched his sister making herself up for her date.

We haven’t been getting on well. Let’s make up.

be made up of 由…构成

Sixty students our class.= our class sixty students.

12. convince vt.使确信 ~ sb. of sth.

convinced adj.确信的,信服的 convincing adj.令人信服的

The reason why he was late is not .

13. disappoint vt. 使失望 disappointment n U 失望 C 失望的人/事

disappointed adj. 感到失望的 disappointing adj. 令人失望的.

The book really me. I’m rather at his absence.

The weather this summer has been .

I was much that he should get that post.

他对我很失望。 令人失望的学生 失望的表情



Language points

1. advanced adj. ①(文明,思想等)先进的,进步的②(学问等)高级的

an ~ country ~ learners of English ~ physics a man of ~ ideas

advance v. 前进,进步

A line of ants slowly advanced to move forward

The soldiers advanced toward the town.

in advance adv. 预先,事先 事先制定计划

3. tell 与be able to, can , could 连用,“判断,区别,猜测”



4. sunken/ sunk adj. 已经沉没了的 sunk不做前置定语 sinking adj.正在下沉的

比较:They tried in every way possible to rescue the sinking boat.

They tried to bring the sunken ship out of the sea.

又如:the rising sun the risen sun the falling leaves the fallen leaves

Last night, his house was destroyed by a tree.

A. falling B. fallen C. being fallen D. having fallen

5. run into①. 偶然遇见 ②.撞③ 跑进④流入

Guess whom I ran into in town today!

He ran into the back of another car the other day.

We saw the boy run into the house.

The river runs into a lake.

6. Standing inside were lots of white-skinned, strange-looking creatures with large black eyes.

①倒装句,结构是:doing+ be+ subj.

Standing over there was a girl.

Sitting at the back of the room was a shy girl with two big eyes.

Gone are the days when we used foreign oil.

Seated at the table was Tom.

②white-skinned, strange-looking 为合成形容词

(1) 数词+ 名词

五星级的 十速的 一流的 一千字的

(2) 名词+ 现在分词

热爱和平的 讲英语的 保护眼睛的

(3) 名词+过去分词

被雪覆盖的 国有的 中国制造的

(4) 形容词+名词+-ed 冷血的 热心肠的

(5) 数词+名词+-ed 一张三条腿的桌子

(6) 形容词+现在分词 长的好看的 容易相处的 长相普通的

7. happen to sb. 某事发生在某人身上,尤指不幸的事





happen 与take place 的区别:

8. wonder (P5)①vt. 想知道,不知道,纳闷

I wonder what you call these flowers.

他们等着,不知怎么办才好。They waited and .

②v. 感到奇怪,惊奇 feel surprised

看到她在那儿,他们很惊奇。They her there.

外国人对中国人所取得的成就感到吃惊。The foreigners the progress the Chinese people .

③ I wonder if +从句

I wonder if I could use your telephone.

④ U 惊奇C 奇迹,奇观

The Great Wall of China is one of the of the world.

It’s a that he didn’t lose his way in the forest.

--- Excuse me,sir, would you do me a favor?

--- Of course, what is it?

--- I if you could tell me how to fill out this form.

A. had wondered B. was wondering C. would wonder D. did wonder

9. launch (P6)① vt. 发射,下水

我国又发射了一颗人造卫星。Our country another last week.

这条船是两年前下水的。The ship two years ago.

②+ into 积极投入,使开始做某事

他们积极投入到抗污染的斗争中去。They the fight against pollution.

10. unmanned adj. 无人的,无人操纵的, 自动的manned adj. 载人的

去年无人驾驶飞船发射到火星上去了。 was sent to Mars last year.

11. the first human being to travel in space

to travel 作后置定语,表主动,当所修饰的名词有序数词或最高级修饰,或所修饰的是有序数词或最高级充当名词时,后用to do作定语。

他总是第一个来最后一个离开。He is the first and the last .

中国是世界上造纸的国家。China is the first country in the world.

12. ① so far: by now 到目前为止,在句中做状语,常与现在完成时连用

这是我至今读过最好的一部小说。 This is the best novel I .

到目前为止我大约学了2000个单词。I about 2000 English words .

② by far 非常,最, 常与比较级或最高级连用。

他是我们队最好的运动员。He is in our team.

玛丽的解释要清楚的多。Mary’s explanation is .

③ as far as 远至,一直到(含路程远,时间长之意)

你可以一直看到海岸。We can see the coast.

as far as = so far as 就…而论,据…. as far as I know 据我所知

13. carry out 实施,执行,落实,实现

一旦你许下诺言,就应该履行它。Once you have made a promise, you .

不可能实施这个计划。It’s impossible for the plan .

他们正在做实验。They an experiment.

已对患者进行了多次实验。Many tests on the patient.

14. separate 指把原来连在一起或靠近的东西“分离”也可指“离别”

divide指把整体“分成,划分”许多份,后常接into, among, between 等介词。

The Taiwan Straits Tiwan Fujian.

The island two parts.

He the good apples the rotten ones.

The farmers the apples different grades.

They talked until midnight and then .

He his time work and play.

separate adj.分开的,互不相连的,单独的 separated adj. 被分裂的

比较:This is a separated country.

Australia is a separate country.

15. pick up

He picked up his school bag and rushed out of the door.

The train stopped to pick up passengers.

The train picked up speed and ran faster.

He picked up the room and the room looked tidier.

I’ll come to pick you up; please wait for me.

Kathy a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.

A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up

16. for the first time 与the first time (P9)

for the first time作状语 the first time 作主语,表语,也可作连词,引导时间状语从句

I went to Paris in 2000 .

To see this film is frightening.

This is that he has been in China.

It is that I have failed.

We became friends we saw each other.


The foreigner has been to China three times.

She said she had visited these places of interest many times.

17. at a time (P12)一次


别同时说,一次一人讲。Don’t speak ; one .

at one time at no time in no time at times

18. avoid vt. 避免,避开+n./doing

犯错误是难免的。It’s difficult to .

她一直躲着她的老师。She her teacher.

想不引起注意是不可能的。It was impossible to .

我们必须设法避免重犯错误。We must these mistakes.

19. could have done (P18) ①对过去事情的推测 “可能已经”

他们可能误了火车。They the train.

② can/ could 常用于疑问句和否定句,表可能性


③ can/ could have done 表本来能做的事,但没有做



20. make one’s way to/ towards 向…走,向…前进

我要回家了。 他那时正去超市。

21. live on ① on 为adv“继续活着”

He will die, but his fame will live on after him.

②on 为 prep. “以…为生”

The people on the island live on fish.

③ live on/upon 靠…生活

He lived on selling newspapers.

I don’t know what he lives on.