高二英语期末复习资料(模块7Unit 3 The World Online)(译林牛津版高二英语选修七教案教学设计)

发布时间:2017-12-17 编辑:互联网 手机版

Revision 10

Module 7 知识点罗列:

Key words:

1.analysis in the final analysis 总之analyze vt.分析, 分解

2.value n.价值,评价 vt.估价, 评价, 重视 be of value value sth at $222. valuable

3.acquire 得到, 获得=attain;obtain; 招致 acquire knowledge of 求得...的知识

4.click 5.skeptical (be skeptical of对…怀疑 = suspect

6.advance (in advance) 7.common (in common) 8.popularity (gain ~ with)

9.remain 10.uptodate 11.occure 12.addicted 13.accustomed

14.relevant 15.admire 16.intelligent

Useful phrases:

1.that is to say也就是说 2.in need of需要

3.have positive effects on对…有积极影响 4.current affairs时事

5.travel package包价旅游 6.turn to求助于

7.all sorts of各式各样 8.in fact事实上

9.spend…(in) doing花费…做… 10. be/get/become addicted to上瘾;沉溺于

11.be/get/become/grow accustomed to习惯于 12.worn out筋疲力尽

13.more than + mum. = over ~ ~ + n. = not only ~ ~ + adj. = very much

14.in advance提前 15.keepp in mind记住,牢记

16.be happy with对…满意 be happy about 对…高兴

17.be popular with = have popularity with受欢迎 18.on that basis在此基础上

19.other than除…以外 = apart from; in addition to rather than而不是

20.be divided into 被分为… be separated from be separated into

21.take into consideration考虑 give thought to

Important sentences:

1) That is to day, I believe that the Internet has positive effect on our lives.

2) With the touch of a button or the click of a mouse, a student in the world whether he or

she lives in a small village or downtown in a big city.

3) Another advantage of the Internet is affecting people’s private lives



1) have much / a lot in common with sb.与某人有许多共同之处

2) remain modest and proud保持谦虚谨慎 remain to be seen

3) the remaining ten dollars

4) address the meeting向大会讲话 sth. be addressed to sb. …寄给某人

address oneself to sb. 致力于,忙着做

5. attach sth. to sth.在…上贴上标签 attach oneself to依附 be attacked to依恋于

6. concentrate on 集中精力于 emphasize on着重于

7. be equal to与…平等 8. The closer you are, the more you will see.

9. Study hard, and we’ll succeed.

10.虚拟语气倒装:Should I have time, I would call on you. = If I should have time,…


连系动词:1)be + 表语


3) look(看起来) sound(听起来) taste(尝起来)feel(摸起来/感到)

4) 表示“变;变得”

1) turn(变化);grow(变得)get(变成)become(变成)

2) come(变得) go(变得) 3) fall(进入某状态)


I. Translate the following phrases. (24’)

1. another aspect of 13. 对有负面影响

2. heavy Internet users 14. 急需

3. the main drawbacks of 15. 听天气预报

4. affect one’s private lives 16. 与专家交流

5. feel disconnected to the real world 17. 建立社会联系

6. complete a diploma course 18. 影响某人的正常生活

7. support one’s arguments 19. 沉迷于网络

8. be based on common interests 20. 记住,牢记

9. be happy with the outcome 21. 急切地想做某事

10. have no qualifications 22. 改正错误

11. on that basis 23. 对...很肯定

12. as a general rule 24. 被分成

II. Multiple choice. (20’)

1. Letter boxes are much more _____ in the UK than in the US, where most people have a

mailbox instead.

A. common B. normal C. ordinary D. instead

2. It was already past midnight and only three young men ____ in the teahouse.

A. left B. remained C. delayed D. deserted

3. Be quick! There are only ten minutes ____.

A. to remain B. remained C. remaining D. to leave

4. Although he has taken a lot of medicine, his health ____ poor.

A. proves B. remains C. maintains D. continues

5. It remains ____ whether he is suitable for the position.

A. seen B. to be seen C. seeing D. to see

6. Please tell me how the accident ____. I am still in the dark.

A. was occurred B. was happened C. came upon D. came about

7. It suddenly _____ to me that they went there by bike.

A. occurred B. happened C. took place D. looked

8. The boy has _____ a fine knowledge of geography by careful study.

A. required B. inquired C. acquired D. addressed

9. Jane has ____ a good knowledge of Chinese by reading lots of original works.

A. reading B. acquired C. studied D. learned

10. Her usual talent ____ her worldwide reorganization.

A. gained B. were C. get D. was

11. We must ___ ourselves to the problem of traffic pollution.

A. deal with B. work out C. solve D. address

12. When I was young, I was always ____ to my elder brother wherever he went.

A. attached B. attacked C. attended D. surrounded

13. We should ____ importance to job training.

A. concentrate B. devote C. attach D. emphasize

14. Fitness is important in sports, but of at least ____ importance are skills/

A. fair B. reasonable C. equal D. proper

15. He quickly became ____ to TV soap operas.

A. accustoming B. ashamed C. addicted D. accomplished

16. In recent years, travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the further we

_____. A. our holiday will be better B. our holiday will be the better

C. the better our holiday will be D. the better will our holiday be

17. _____ and I’ll get the work finished. A. Have one more hour

B. One more hour C. Give one more hour D. If I have one more hour

18. _____ fired, your health care and other benefit will not immediately cut off.

A. Would you be B. Should you be C. Could you be D. Might you be

19. On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine, she ____ pale.

A. got B. changed C. went D. appeared

20. The water ____ cool when jumped into the pool for morning exercise.

A. was felt B. is felt C. felt D. feels

21. ____ good, the food was sold out soon.

A. Tasting B. tasted C. Being tasted D. Having been tasted

III. Fill in the blanks. (20’)


1. Having made good preparations, the students all made very wonderful ____________(陈述).

2. I’m ____________ (怀疑) of his __________ (能力) to finish the task. He seems so careless.

3. For these reason, I believe Internet has ___________ (积极的) effects on people’s lives.

4. The primary use for Internet is to ___________ (增长) knowledge about hobbies.

5. University professors often ___________ (抱怨) that students are handing in papers using f__________ information they found on the Internet.

6. I’m speaking for the ‘pro’ side of the debate. He’ll be r___________ the ‘con’ side.

7. I have great _________ (感激) for what you have done to help us to handle this problem.

8. One of the greatest drawbacks of the Internet is that it sometimes provides i____________ information.


IV. Complete the sentences. (20’)

1. How much do you know about international __________ _________ (时事)?

2. Do you know how to ________ _____answers____ questions (搜索问题的答案) on Internet?

3. With no one to ________ _______(求助), she felt hopeless and homesick.

4. He prefers to ________ ________ (上网) ________ _________ (而不是) go shopping with his wife.

5. Have you _________ ________ __________ (把...考虑进去) all the possible delays on the way before leaving for his office?

6. I become __________ _______ _________ (习惯于写) my most private thoughts in my diary.

7. You may come to my home whenever you want to, only letting me know ________ ________ (提前).

8. Whenever we run into new words, we may __________ (查询) the dictionary.


A: Have you ever heard of Sister Lotus?

B: Is she a girl that has gained her (1) p_________ through the Internet?

A: You got it. But I was wondering why she is (2) a_________ by so many people. It doesn’t make any sense.

B: I agree. It’s not (3) r________ at all. It is said that many people like her (4) a_________, but I don’t think she is that pretty.

A: It is (5) e___________ that people like something new, something unusual, something (6) c___________ that will lead to heated argument. What is even worse, now people are more curious about others’ (7) p__________ affairs. They like to know what is going on with others’ personal life. I hate that.

B: Well, every coin has two sides. The Internet has both advantages and (8) d___________. If, however, we are (9) i____________ enough, we will not be cheated by anything no matter where we are or where it is from. Keep eyes open and be careful. (10) J__________ everything with your own knowledge and outlook and we’ll make fewer mistakes.

A: That’s also what I am thinking about.











Suggested Answers

I. 1. 另一方面 2. 过度使用网络者 3. 的主要缺点 4. 影响某人的私生活

5. 感觉脱离了真实世界 6. 完成学业 7. 支持某人的论点 8. 建立在共同的兴趣之上 9. 对结果很满意 10. 没有资格 11. 在此基础之上 12. 一般情况下

13. have negative effects on 14. in bad/great need of/be badly in need of

15. listen to weather forecast 16. communicate with experts 17. build social ties 18. effect one’s normal life 19. be addicted to the Internet 20. keep... in mind 21. be eager/anxious/keen/desperate to do sth. 22. correct mistakes/errors 23. be sure about 24. be divided to

II. 1-5 ABCBBD 6-10 DACBA 11-15 DACCC 16-20 CBBCC 21 B

III. A. 1. presentation 2. skeptical, ability 3. positive 4. advance 5. complain, false

6. representing 7. appreciation 8. inaccurate

B. 1. current affairs 2. search for, to 3. turn to 4. go online, rather than

5. taken into consideration 6. used/accustomed to writing 7. in advance

8. consult

IV.1. popularity 2. appreciated 3. reasonable 4. appearance 5. evident 6. controversial 7. personal/private 8. disadvantages 9. intelligent 10. Judge

Suggested Answers

I. 1. 另一方面 2. 过度使用网络者 3. 的主要缺点 4. 影响某人的私生活

5. 感觉脱离了真实世界 6. 完成学业 7. 支持某人的论点 8. 建立在共同的兴趣之上 9. 对结果很满意 10. 没有资格 11. 在此基础之上 12. 一般情况下

13. have negative effects on 14. in bad/great need of/be badly in need of

15. listen to weather forecast 16. communicate with experts 17. build social ties 18. effect one’s normal life 19. be addicted to the Internet 20. keep... in mind 21. be eager/anxious/keen/desperate to do sth. 22. correct mistakes/errors 23. be sure about 24. be divided to

II. 1-5 ABCBBD 6-10 DACBA 11-15 DACCC 16-20 CBBCC 21 B

III. A. 1. presentation 2. skeptical, ability 3. positive 4. advance 5. complain, false

6. representing 7. appreciation 8. inaccurate

B. 1. current affairs 2. search for, to 3. turn to 4. go online, rather than

5. taken into consideration 6. used/accustomed to writing 7. in advance

8. consult

IV.1. popularity 2. appreciated 3. reasonable 4. appearance 5. evident 6. controversial 7. personal/private 8. disadvantages 9. intelligent 10. Judge

Suggested Answers

I. 1. 另一方面 2. 过度使用网络者 3. 的主要缺点 4. 影响某人的私生活

5. 感觉脱离了真实世界 6. 完成学业 7. 支持某人的论点 8. 建立在共同的兴趣之上 9. 对结果很满意 10. 没有资格 11. 在此基础之上 12. 一般情况下

13. have negative effects on 14. in bad/great need of/be badly in need of

15. listen to weather forecast 16. communicate with experts 17. build social ties 18. effect one’s normal life 19. be addicted to the Internet 20. keep... in mind 21. be eager/anxious/keen/desperate to do sth. 22. correct mistakes/errors 23. be sure about 24. be divided to

II. 1-5 ABCBBD 6-10 DACBA 11-15 DACCC 16-20 CBBCC 21 B

III. A. 1. presentation 2. skeptical, ability 3. positive 4. advance 5. complain, false

6. representing 7. appreciation 8. inaccurate

B. 1. current affairs 2. search for, to 3. turn to 4. go online, rather than

5. taken into consideration 6. used/accustomed to writing 7. in advance

8. consult

IV.1. popularity 2. appreciated 3. reasonable 4. appearance 5. evident 6. controversial 7. personal/private 8. disadvantages 9. intelligent 10. Judge

Suggested Answers

I. 1. 另一方面 2. 过度使用网络者 3. 的主要缺点 4. 影响某人的私生活

5. 感觉脱离了真实世界 6. 完成学业 7. 支持某人的论点 8. 建立在共同的兴趣之上 9. 对结果很满意 10. 没有资格 11. 在此基础之上 12. 一般情况下

13. have negative effects on 14. in bad/great need of/be badly in need of

15. listen to weather forecast 16. communicate with experts 17. build social ties 18. effect one’s normal life 19. be addicted to the Internet 20. keep... in mind 21. be eager/anxious/keen/desperate to do sth. 22. correct mistakes/errors 23. be sure about 24. be divided to

II. 1-5 ABCBBD 6-10 DACBA 11-15 DACCC 16-20 CBBCC 21 B

III. A. 1. presentation 2. skeptical, ability 3. positive 4. advance 5. complain, false

6. representing 7. appreciation 8. inaccurate

B. 1. current affairs 2. search for, to 3. turn to 4. go online, rather than

5. taken into consideration 6. used/accustomed to writing 7. in advance

8. consult

IV.1. popularity 2. appreciated 3. reasonable 4. appearance 5. evident 6. controversial 7. personal/private 8. disadvantages 9. intelligent 10. Judge

Suggested Answers

I. 1. 另一方面 2. 过度使用网络者 3. 的主要缺点 4. 影响某人的私生活

5. 感觉脱离了真实世界 6. 完成学业 7. 支持某人的论点 8. 建立在共同的兴趣之上 9. 对结果很满意 10. 没有资格 11. 在此基础之上 12. 一般情况下

13. have negative effects on 14. in bad/great need of/be badly in need of

15. listen to weather forecast 16. communicate with experts 17. build social ties 18. effect one’s normal life 19. be addicted to the Internet 20. keep... in mind 21. be eager/anxious/keen/desperate to do sth. 22. correct mistakes/errors 23. be sure about 24. be divided to

II. 1-5 ABCBBD 6-10 DACBA 11-15 DACCC 16-20 CBBCC 21 B

III. A. 1. presentation 2. skeptical, ability 3. positive 4. advance 5. complain, false

6. representing 7. appreciation 8. inaccurate

B. 1. current affairs 2. search for, to 3. turn to 4. go online, rather than

5. taken into consideration 6. used/accustomed to writing 7. in advance

8. consult

IV.1. popularity 2. appreciated 3. reasonable 4. appearance 5. evident 6. controversial 7. personal/private 8. disadvantages 9. intelligent 10. Judge

Suggested Answers

I. 1. 另一方面 2. 过度使用网络者 3. 的主要缺点 4. 影响某人的私生活

5. 感觉脱离了真实世界 6. 完成学业 7. 支持某人的论点 8. 建立在共同的兴趣之上 9. 对结果很满意 10. 没有资格 11. 在此基础之上 12. 一般情况下

13. have negative effects on 14. in bad/great need of/be badly in need of

15. listen to weather forecast 16. communicate with experts 17. build social ties 18. effect one’s normal life 19. be addicted to the Internet 20. keep... in mind 21. be eager/anxious/keen/desperate to do sth. 22. correct mistakes/errors 23. be sure about 24. be divided to

II. 1-5 ABCBBD 6-10 DACBA 11-15 DACCC 16-20 CBBCC 21 B

III. A. 1. presentation 2. skeptical, ability 3. positive 4. advance 5. complain, false

6. representing 7. appreciation 8. inaccurate

B. 1. current affairs 2. search for, to 3. turn to 4. go online, rather than

5. taken into consideration 6. used/accustomed to writing 7. in advance

8. consult

IV.1. popularity 2. appreciated 3. reasonable 4. appearance 5. evident 6. controversial 7. personal/private 8. disadvantages 9. intelligent 10. Judge