

时间:2023-07-11 18:01:10




  初中一年级英语下册重点 1

  1.打扫房间 clean the house

  2.煮饭 cool the meal

  3. 学舞龙 learn a dragon dance

  4.做灯笼 make lanterns =make a lantern

  5.扫地 sweep the floor

  6.为......做准备get ready for

  7.春节 Spring Festival

  8.在工作 at work

  9.扫去、除去 sweep away

  10 坏运气 bad luck

  11.好运气 good luck

  12.把…漆成红色paint…. .red/white

  13.用…装饰decorate ….with

  14.理发 have a haircut

  15.给某人某物 give sb sth

  16.穿上 put on

  17.吃晚饭 have dinner

  18.一种 a kind of

  19.在午夜 at midnight

  20.结束做某事 finish doing sth

  21.一年到头 all the year round =all year

  22.在除夕夜 on Spring FestivalEve

  23.在春节 at Spring Festival

  初中一年级英语下册重点 2



  1. 人称代词 主格(在句中作主语)有: I , you, he, she, it, we, you, they

  宾格(在句中作宾语)有:me, you, him, her, it, us, you , them

  2. 物主代词 形容词性的物主代词(作定语)有:my, your, his , her, its,

  our, your ,their

  名词性的物主代词(作主语、表语,宾语)有:mine, yours, his, hers, its,

  ours, yours, theirs

  3. 反身代词(自身代词)有 myself, herself, themselves等。

  4. 相互代词有:each other, one another

  5. 提示代词有:this , that , these , those , those

  6. 疑问代词(用来引导特殊疑问句)有 who, what, whose 等。

  7. 关系代词(用来引导定语从句)有which, that, who 等。

  8. 连接代词(用来引导名词性从句)有:what, who, whose等。

  9. 不定代词 有:all, each, both, either, neither, one, any 等。

  10. 不定代词 指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词叫做不定代词。


  1.both和all : both 指两者,all 指三者以上。

  Both of the answers are right.两个答案都对。

  All the answers are correct. 所有的答案都对。

  2.every和each: every指至少三个,强调共性,each 可指小到两个,强调个体。

  Every room is clean and tidy. 每一个房间都很整洁。

  Each student may try twice. 每个学生可以试两次。

  3.either 和neither 都是谈两个人或物:

  Either of the answers is right. 两个答案都对。(either指两者当中任意一个)

  Neither of the answers is right.两个答案都不对。(neither指两者都不是)

  4. some 和any some 一般用于肯定句中,而any用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中:

  Are there any stamps in the drawer?抽屉里有邮票吗?

  Yes, there are some. 是的,有一些。

  注意,当某些疑问句表示请求、建议等肯定意义时,用some不用any: Would you like some tea? 想喝点茶吗?

  5. no one 和none : no one 仅指人,none 可指人或物。

  No one failed in the examination. 考试没有人不及格。

  None of the students failed in the examination. 没有一个学生考试不及格。

  ----Have you any string?你有绳子吗? ----No, I have none.没有。



  1. This bike is my sister`s. It belongs to ______ (她的)。

  2. This isn`t my book. _______(我的) is in the bag.

  3. They quarrelled among __________(他们).

  4. You and I understand _________(彼此) perfectly.

  5. If there are ____(一些) new magazines in the library, take some for me.


  1. ______ writer is better know in China, Charles Dickens or Mark Twain?

  A. Which B. What C. Either D. Whether

  2. They were all very tired, but _____ of them would stop to have a rest.

  A. any B. some C. none D. neither

  3. Kate and her sister went on holiday with a cousin of ______.

  A. their B. theirs C. them D. themselves

  4. ----Is ________ here? ---- No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave.

  A. anybody B. Somebody C. everybody D. nobody

  5. We couldn`t eat in a restaurant because _____ of us had _______ money on us.

  A. all; no B. any; no C. none; any C. no one ; any


  一填空:1.her 2.mine 3.themselves 4. each other 5. any

  二单项选择:1.A 2.C 3. B 4. C 5.C

  初中一年级英语下册重点 3

  1.find your way找路know the way to ……知道去……的路

  2.follow me = come with me跟我来Dont be afraid别害怕

  3.go down下去go up上去come down下来

  4.be sure确信be sure of / that+从句确信…… be sure to do务必、一定

  5.plan their sightseeing tour计划观光旅行

  write an invitation letter写一封邀请信write a letter to invite her to my party

  6.plan a spring outing计划一次春游Let s go on an outing咱们去郊游

  7.be north-west of the zoo =to the north-west of the zoo在动物园的西北部

  8.south-west of Beijing Sunshine Secondary School北京阳光中学的西南部

  9.the sunnyside Garden向阳花园

  10 go to the Lake Park by underground乘地铁去湖滨公园

  11.a lucky escape一次幸运的逃脱escape from从……逃脱

  12.the twin brothers双胞胎兄弟

  13.three men in police uniform穿警服的三个男人

  14.receive /get a call接到一个电话

  15.live nearby in Hill Building住在希尔大厦附近

  16.get out of the car下车get into the car上车get on / off the bus上/下公共汽车

  17.run out of the building跑出大楼

  18.at once立刻、马上

  初中一年级英语下册重点 4


  系动词如be(is am are);情态动词如can 、may、need;助动词( do does);行为动词如take 、bring、eat、have(has)、like、sell、buy、sale、play、see、find、go、watch、thank、think等


  如eat(eats) take (takes) buy (buys) play (plays) have(has) are (is)


  ( 1)含有系动词的

  I’m a Chinese boy .

  She is twelve .

  He is Tim’s brother .

  Her mother is an English teacher .


  Are you a Chinese boy ?(注意第一人称通常变为第二人称)

  Is she twelve ?

  Is he Tim’s brother ?

  Is her mother an English teacher ?


  I’m not a Chinese boy.

  She isn’t twelve .

  He is not Tim’s btother .

  Her mother isn’t an English teacher .

  (2)含有情态动词的句子( can ),

  She can play basketball.

  His mother’s cousin can sing many English songs.


  Can she play basketball ?

  Can his mother’s cousin sing many English songs ?

  含有情态动词的句子在变否定句时直接在情态动词的后边加上not ,上面两个陈述句变否定句分别为

  She can not play basketball .

  His mother’s cousin can not sing many English songs .


  We have many friends.

  They watch TV at 7 in the evening .

  The students take their books to school .

  I have lunch at school .

  You have a sister .


  Do you have many friends ?

  Do they watch TV at 7 in the evening ?

  Do the students take their books to school ?

  Do you have lunch at school ?

  Do you have a sister ?

  2含有行为动词的句子在变否定句时只须在行为动词前加don’t .上述五个陈述句变否定句分别为

  We don’t have many friends.

  They don’t watch TV at 7 in the evening .

  The students don’t take their books to school .

  I don’t have lunch at school .

  You don’t have a sister .

  3含有行为动词的句子,当主语是第三人称单数时,行为动词要加s (或es)如:

  She has a red pen .

  He has eggs for breakfast .

  Her mother buys a skirt for her .

  She likes thrillers .

  My brother watches TV every evening .

  He wants to go to a movie .

  含有行为动词的句子,当主语是第三人称单数时,变一般疑问句要“在原句子的前面加上does ,同时行为动词要还原”。上面的句子变成一般疑问句分别为:

  Does she have a red pen ?

  Does he have eggs for breakfast ?

  Does her mother buy a skirt for her ?

  Does she like thrillers ?

  Does your brother watch TV every evening ?

  Does he want to go to a movie ?

  含有行为动词的句子,当主语是第三人称单数时,变否定句时“在行为动词前面加does’nt ,同时原行为动词要还原”。上面的句子变否定句分别为:

  She doesn’t have a red pen .

  He doesn’t have eggs for breakfast .

  Her mother doesn’t buy a skirt for her .

  She doesn’t like thrillers .

  My brother doesn’t watch TV every evening .

  He doesn’t want to go to a movie .

  初中一年级英语下册重点 5

  1.过去分词作状语表示被动或完成,但有些过去分词(短语)因来源于系表结构,作状语时不表动作而表状态。这样的过去分词(短语)常见的有: lost (迷路); seated (坐); absorbed in (全神贯注于); dressed in (穿着); tired of (厌烦)等。如:

  Absorbed in deep thought, he didn’t hear the sound.因为沉浸在思考之中,所以他没听到那个声音。


  Caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet.因为淋了一场大雨,所以他全身湿透了。

  (Caught in a heavy rain相当于原因状语从句Because he was caught in a heavy rain)

  Grown in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast.如果种在肥沃的土壤里,这些种子能长得很快。

  (Grown in rich soil相当于条件状语从句If these seeds are grown in rich soil)



  ②把状语从句改为过去分词作状语时有时还可保留连词,构成“连词+过去分词”结构作状语,即“while (when, once, until, if, though等连词)+过去分词”结构。如:

  When given a medical examination, you should keep calm.当你做体格检查时要保持镇定。

  Though beaten by the opposite team, the players didn’t lose heart.











